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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Good News Obowma Plummets In The Approval Ratings
11/19/2009 2:10:52 PM
Hello Friends,

You know B Hussein Obowma is overseas again and as usual he's talking freedoms there he isn't actually giving the American people.

He talks of a free internet in China but is trying to create restrictions in the US.

He talks of freedom of speech there but at home if anyone disagrees with him he goes on the 'list" and the WH tries to destroy them and the bills with more restrictions on the freedoms Americans have as a right.

He keeps on Bashing America and expects the world to respect him and the US. It's just not going to happen. As an outcome his ratings here at home along with his Marxist/Socialistic and Islamic agendas are finally causing his popularity to drop and drop drastically. I certainly hope this is a sign he'll be a one term "wonder" like his icon peanut brain Carter. B Hussein did outdo Carter and he's now considered the worst ever president in the history of the US a title peanut brain used to hold. Imagine that.

Have a look at the latest approval ratings B Hussein Obowma got. For those that oppose him it's a pretty sight. Let's hope it'll keep on diving!

What the United States needs most now is a new breed of politician and there are a few out there that fit the bill. Below is another article from one them. Lt. Col. (R) Allen West. A real breath of fresh air and we need many more like him.



15 November 2009
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired)

Fakes, Phonies, and Frauds”

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.Greek Philosopher, Plato 429-347 BC

Greetings fellow South Florida riders, South Floridians, and Americans,here we are for another monthly installment of our Wheels on the Road(WOTR) political assessment. As this issue hits I wish you all a HappyThanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, and Merry Christmas……sorry, I am atraditional Southern fella that does not get this “Holiday” stuff.

Last month I discussed our being one year away from the most criticalmid-term elections our Nation may ever know. We defined the differencebetween conservative and post-modern liberal political ideologies. Inthis past month we saw two very interesting Gubernatorial elections,well some of us missed them as WH Spokesman Robert Gibbs said thePresident was watching basketball. In case he still does not know theRepublicans won in New Jersey and Virginia.

We are about to close out what has been an incrediblytumultuous year, the first under Emperor Obama…..townhall in China,give me a break!

I truly believe that it is necessary to consider Plato’s timeless quote and ponder, how does it apply to the elections of 2010?

Webster defines the word charlatan as “a fraud, quack, impostor”.

In this past year we have witnessed several instances of individuals that have perpetrated fraud against the American people. And our Country is plagued with charlatans.

We are all quite familiar with the Bernie Madoff case whichdevastated many people here in South Florida, quite a few in FloridaCongressional district 22. So many people placed their trust in what wenow know was an elaborate “ponzi scheme”. The life savings of countlessindividuals was lost.

Just recently we have experienced another such case in the Ft Lauderdale area with a local lawyernamed Scott Rothstein. The dollar amounts are not in the same strata asMadoff, only $1Billion, but that is still a pretty substantial number.One would think that we would be more attuned after the realization ofwhat Madoff had executed.

But on an even greater scale we see the future and legacy ofour Republic being stolen away by those who truly are our inferiors,impostors.

We have a Secretary of the Treasury, head of the Internal Revenue Service,who cheated on his own taxes. We have Congressman Charlie Rangel, whois the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, keeper of our67,000 page tax code. It has come to our attention that CongressmanRangel has also cheated against the document for which he is charged tokeep. How is it that these individuals who have knowingly committedacts of fraud are in positions to govern us?

This year we have learned that we have members of Congress whohave admitted that they do not read the legislation presented. I cannotconsider this in any other term than being negligent in executing theirduties, indeed committing fraud against those whom they should berepresenting.

I am sure there are multitudes of examples that we all can bring tomind from local to the federal levels of government. Former LouisianaCongressman William Jefferson recently received a 13 year prisonsentence for his corruption while serving in office; just anotherexample of acharlatan.

I will not speak of our current President because the examples are toonumerous to count. What I will speak of is the fact that leaders make adecision; they don’t vote “present”. However, as Benjamin Franklinstated, “sometimes you get the government you want, other times you getthe government you deserve”.

