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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Saudi Journalist: Obowma -President Of the United Collapse Of America
11/28/2009 5:24:26 PM
Hello Friends,

I found the below article very interesting especially when you consider that it was written by a Saudi Arabian journalist. I guess B Hussein Obowma's bowing and subservience to the Saudi King and his quest to defend, promote and advocate for everything about Islam can't help this pathetic president in the Islamic world. Maybe when he flies the flag of the caliphate over the White House they'll be satisfied.

It's interesting to note that even the Muslims can see that Obowma is destroying the United States a fact that isn't evident to all Americans.......yet. Many will wake up to this sad fact when they realize that their $ is a dead currency and is worthless as far as the world is concerned and that the US is bankrupt. The writing is on the wall and they can't be bothered to read it.



November 25, 2009No. 2668
Saudi Columnist: Obama Will Be President of the 'United Collapse of America'

In a November 16, 2009 op-ed in the London-based Saudi daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, Hamad Al-Majed, founder of the Saudi National Human Rights Association and a lecturer in education, mourns the U.S.'s military, political, and economic collapse. He pointed out that the U.S.'s failures are affecting many countries, and that the countries fighting terror should be particularly concerned.

Al-Majed writes that Barack Obama is the first blackpresident of the United States of America, but may also soon bepresident of the “United Collapse of America.”

Following are excerpts from Al-Majed's op-ed:

"The acknowledgement, in a survey [by] the U.S. military, thatthe morale of its troops fighting on the Afghanistan front isplummeting does not surprise me. It would be surprising if morale werenot plummeting. The hardest thing for any army in the world is toconvince its soldiers and brigade commanders of the benefit of the war.

"Such a survey is a good indication that these troops are notsufficiently convinced [of the justice] of the war. This is why theTaliban's morale is higher and its fighting is better than those of thealliance led by the U.S. The number of volunteer fighters in theTaliban's ranks has doubled... as has the number of their attacks...

"As the morale of the American troops [in Afghanistan] falls,the morale of the American troops in Iraq rises - not because theirfighting situation is any better, but because the U.S. government hasinformed the troops in Iraq of the beginning of a gradual withdrawalfrom [that country].

"Another symptom of the U.S.' political collapse, [also linked]to our burning region, is the announcement by [Palestinian Authority]President Mahmoud 'Abbas, the ally of the U.S., that he does not intendto run in the PA presidential election. Regardless of whether [hisstatement] is sincere or [mere] acrobatics... his statements... smackof admonition and vexation vis-à-vis his ally the U.S., to the point ofanger. In truth, Abu Mazen [i.e. 'Abbas] should not be condemned, sincehe sees his bitter rival Hamas in control, and highly popular even inthe West Bank...

"Abu Mazen counted on his friendship with the U.S. when he[tried to] persuade its leaders to pressure Israel to at least freezethe Zionist settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. Butthe U.S. disregarded Abu Mazen and the embarrassment it was causinghim, while the Israeli government continued to extend its settlements.This [situation] benefitted two rival sides - Israel and Hamas: Israel[could continue] plundering, and Hamas gained greater popularity whenit waved the slogan 'We told you so!'

"Another collapse was in Somalia... The Somali president, whomthe U.S. considers [politically] desirable, promised that he wouldregain control of the capital Mogadishu from the armed Islamicmovements. This is a news item that should be noticed, because it is aman-bites-dog situation. It makes sense to see the end of the attacksby these groups as an achievement. But if a president's attempt toregain control of his capital is considered an achievement, then thisis the mother of all collapses.

"On the economic level, several American banks collapsedrecently and declared bankruptcy. These banks join several morerespectable American banks that went bankrupt as Obama began his termin office. Also, the unemployment rate [is evidence of] collapse - somuch so that it looks to the observer like a car with no brakes going[down a slope].

"If the U.S. sneezes, the entire world catches a cold. Itspolitical collapse in its war on terror, together with its economiccollapse, have made the entire world sink into a political and economicquagmire. No one knows how our star will emerge from the maelstrom.

"The failures of the U.S. in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somaliawill have an impact on the countries that are fighting terrorism andextremism. These countries must prepare for the stage that followsthese collapses and retreats - because there is no criticalAmerican/Western victory on the horizon in the fight against [extremismand terrorism].

"Obama fought tooth and nail to be the first black president ofthe U.S., and he was successful at it. But in the future he may alsogain the title of 'President of the United Collapse of America.'"

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/29/2009 6:51:14 PM
According to present results from the Switzerland voting and seemingly final;

In my opinion that should make it safer for skiing down their ski slopes
this winter!
Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/29/2009 8:14:18 PM
According to present results from the Switzerland voting and seemingly final;

In my opinion that should make it safer for skiing down their ski slopes
this winter!

Hi Robert,

I saw that earlier on the news. It's comforting to see that some countries are starting to take action and this one step might be a sign of awakening and realizing the dangers of Islam and especially radical Islam.

Not only the slopes will be safer this winter.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The Swan Song Of Dubai? "Time To Say Goodbye" - Dubai Fountain
11/29/2009 10:00:48 PM
Hello Friends,

Dubai is defaulting on payments of her debts and is creating a shadow over the financial situation of the region. No doubt all her financing was done under Sharia banking some of which with American banking institutions.

In any case she is on the verge of going bankrupt and only time will tell how this will affect the Middle East.

I came upon this video showing the magnificent Dubai Fountain. Without a doubt one of the most beautiful I've seen. The irony of the video is the music chosen for this particular broadcast. "Time To Say Goodbye". I wonder how much longer this beautiful creation will be around and if this is the swan song of the magnificence of Dubai.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Phylls Chesler's - Why Is The US Still Allied With Saudi Arabia?
11/30/2009 5:35:53 AM
Hello Friends,

I read this article a few days ago written by Phyllis Chesler and decided to share it with you. For those that are not familiar with Phyllis and her works you can read her bio here.

