The more you appease evil, the uglier it gets .....Pamela Geller
Hi Helen,
Pamela's sure got that right. And B Hussein Obowma is the great appeaser of all time and unfortunately we'll learn that not only will evil get uglier but he himself and his agenda's are inherently evil.
Hello Peter
I don't usually disagree with you but this time I disagree, well, sort of .....
I don't know Obowma's heart but everything he is doing makes it looks like he IS the evil, not the appeaser, that he is Muslim. Islam is the evil. Muslim leaders love to see us grovel. They love to see us show our fear.
Showing our fear is the worse thing we can do because then they know they've got us. As they say, it is only a matter of time. People, DO NOT BE AFRAID! At least, do not show your fear! Do not bow down to their demands. Let's stand up to them and not appease them. If they don't like our laws, let them go to where there is Sharia laws but we should not be changing our laws or culture for them or anyone. If we went to live in their country, would they accommodate us. No way! We would get the sword above the neck from one side of the neck to the other.
What would happen to us if the Muslims did take over? Would our fear, our appeasements save us from the sword. NO, it would not! What would happen to us if the Muslims tried to take over and we were NOT afraid to speak out and to stand up to them with our arms and military? If we lost, we would get the sword but wouldn't we get it anyway? So if we are going to go down, let's go down bravely! But we don't have to go down if we don't let the politicians give everything away. We can do this! We can win! What would happen if we won and subdued the Muslims? We would be glad we took a stand! We would not get the sword. Anything else we might do is unthinkable! Appeasement will not work!
One of the reasons a wife-beater gets away with beating his wife for as long as he does is because as long as she is afraid, he knows he's got her where he wants her. When she stands up to the coward, he backs down. History has shown us that Muslims are no different. We must stand up to them. We must stop them from coming into our respective countries and working our laws and freedoms against us for their ends. They are already bragging how they expect to take over the US from within the country and within the government without a fight. They will make one little demand after another until they've got it all. They say it right to our face, as it were, and we just stand there and smile sweetly. How sickening!
Let me tell you a story. It may not seem relevant but please bear with me. There was a rather petite woman who was married to a big burly Irishman. On paydays, he would go to the bar and come home drunk. It was at those times that he would beat his wife. He never did it when he was sober. One day she decided she'd had enough. So she had a neighbor keep the kids overnight. When her husband came home, he laid another beating on her. She waited until he passed out on the bed. She, then, tied his hands and feet to the bed. Then she began to whip him with a willow switch she had gotten just for this job. She made him promise that if he was drinking, he was never to come home while he was drunk. Whap! Whap! "Do you promise?" Whap! Well, the man stopped drinking entirely, even on paydays he came home sober. And not only that, he began bragging about what a spunky wife he had.
My grampa beat my gramma continually but one day Dad who had become a strapping young man told grampa in no uncertain terms that if he beat gramma again, he was going to beat the c...p out of his dad. His dad (grampa) never touched gramma again.
The point is appeasement doesn't work with these type of people and it doesn't work with Muslims. It does not matter what we do to try to appease them, when they think the time is right, out will come the sword and it will 'smite' us 'above our necks' from one side of the head to the other. And they won't care if the sword is dull and rusty. The guillotine would be a blessing compared to what they have in store for us. The Quran says, "....I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks..."Surah 8:12. Satan is a diligent teacher, is he not?
(These people are demon possessed. The Bible tells us that the demons have to flee when the name of Jesus is spoken. Remember that.)
It is the other politicians and the media who are doing the appeasing of evil. They know not what they are doing. Do they really think that the Muslims will stop doing what the Quran commands in exchange for a few caresses from us? They are already acting as though we owe it to them to change our laws and everything for them but it won't appease them in the long run because the goal is to have the whole world be under Islam or be dead.
Did you think you would see the day when your children would not be able to pray in school or to take a Bible to school to read during lunch breaks and recesses. They aren't even allowed to wear a T-shirt to school if it says, "Jesus loves you." But they are now, as we speak, setting aside rooms in some schools for Muslim children to pray. What an outrage! Our own children cannot pray but their children can? And that's just the beginning! Muslims are demanding places to pray in the workplace and time off to do it.
The politicians and the people in the media need to know giving the Muslim these things will not make one iota of difference when it is time to begin using the sword. This is the legacy they (the media, et al) are leaving for their own children because they are too afraid to take a stand. They, too, are nothing but a bunch of cowards.
The liberals, the media and others want to settle everything with "talks" and treaties and agreements, etc. How can you accomplish anything with someone who sitting there lying about everything and who does not consider that an agreement needs to be kept if it was made with an "infidel"?
Politicians need to listen to what is coming out of the Muslims' own mouth. If need be, we must educate them by sending links to videos etc. One thing you have to give the Muslims is that they are not hiding their evil intentions. Their intentions are plastered all over the internet. We cannot say we had no way of knowing.
Palestinians who now are no longer Muslims, such as Walid Shoebat and others, say that Bush did the right thing by jumping on the terrorists immediately. This is why the Muslims hated Bush but love Obama. Why the people of the US would vote for someone that the terrorists wanted in the US gov't is beyond me.
Does anyone want to hear what the Muslims are saying and doing? Then go to: www.tangle.com and type the word "Muslim" in the Search box (without the quotes). Go to: www.memri.com (or it is .org?). Go to YouTube. Look up what it says in the Quran by Searching the web for Quran or Koran. You will find things that are unbelievable coming from the Muslims' own lips and their so-called "holy" books. We don't even have to make up stories about them. They do all the talking themselves. Their own words tell us the evil intents of their heart. They do it because they want us to be afraid because fear makes us powerless. Let's stop being afraid! Let's say, "It's enough!" Let's take a stand. Maybe all those other wars in Korea and Vietnam were stupid but maybe this one against Islam is not.
Here's an example of what you will find when you research 'Muslim' and be prepared to be disgusted:
Sharia (Islamic) Law: Cruel and Usual Punishment - Nonie Darwish (1 of 2)
As one minister says after giving bad news, have a nice afternoon. :))