How is it that over the course of the years our Great Republic has ended up being governed by lesser men, and women? Nancy Pelosi and my Congressional opponent Ron Klein are prime examples.

There is a simple answer; America has forgotten what leadership is.

As this year ends and we head into the election cycle of 2010 we mustonce again remember what comprises leadership. The individuals who nowsit in key positions in our Country would have never been able to setus on course233 years ago to establish this “more perfect union” theUnited States of America.

Having spent 22 years in active duty service I have had thedistinct honor to serve with an array of incredible men and women. Iwould like to share with you what I have been taught leadership to be.

Leadership has five basic components; the first is courage, not justphysical courage but also moral courage to stand, sometimes alone, inorder to do that which is right. It is about having a unique qualitythat in times of a trying crisis steps forth and exhibits itself inactions that are selfless and display uncommon virtue, valor, andresolve.

The second component is competence which is an ability to anticipate aproblem, analyze viable solutions, and execute a decision. It is trulya talent that is necessary as America faces some of the most pressingissues in our economy, national security, energy independence, andillegal immigration. Competence knows no partisan agenda but seeks that which is best for those whom a leader is called to lead.

The third component is conviction which relates to one having a strongbelief. What we need now more than ever are men and women who have astrong belief in America and its Constitution.America is a Republic and what is a fundamental principle of a Republicis adherence to Rule of Law….and that is our Constitution.

A conviction in America would have precluded the passing of the insidious healthcare legislation last week, in the wee hours.

The fourth component is commitment. In the military we all takean oath to our Constitution, to support and defend it, against allenemies foreign and domestic. We have a bondto our Brother and Sister Warriors. America now needs leaders who arecommitted to the American people, not their own self-interest andcertainly not special interest, foreign or domestic.

Finally, leadership is about character, and for me that isdefined by “doing what is right when no one is watching”. Far too manyof those who are inferior to us have risen to positions of governance,only to make deals and decisions in hiding.

If our Country is to survive for another 233 years we mustregain an ability to assess leadership. And in the coming year therewill be many parading before us for support to gain that special honorto govern….yours truly is one of them.

Therefore, as 2009 ends and we head to 2010 we must becomeengaged in politics. Judge any of us with the hardest of scrutiny andask the tough questions. Remember that leadership is not about having anice image or giving pretty prepared speeches.

Leadership is about courage, competence, conviction,commitment, and character. Let us not allow the maxim of Plato to againdefine our Country. Let us no longer be led byfakes, phonies, and frauds.

Steadfast and Loyal!
LTC(R) A B West

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jim Allen

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/19/2009 3:57:18 PM
Hello Friends,

You know B Hussein Obowma is overseas again and as usual he's talking freedoms there he isn't actually giving the American people.

He talks of a free internet in China but is trying to create restrictions in the US.

He talks of freedom of speech there but at home if anyone disagrees with him he goes on the 'list" and the WH tries to destroy them and the bills with more restrictions on the freedoms Americans have as a right.

He keeps on Bashing America and expects the world to respect him and the US. It's just not going to happen. As an outcome his ratings here at home along with his Marxist/Socialistic and Islamic agendas are finally causing his popularity to drop and drop drastically. I certainly hope this is a sign he'll be a one term "wonder" like his icon peanut brain Carter. B Hussein did outdo Carter and he's now considered the worst ever president in the history of the US a title peanut brain used to hold. Imagine that.

Have a look at the latest approval ratings B Hussein Obowma got. For those that oppose him it's a pretty sight. Let's hope it'll keep on diving!

What the United States needs most now is a new breed of politician and there are a few out there that fit the bill. Below is another article from one them. Lt. Col. (R) Allen West. A real breath of fresh air and we need many more like him.



15 November 2009
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Retired)

Fakes, Phonies, and Frauds”

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.Greek Philosopher, Plato 429-347 BC

Greetings fellow South Florida riders, South Floridians, and Americans,here we are for another monthly installment of our Wheels on the Road(WOTR) political assessment. As this issue hits I wish you all a HappyThanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, and Merry Christmas……sorry, I am atraditional Southern fella that does not get this “Holiday” stuff.

