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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Lou Dobbs Finally Resigns From Biased CNN
11/15/2009 11:01:04 AM
Hello Friends,

Lou Dobbs finally decided to leave biased CNN in order to be the true Independent that he is. He was one of the mainstays of the CNN network and gave them some legitimacy which their biased reporting doesn't deserve.

Although they gave him a respectful "send off" behind the scenes it appears there is some glee since he didn't fit into the current atmosphere there.

I'm looking forward to see what his future plans will be. It should be interesting.



P.S. Be sure to watch the video of Lou resigning on air here.


Lou Dobbs to Leave CNN

2009 November 11
by Ben Johnson

Now Lou Dobbs really is Mr. Independent.

The last of CNN’s original news anchors just announced he is leavingthe network he joined in 1980, and this evening’s episode of “Lou DobbsTonight” will be its final broadcast. He will continue to host hisnational radio program. Dobbs revealed his motives in a straight-forward statement at the program’s opening:

Over the past six months, it’s become increasingly clearthat strong winds of change have begun buffeting this country andaffecting all of us. And some leaders in media, politics and businesshave been urging me to go beyond the role here at CNN and to engage inconstructive problem solving.

He said chief among his concerns would be illegal immigration,America’s foreign policy, and defending “our now weakened capitalisteconomy.” The former host of Moneyline added that he soughtcontractual release to address these issues “in the most honest anddirect language possible,” an opaque admission of what everyone alreadyknew: Dobbs’s views are increasingly out-of-step with CNN’s dominantbias.

Translated into plain English, his statement says:

  • President Obama has been far more radical in office than his campaign rhetoric;
  • His policies are busting the budget, destabilizing the border, andundermining the fundamental principles of the American economic system;and
  • The network I have worked at for 27 of the last 29 years wants me to shut up about all this.

Dobbs concluded he is fielding a number of offers, and “I will let you know when I set my course.” Last month, I noted Dobbs met with Fox News chairman Roger Ailes last month. However, an anonymous Fox spokesman told the New York Times today, “We have not had any discussions with Lou Dobbs for Fox News or Fox Business.”

Wherever he goes, he will be one of the few mainstream broadcastersrevealing the extent of the nation’s compounding illegal immigrationproblem. Just weeks ago, someone fired a shotat his New Jersey home, an action Dobbs said followed “weeks and weeksof threatening phone calls.” The left-wing Talking Points Memo bloghas tried to portray this as nothing more than a “Hunter’s Errant Bullet”! Where is the left-wing outrage over illegal immigrants’s “lack of civility?”

We look forward to learning his next move and hope it will allow him to solve many of the issues he has so long been reporting.

What do you think? Is Lou going to Fox or some other media outlet,moving to a think tank, or will we soon see Lou Dobbs involved inelectoral politics in some capacity?

Addendum: Here is CNN’s bland coverage.

And also this:

CNN to Lou Dobbs: Don’t Let the Door Hit You….

by Ben Johnson

The left-wing media wouldn't know a class act if he anchored for them for 30 years.

Lou Dobbs’s departure from CNNhas turned into a cause for celebration — at CNN. Network presidentJonathan Klein dismissively called Lou’s program “advocacy journalism”in an otherwise respectful tribute. But quotes an anonymous network source:

“I think it’s safe to say that he won’t be missed amongthe rank-and-file employees at the network,” said a CNN staffer. “TheDobbs show has existed in its own little universe for the last severalyears, in many ways cut off from the rest of the editorial process atCNN. Most people will be left wondering what this means for theprimetime lineup and whether Klein can now deliver on his ‘down themiddle’ mantra.”

