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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/20/2009 11:29:03 AM
Hello Robert,

Thanks for the Regan video. I've already posted this video either in this thread or one of my other threads but as far as I'm concerned it can be posted on ever page of this forum.

He was a wise man and a president to be emulated and what we've got today is a sad joke that is doing everything that President Regan warned against.

It is well worth watching and just exchange the names with Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the goon squad.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - CAIR Demands Maine School To Allow Muslim Prayer Time
11/22/2009 8:27:25 AM
Hello Friends,

Creeping Jihad, Stealth Jihad and the ascendancy of shariah law in the US is becoming so commonplace that people are becoming complacent and blind to what's staring them in the face.

With all the laws banning God from the schools, currency, public places etc. With all the laws banning prayer in schools and most public places the Muslims have the audacity to demand special prayer time for a Muslim student in the Lewiston, Maine school district.

On a personal level I have no problem with prayer in the schools quite the opposite but when it applies to all the students and not to a minority that believe they are above the law and supreme to all others.

CAIR the Muslim group funded and backed by the Muslim Brotherhood and Muslim Countries is demanding that a special room and time for prayer for a Muslim student be set aside in order to allow her to pray within the confines of the school.

Read the article below for further details but understand that Islamic supremacy is part and parcel of jihad and it's way beyond the creeping and stealth stage.



Muslim advocacy group files complaint with Lewiston School Department

LEWISTON — A national Muslim civil rights organization has filed aformal request with the Lewiston School Department to allow a middleschool student to pray on school property. The group also wantsLewiston to modify existing policy and provide "constitutionallyprotected religious accommodation," such as a designated prayer room.

The group has also requested the school department institutediversity training for school staff, and to ensure the middle-schoolerwon't face retaliation because of her request to pray at the LewistonMiddle School.

According to the Washington, D.C.,-based Council on American-IslamicRelations, seventh-grader Nasra Aden had been routinely "prayingdiscreetly during her free time or lunch break in a corner of a schoolhallway." But, on Tuesday, CAIR asserts a teacher told Aden "never topray on school property" after Aden was seen preparing to kneel inprayer in a corner of one of the hallways.

After Aden told her mother, Jamad Warsame, what happened, Warsamespoke with school Principal Maureen Lachappelle and asked the school toaccommodate her daughter's desire to pray. According to CAIR, Warsame'srequest was rebuffed and she has been "forced to pick up her daughterevery day and take her to a nearby park to pray."

Lachappelle said Aden is not being forced to leave school to pray, butthat the district accommodated her mother's request for her to leavethe campus this past week for prayer.

Lewiston Superintendent Leon Levesque, who learned of CAIR's writtenaccusations hours after a press release had already been published onvarious Web sites, said, "Students are free to pray quietly duringclass if they choose as long as it's not disruptive," because "prayeris constitutionally protected in schools."

"They can pray audibly or silently," and are subjected to the samerules of order as apply to other students in the school. "We have neverdenied a student's right to pray," he said.

Aden's uncle, Ismail Warsame, who lives in Orono, said Lachappelleand another school official told the family that because the schooldepartment "could not provide a room for Muslims to pray, it wasagainst the school policy for anyone to pray."

Lachappelle disputes that was the department's explanation.

Lachappelle said she told Jamad Warsame that the school departmentcannot provide special prayer rooms for students of any religion, butthat "students certainly have a right to pray in school. We know that'stheir constitutional right."

A lot of kids pray silently in school," Lachappelle said, at theirdesks before a test or during study hall. "We don't promote prayer andwe don't deny" students' right to pray, she said. "We're neutral."

Levesque said that staff is trained to protect the right of studentsto pray, and he's certain many students do pray unnoticed. The districtalso allows religious clubs to meet in school buildings before andafter school, and that students are permitted to be excused from schoolfor religious holidays.

In a written statement, Ismail Warsame called school officials'alleged actions in responding to Aden's effort to pray "a stunningscenario of lack of multicultural competency" and "clear violation ofour constitutional rights to free religious expression."

Warsame also accused Lachappelle of hanging up on him as he wasasking whether the school department would accommodate the family'srequest to accommodate the specific religious needs of certainstudents. Lachappelle acknowledged she did end a phone conversationwith Warsame abruptly because "he wouldn't take no for an answer."

According to Lachappelle, after an involved conversation about theschool's position on allowing silent prayer, she said she told Warsamethat "this is what the ruling is. We're disagreeing, and I'm followingdistrict policy. I feel we need to end this conversation."

CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper said Fridaythat if the Lewiston School Department did not address its fourrequests to allow prayer, modify school policy, institute training andprotect Aden from retaliation, "we wouldn't really have much choice butto take the case further" because "the student has the legal right andthe constitutional right to pray in school in a manner that is notdisruptive to the learning environment."

Hooper said no one from CAIR spoke to school officials before filingits four-prong request because it is their general practice to filerequests and then follow up with schools and other organizations toinstitute changes.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The Obowma Goon Squad - Video Exposes SEIU Ballot Fraud
11/22/2009 9:08:51 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's another interesting and frightening story for you.

You remember Andy Stern the president of SEIU who's been the most frequent visitor in the White House since B Hussein Obowma took office.

Yep,the same SEIU whose thugs were assaulting, intimidating and beating up innocents at the Town Hall meetings and Tea Parties. This corrupt organization is part of the backbone of B Hussein's success and they claim they got him elected.

Rule of law is a thing of the past in the US. Here's evidence of their corrupt actions and election fraud in the Union elections in Fresno, Calif.

They intimidated, frightened and filled out the ballots for the voters and eventually won the election.

Remind you of another close and dear group B Hussein loves so well, ACORN? These goons are the backbone of the Obowma regime along with all his gangster staff that surround him.

Watch the below video and weep. This is the way America is being run in this day and age and unless this man is stopped in his tracks by an enraged citizenry it's going to get much worse.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/22/2009 6:56:58 PM

The more you appease evil, the uglier it gets .....Pamela Geller


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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/23/2009 1:14:02 AM

The more you appease evil, the uglier it gets .....Pamela Geller


Hi Helen,

Pamela's sure got that right. And B Hussein Obowma is the great appeaser of all time and unfortunately we'll learn that not only will evil get uglier but he himself and his agenda's are inherently evil.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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