Last month I discussed our being one year away from the most criticalmid-term elections our Nation may ever know. We defined the differencebetween conservative and post-modern liberal political ideologies. Inthis past month we saw two very interesting Gubernatorial elections,well some of us missed them as WH Spokesman Robert Gibbs said thePresident was watching basketball. In case he still does not know theRepublicans won in New Jersey and Virginia.

We are about to close out what has been an incrediblytumultuous year, the first under Emperor Obama…..townhall in China,give me a break!

I truly believe that it is necessary to consider Plato’s timeless quote and ponder, how does it apply to the elections of 2010?

Webster defines the word charlatan as “a fraud, quack, impostor”.

In this past year we have witnessed several instances of individuals that have perpetrated fraud against the American people. And our Country is plagued with charlatans.

We are all quite familiar with the Bernie Madoff case whichdevastated many people here in South Florida, quite a few in FloridaCongressional district 22. So many people placed their trust in what wenow know was an elaborate “ponzi scheme”. The life savings of countlessindividuals was lost.

Just recently we have experienced another such case in the Ft Lauderdale area with a local lawyernamed Scott Rothstein. The dollar amounts are not in the same strata asMadoff, only $1Billion, but that is still a pretty substantial number.One would think that we would be more attuned after the realization ofwhat Madoff had executed.

But on an even greater scale we see the future and legacy ofour Republic being stolen away by those who truly are our inferiors,impostors.

We have a Secretary of the Treasury, head of the Internal Revenue Service,who cheated on his own taxes. We have Congressman Charlie Rangel, whois the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, keeper of our67,000 page tax code. It has come to our attention that CongressmanRangel has also cheated against the document for which he is charged tokeep. How is it that these individuals who have knowingly committedacts of fraud are in positions to govern us?

This year we have learned that we have members of Congress whohave admitted that they do not read the legislation presented. I cannotconsider this in any other term than being negligent in executing theirduties, indeed committing fraud against those whom they should berepresenting.

I am sure there are multitudes of examples that we all can bring tomind from local to the federal levels of government. Former LouisianaCongressman William Jefferson recently received a 13 year prisonsentence for his corruption while serving in office; just anotherexample of acharlatan.

I will not speak of our current President because the examples are toonumerous to count. What I will speak of is the fact that leaders make adecision; they don’t vote “present”. However, as Benjamin Franklinstated, “sometimes you get the government you want, other times you getthe government you deserve”.

How is it that over the course of the years our Great Republic has ended up being governed by lesser men, and women? Nancy Pelosi and my Congressional opponent Ron Klein are prime examples.

There is a simple answer; America has forgotten what leadership is.

As this year ends and we head into the election cycle of 2010 we mustonce again remember what comprises leadership. The individuals who nowsit in key positions in our Country would have never been able to setus on course233 years ago to establish this “more perfect union” theUnited States of America.

Having spent 22 years in active duty service I have had thedistinct honor to serve with an array of incredible men and women. Iwould like to share with you what I have been taught leadership to be.

Leadership has five basic components; the first is courage, not justphysical courage but also moral courage to stand, sometimes alone, inorder to do that which is right. It is about having a unique qualitythat in times of a trying crisis steps forth and exhibits itself inactions that are selfless and display uncommon virtue, valor, andresolve.

The second component is competence which is an ability to anticipate aproblem, analyze viable solutions, and execute a decision. It is trulya talent that is necessary as America faces some of the most pressingissues in our economy, national security, energy independence, andillegal immigration. Competence knows no partisan agenda but seeks that which is best for those whom a leader is called to lead.

The third component is conviction which relates to one having a strongbelief. What we need now more than ever are men and women who have astrong belief in America and its Constitution.America is a Republic and what is a fundamental principle of a Republicis adherence to Rule of Law….and that is our Constitution.

A conviction in America would have precluded the passing of the insidious healthcare legislation last week, in the wee hours.

