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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The Fall Of The Republic - This Is Not A Fairy Tale
11/23/2009 1:57:08 AM
Hello Friends,

During the past few weeks I've written about Lord Monckton's warnings about the hoax of global warming and the Copenhagen agreement herewith 5 videos on the subject. A very important issue that certainly deserves your time to learn about the greatest scam of the century.

He isn't alone in his fight to educate the brain washed masses to what Gore calls a "consensus" of scientists while the true consensus of the scientists is totally against the fraudulent reports. The problem is that people have been brainwashed by the media, the politicians,corporations and other leaders lead today by B Hussein Obowma. The whole hoax was started by Gore who for some reason refuses to debate the issue openly with any of those that are able to prove that all his so called scientific proof is no more then gibberish "sold" to a dumbed down society in many different ways.

Cap & Trade along with ObamaCare are forms of enslavement that will virtually leave the citizens of the US at the mercy of the overlords.

Most of B Hussein's agendas are geared to take away the freedoms that are the
inherent right of all Americans Like Cap & Trade, ObamaCare, his Islamic plan, loss of freedom of speech and more. One of the most frightening is his plan for a civilian army that will do his bidding and control the innocent citizenry of America. Did you know that he is training the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts as part of this civilian Army?

I watched a series of 14 videos about the Fall of the Republic. Well worth watching. You can decide for yourselves whether the warnings are for real or propaganda against the ONE and his masters. For those that prefer to believe that the galactic fairy tale stories are going to save them I recommend they watch and see who their Sirian really works for.

In order not to make this post overly long I'll post only the first 5 videos but all 14 are easily accessible on the Youtube site. I will supply all the links for the videos.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Interesting Cartoon
11/23/2009 4:50:29 AM
Hello Friends,

This cartoon sorta is self explanatory.



Thanks Atlas Shrugs.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Water For Gaza?
11/23/2009 5:56:00 AM
Hello Friends,

Here are a few interesting things for you to think about.

You are all aware of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. I'm sure you've heard of the incessant rockets and mortars (over 10,000)fired by Hamas from Gaza for over 9 years and that Israel was finally forced to defended herself against these rockets (oh for shame!! Imagine that defending herself; how disgraceful according to Goldstone!) and the fighting in late December and January this year.

I'm also sure you've heard about all the terrorist attacks and suicide bombings by Hamas terrorists (and Fatah too) in Israel.

What I'm not sure you know is that Israel supplies Gaza with all their electricity and water needs aside from many other essential goods despite the attacks and fighting. Hmmm, I wonder why you didn't knowa bout that?

Well all the above is to give you a bit of understanding about today's Dry Bones. The water supplied to Gaza is produced by the desalination plant in Ashkelon and believe it or not Hamas targets the plant and if they hit it they'll be without water.Hmmmm, sorta makes you think if this is a new sort of suicide bombing.



The world's largest reverse osmosis desalination plant (and a target of Gazan missiles) is in the Ashkelon area. The desalination plantprovides fresh water to Israel and supplies Gaza with its drinkingwater. The Israeli government plans to build four more plants whichwill make the country water independent.

The Ashkelon plant hasbeen targeted by Gazan missiles. A Gazan missile hit would hurt Israelbut would also stop all the fresh water flow to Gaza. Which, of course,gave me the idea for today's cartoon.

The story of Israel'stechnological advances in converting sea water to fresh drinking waterprobably didn't make it to your local newspaper (or the InternationalMedia for that matter) but here's a recent piece from Popular Mechanics:

"TheAshkelon Desalination Plant, which opened in 2005, converts more than26 billion gallons of Mediterranean Sea water into fresh water for theState of Israel each year—5 to 6 percent of total demand. Ashkelon isnot only the largest reverse-osmosis desalination plant in the world,it's also one of the few public plants to recover waste heat to improveefficiency and reduce costs." -more
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/23/2009 9:03:04 AM

Sounds like....

Hmmm ... I shall not say, but the Clinton couple sure have a problem as to who’s to wear the trousers in their ménage!

Scroll down a little to watch this video.


Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/23/2009 11:39:33 AM

Sounds like....

Hmmm ... I shall not say, but the Clinton couple sure have a problem as to who’s to wear the trousers in their ménage!

Scroll down a little to watch this video.


Not sure about that Robert. With Monica there was no doubt who was wearing the pants BUT, I do believe there is some competition between them.

Hillary was here a few weeks ago and succeeded in pissing off both the Israelis and the Palestinians. Bill was here last week and he too pissed a few people off from both sides. So they appear to be in the appeasement mode like their boss B Hussein Obowma the great appeaser that fails time after time in spite of of his appeasement.

What a shameful regime with a cast of goons, bullies and appeasers.

BTW, I thought the video was hillary-ous. :)


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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