“Down the middle”? Presumably, Anderson Cooper is now free to slander tea party protesters as perverts, while Wolf Blitzer’s team investigates Saturday Night Live skits (wrongly)with no counterpart to the Right. Or the center. CNN viewers will notforget that network allowed (or encouraged?) Susan Roesgen to antagonize tea party protesters on camera, gave Christiane Amanpour six hours to compare Rev. John Hagee to Osama bin Laden, and broadcast Soledad O’Brien askingif President Bush was “slow to respond” to Hurricane Katrina because“pictures of mostly black people were on TV” — among a litany of other,daily left-wing outrages. The bloom was off CNN’s “unbiased” rose longago.

Lou deserves better. Here’s hoping he finds a platform worthy of his message.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - B Hussein Bowing Again
11/15/2009 11:25:56 AM
Hello Friends,

B Hussein's done it again. On his Asian trip he's bowing to foreign leaders. Has this guy got no shame and absolutely no respect for the American people?? I guess not. He won't salute the Veterans as I showed here but he will bow down to leaders of foreign powers. Interesting.

And as a reminder his deep bow to the Saudi King.

Maybe they should name a dance after B Hussein's bows like the Obama shuffle or possibly the Obama deep knees or the Obamadown. For all we know it might be a great success with the sheeples.

Thank you Atlas Shrugs.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Keep On Ignoring The Facts Staring You In The Face
11/16/2009 7:42:01 AM
Hello Friends,

Today's Dry Bones puts everything into perspective in a very simple manner. The facts staring you in the face are ignored and life goes on as usual attitude prevails. But, does it? 13 massacred and over 30 wounded is the outcome and there will probably be more if people don't wake up to the dangers staring them in the face.



The focus of today's cartoon is the Western "Non Believer".

These folks are committed to not believing what is happening beforetheir eyes. Their ability to maintain their non-belief in the Islamistwar that is being waged against them is astounding!

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - A Political Correctness Cartoon That Says It All
11/16/2009 7:55:53 AM
Hello Friends,

Here's a political correctness cartoon that shows in a brilliant way the bias and blinders the main stream media has. This will also include the White House of course.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - The B Hussein Regime And Congress Do NOT Lead By Example
11/16/2009 8:52:59 AM
Hello Friends,

I received the below email and to be quite frank was astounded but after some thought not really surprised.

When you have a regime that demands that you tighten your belt and a Congress that "creates" laws forcing you into greater debt then you already are in you'd expect them to lead by example. Not this regime and not this congress. It's all about milking the taxpayers and taking away your hard earned money while they live it up in a style that is mind boggling. Here's a perfect example of that.



This Jet is the USAF C-32, Boeing 757, that MADAME PELOSI uses.

And the Democrats want to talk about Sarah's dress??? Conservatives! Are you out there?

MadamePelosi wasn't happy with the small jet USAF C-20B, Gulfstream III,that comes with the Speaker's, Madame Pelosi was aggravatedthat this little jet had to stop to refuel, so she ordered a Big Fat 200-seat USAF C-32, Boeing 757 jet that could get her back toCalifornia without stopping!

Many,many legislators walked by and grinned with glee as Joe informedeveryone that Nancy 's Big Fat Jet costs us, the hard workingAmerican tax payers, thousands of gallons of fuel every week. Since she only works 3 days a week, this gas guzzling jet gets fueled andshe flies home to California , cost to the taxpayers of about $60,000, one way! As Joe put it, 'Unfortunately we have to pay to bring her back on Monday night.' Cost to us another $60,000.

Folks,that is $480,000 per month and that is an annual cost to the taxpayersof $5,760,000. No wonder she complains about the cost of this might cramp her style and she is styling, on my back andyours. I think of the military families in this country doing withoutand this woman, who heads up the most do-nothing Congress in thehistory of this country keeps fueling that jet while doing nothing.

MadamePelosi wants you and me to conserve our carbon footprint. She wants usto buy smaller cars and Obama wants us to get a bicycle pump and airup our tires. These people are nuts.

Ifyou think this is outrageous, forward it to all those on your emaillist! Keep in mind the figures above do NOT include cost of plane or crew, just fuel!

One wonders what her total package cost us? And she wants to tax our IRA's & 401 K's!

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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