The fourth component is commitment. In the military we all takean oath to our Constitution, to support and defend it, against allenemies foreign and domestic. We have a bondto our Brother and Sister Warriors. America now needs leaders who arecommitted to the American people, not their own self-interest andcertainly not special interest, foreign or domestic.

Finally, leadership is about character, and for me that isdefined by “doing what is right when no one is watching”. Far too manyof those who are inferior to us have risen to positions of governance,only to make deals and decisions in hiding.

If our Country is to survive for another 233 years we mustregain an ability to assess leadership. And in the coming year therewill be many parading before us for support to gain that special honorto govern….yours truly is one of them.

Therefore, as 2009 ends and we head to 2010 we must becomeengaged in politics. Judge any of us with the hardest of scrutiny andask the tough questions. Remember that leadership is not about having anice image or giving pretty prepared speeches.

Leadership is about courage, competence, conviction,commitment, and character. Let us not allow the maxim of Plato to againdefine our Country. Let us no longer be led byfakes, phonies, and frauds.

Steadfast and Loyal!
LTC(R) A B West


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Sarah Palin Makes Huge Impact In Spite Of MSM
11/20/2009 7:28:44 AM
Hello Friends,

Sarah Palin is making more of an impact then all her belittlers could have imagined. She's outspoken and is talking about the right things and is not pussy footing with the PC that's controlling the MSM and so many politicians.

Let's hope that other conservatives and Republicans along with Democrats that see the downfall of the US under the present regime will start acting like they should and not hide behind the PC debacle. There are some that are showing the courage to say what has to be said but the majority aren't. Let's hope that she'll pave the way for others to show the fortitude to oppose the present regime and show them up for what they are.

Here's an interesting interview with Sarah Palin.



Exclusive: Palin Slams Obama for Bowing, Breaking Promises

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 7:53 PM
By: David A. Patten

In an exclusive Newsmax interview, former vice-presidentialcandidate Sarah Palin on Tuesday sharply criticized President Obama'sdeep bow to the emperor of Japan, and charged Democrats "purposefully"are holding back details on their healthcare reform proposals from theAmerican people to avoid an open debate.

On tour promoting her best-selling book, “Going Rogue: AnAmerican Life,” the former Alaska governor also told Newsmax she was soembarrassed by a Newsweek magazine cover depicting her in runningshorts that she sent an e-mail to her family saying "I almost feel likeI have to apologize."

Palin cited the contrast between Obama's comportment in bowingto Japanese royalty and the leadership style of former President RonaldReagan.

"There is where his steel spine strengthened our entirenation," she said of the Republican icon. "The leadership he provided,where he allowed us to believe in ourselves as a superpower — not in anabusive way as a superpower, but as a power and a light and a hope forthe rest of the world.

“That allowed us to be a healthier, safer, and more generousnation to help other nations. So those things that Ronald Reagan did .. . he said on national security issues, he said you know: 'We win.They lose.' Leadership like that we need today. [It] allows a veryclear path in front of us we'd be foolish not to follow."

In criticizing the bow, Palin underscored the distinctionbetween Reagan's view of American exceptionalism and President Obama'sefforts to cast America as but one member of the community of nations.

"That [bow] made me and many of us uncomfortable, and I don'tthink it was just an accidental breach of protocol, because we've seenit before with one of the Saudi leaders, too," Palin told Newsmax. "Ithink it goes along with that same mode of operation that wasapologizing for who America is. In order to build relationships withother countries and strengthen our allies and allow more alliancesacross the globe, we don't need to apologize for who we are. In fact, Ithink we would be respected to an even greater degree if we exertedmore of the diplomatic power that, again, Ronald Reagan did."

Palin, who was a lightning rod for criticism during thepresidential campaign, warned that America is in "a dangerous placeeconomically" because Congress is debating healthcare reforms thatwould affect up to one-sixth of the U.S. economy, without keeping thepublic informed about exactly what provisions are being proposed. Andshe doesn't think that void of information is accidental, either.

"There are so many questions right now that I'm like everyother American," Palin told Newsmax, "just kind of scratching my headsaying, 'When are we going to get the answers so that we can debatethis very responsibly and very intelligently?'