The topic is why is America still allied with Saudi Arabia. A good question when you consider it is one of the most oppressive of regimes and it's human right violations are to numerous to mention here. Under the veneer and facade of being a moderate nation it is one of the worst and has a history of supporting terrorism world wide.

One of the reasons that the US is still allied with them is B Hussein's love for all that is Islam. Remember his infamous speeches in Cairo and Istanbul where the theme was respect all that Islam stands for? Yep, that sort of gives you an inclination of this mans blindness, love and belief in Islam. Oh yes, let's not forget his famous bow to his liege the Saudi King.

Phyllis's article is an important read especially for woman since it touches on the violations of woman's rights under Islam and in the Saudi Kingdom.



Why is America Still Allied with Saudi Arabia?

– by Phyllis Chesler

Saudis: Exporters of Radical Islamic Propaganda, Torturers and Rapists at Home

The Saudi mutawas (“morality police”) are terrifying. Like vultures,they swoop down on their vulnerable prey, especially women, and thensend them straight to Hell. The “long beards” curse and beat theirfemale prisoner, totally terrify her; then, they throw her into a dark,medieval dungeon, (assume the worst here). They remove her only inorder to gang-rape and torture her—all presumably in the name of Islam.Her crime? In one instance, although the woman was a foreign national,she dared to take a taxi downtown without a male escort.

Riskingthe wrath of the religious police, a woman in Mecca, Saudi Arabia,loosens her veil to eat an ice cream HASAN JAMALI / AP

Remind me: Why are we still allies with Saudi Arabia? Why didPresident Obama bow to the King who presides over such Hell? Can wefind no oil elsewhere, no other sources of energy? Do Americans reallyunderstand what goes on in Saudi Arabia? Have we forgotten that theSaudis have single-handedly exported Wahhabi fundamentalism andpropaganda that has poisoned both westerners and those in the east—andhave funded western universities and media as well? Does anyoneremember that 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia? Orthat Osama bin Laden is a Saudi? Do we not understand that the Kingdomhas funded bin Laden? And that they have funded many influentialIslamic “charities” in North America? Please read Stephen SuleymanSchwartz’s excellent piece on this here.

Yes, I know: The Saudi rulers oppose Al Qaeda who would overrun thesands were the House of Saud to ever quit the desert. And yet: Are weaware, even dimly, of how very barbaric the Saudi rulers themselvesare—despite all their suave, smooth, westernized, glitzy exteriors? Dowe understand what it means to live in the 8th or 9th centuries?

Prometheus Books is about to publish a book by Sami Alrabaa which is called Veiled Atrocities: True Stories of Oppression in Saudi Arabia.Once I picked it up, I literally could not put it down. Alrabaa is aprofessor of anthropology and sociology who, for five years, chaired adepartment of European Languages and Translation at King SaudUniversity.

Mary Laurel Ross has also just published a very good book about Saudi Arabia. Veiled Honor (Father’sPress) is based on Ross’s having lived in the Kingdom for nearlyfifteen years as the wife of an American military officer. The book isbased on the many letters she sent her mother-in-law, who carefullykept them all. Like Alrabaa, Ross’s book does not whitewash thenormalization of atrocities in the Kingdom as so many of the earlierbooks about Saudi Arabia once did.

I will review both books at a later date. The atrocities are visitedupon both men and women, and definitely upon foreign workers andforeign nationals.

However, today, I want to focus on one story only which concernswoman’s inhumanity to woman—which is also the subject and title of my book, which has just been reissued with a new introduction. This story is contained in the opening chapter of Alrabaa’s book.

Al Rabaa tells the story of Karin (presumably a pseudonym), a Germanwoman who took a taxi downtown and got arrested for doing so. Throwninto a dungeon, beaten, raped, traumatized, no one knew where she was.Finally, a married Saudi man (alas, one to whom she was alreadyattracted), moved heaven and earth to rescue her. He got her releasedafter having her German husband deported and after marrying her withoutKarin even being present. A well connected Saudi man can rescue hiswife from prison. Satam moved Karin into the home he shared with hisfirst wife Fatima and their children. Satam soon lost interest in Karinand spent long hours away from home. But Karin was already pregnant.Here’s how Fatima handled the situation.

First, around midnight, while Karin was sleeping, Fatima put on loudArabic music, came into Karin’s room and “slammed a massive stick downonto my stomach…I screamed for help. ‘No one is going to hear you,Gahba (whore)!’” The first wife kept swinging the stick at her. Karinfled. Finally, Satam got Karin her own apartment. Whereupon, Fatimastarted calling her to “harass and terrorize me…she spread rumors thatI had a boyfriend who secretly came to visit me.” In fact, Fatimaenlisted relatives in an elaborate scheme to entrap Karin and to reportall such concocted suspicious doings to Satam.

But here is the most evil thing that Fatima did. Because Mimi, theirhousemaid, was helpful to Karin, Fatima reported Mimi to the mutawa for“fornication.” The fact that this was totally untrue made nodifference. Once Mimi was arrested, Prince Salman signed her deathwarrant. Satam could do nothing to reverse this decree. Thus, thefollowing Friday, after prayers, the appropriate verses from the Qu’ranhaving been read, Mimi was stoned to death. The two Indian men she wasaccused of “fornicating” with (shopkeepers, where Mimi was shopping forKarin) each received one hundred lashes.

The graphic description of Mimi’s stoning is too awful for me to repeat.

I am waiting for Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama tospell out precisely what American policy should be vis a vis SaudiArabia given their barbaric record on human rights and their major rolein funding and exporting Islamic Jihad globally.

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Peter Fogel
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