"I think it's purposeful that some in Washington, D.C., don'twant us to have all of the answers, so that the debate is more nebulousand puts more of the generalities out there. Even knowing what we doknow about it though, I think it is a very dangerous place forAmericans to be, to be told that the only solutions to the healthcarechallenges in our country . . . is that government has to take itover."

Palin, whose book was a runaway best-seller before it was evenreleased, charged that Obama has broken his promise to take atransparent, bipartisan approach to governance.

She noted the efforts of GOP Minority Leader Rep. John Boehnerand Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and others in Congress: "They'resaying, 'Hey, we've got some common-sense conservative solutions thatwe've put forth and were shut out of the discussions.

"That's a broken promise of Obama's and others in Congress,who promised an open, transparent, bipartisan approach to finding thesesolutions, and that's unfortunate. But these common-sense conservativeshave put forth solutions suggesting the intra- and interstatecompetition amongst healthcare providers, and the tort reform, and thewaste and fraud measures that can help address the rising cost problemsright now.

"Those things aren't even being considered in the billspending before Congress. Very frustrating for a lot of us as Americans,saying wait a minute, this isn't what we've bargained for."

Palin also gave Newsmax a behind-the-scenes account of hercandid reaction after she saw the controversial, critical Newsweekcover story, which she has criticized as "out of context" and "sexist."The magazine took an image of Palin posing in short running shorts,which she did for Runners World magazine to promote the benefits ofexercise, and splashed it on its recent cover.

Palin told Newsmax she was mortified.

"I fired off an e-mail to my daughters, to my sisters and mymom, and I said you know I almost feel like I have to apologize forsome of these surprises that happen in our lives here," she toldNewsmax. "I don't know why I felt like I had to apologize because Ididn't do anything wrong with it, but I didn't like it. But it was abit of a shot there by Newsweek that I thought was unnecessary and Ididn't like it."

Asked why some journalists in the mainstream media haveattacked her, she responded: "Maybe some people are really threatenedby just a normal everyday average American who is very blessed to havea megaphone right now, and doesn't want to squander or blow thisopportunity to get a common-sense conservative message out there heardacross the nation. I'm very blessed to have the opportunities that Ihave in speaking up for normal Americans."

Palin predicted that, in the 2010 mid-term elections, Americanswill look back at what Reagan did for the country and vote againstbig-spending incumbents.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - PC/MSM vs Alternative News Sources And Satire
11/20/2009 9:34:42 AM
Hello Friends,

Most of you understand by now that I have an aversion to political correctness and the biased reporting of the Main Stream Media. PC and MSM quite a juggling act when you're supposed to report on current events fairly and without bias. In today's world unfortunately that's almost impossible especially in the US where most of the major news networks (if you want to call them that) and printed media are parrots of what the B Hussein Obowma regime wants them to "report"(what a mockery).
Consequently many are going to alternative sources for news and current events and are getting a truer picture of what's happening then listening to the MSM gibberish.

Obviously the internet is the main source with bloggers and private news services that are doing a job far superior to anything MSM can supply and in most cases much closer to reality and the truth then the MSM is spouting.

As a result not only is the internet supplying news it's also supplying excellent sources for satire on current and world events. For those that appreciate the subtlety of satire will love the 2 videos below. In many cases satire reports more news and truths in their satire then MSM is capable of understanding in this day and age. The videos are in Hebrew with English subtitles.

Latmah is an online satirical media criticism website run and owned by Caroline Glick a well known international news person, reporter,columnist and commentator.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/20/2009 10:53:46 AM

An amazing speech of Ronald Reagan I am sure you know of Peter, and have maybe already posted further back. If that be the case I will not ask to be excused because it is worth every word that is said and should be drilled in again and again. There are many copies of this speech on YouTube, it just goes to show, this one was posted yesterday! It is absolutely similar to the others but obviously needs to be “spammed” or even put into all American signatures of forums, emails, blogs and websites as well as on the rear bumpers of your car if they provide for YouTube videos, one never knows what they come up with these days! LOL



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