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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/13/2009 12:39:04 PM

Concerning the Fort Hood Killings (Some say shooting) but that would be more suited for Atarior Play-station (just to belittle the horror) I have heard that Medi-CAIR was an on going B.O. formula. Did I get that one right?

Hi Robert,

Nice play on words and it makes lots of sense. An even better one isObamaCAIR. Basically one gang of Radical Islamic defenders. And a strange thing when I looked at the "BO formula" just now another meaning for the letters BO came to mind and it's very fitting to all that B Hussein stands for.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: Hsig - MSM Misinforming And Obfuscating AS Usual
11/15/2009 7:15:38 AM
Hello Friends,

Unfortunately the Islamic groups that are financed and backed by Terrorist organizations and by major Islamic countries that fund Jihadi terrorist groups world wide are trying to cash in on the Ft. Hood Jihadi massacre.

Another very interesting point is that main stream media are giving them (CAIR for example) a platform to disguise and misinform the public and in their pathetic way convince the viewers that Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan the Jihadi terrorist was a disturbed individual and his actions had nothingto do with Islam and Islamic jihad.

All the evidence presented shows a completely different picture and MSM, the military and of course the White House are trying to white wash this jihadi massacre and turn the terrorist into the victim.

Below you'll find an article with videos showing the difference between an interview with a Muslim Dr. Jasser who works to inform and warn the world and the US of the dangers of Radical Islam and organizations such as CAIR and a representative of CAIR who was dealt with tenderly, kid gloves and much love. It's people such as this Matthews of MSNBC that are the cause of the ignorance of many all in the name of political correctness.

I think it's about time to look at the evidence and facts and not the PC gibberish of the MSM and all others that are trying to white wash this Jihadi terrorist and turn him into the victim.




Chris Matthews Thinks Like a Terrorist

2009 November 13
by JE Tabler

Heartbreak in action

Editor’s Note, for Rhonda Robinson’s commentary on a different aspect of this stunning Chris Matthews segment click here.

MSNBC has a nasty habit of giving Muslim Brotherhood front CAIRa forum to apologize for extremism and deflect attention from the issueat hand whenever jihad makes the news. Not only is CAIR’s authority asa mouthpiece for American Muslims never questioned, let alone itsbackground and history, but MSNBC’s commentators rarely take issue witha single point made by CAIR’s representatives.

Nonetheless, MSNBC’s moral vacuity may never have been more apparent than when Chris Matthews interviewed Zuhdi Jasser, an American Muslim who works to combat the violent political ideology promoted by CAIR and its affiliates.

Jasser encourages Muslims to “stop complaining and stop beingingvictims,” i.e., to stop committing acts of violence and oppressingothers, then citing American foreign policy as a justification. Heexplains, plainly and succinctly, that jihad’s ideologicalunderpinnings lie in political Islam. He even cites the Muslim Brotherhood,due to its status as America’s foremost promoter and incubator ofSharia, as one of the root causes of domestic violent extremism. Finally, he points out the reddest flag in Nidal Hasan’s background,the clearest indication that he might commit an act of violence: hisunconcealed hatred for America.

Matthews briefly pays lip service to the notion that perhapsideology may have motivated Nidal Hasan to shoot over 50 people beforehe jaunts off on a diatribe in which he excuses acts of terrorism byblaming American foreign policy, particularly with regard to Israel.Instead of simply agreeing with Jasser’s self-evident point thatAmerican foreign policy does not justify acts of terrorism, Matthewsreflexively tries to see things from the most extreme point of view —that of the terrorists.

Matthews poses an interesting question in good faith: that of whenwe should start taking freedoms away from people in order to defendnational security. How about when they pose a threat to the rest us,thereby infringing on our most basic rights? The answer seems prettysimple to Jasser. We should stop tolerating intolerance, as Rhonda addressed previously.

Then Matthews actually tries to defend telephoning Al-Qaeda, whichis just about the height of extremism, shy of actually committing actsof terrorism — I would like to believe that he was playing Devil’sAdvocate. Jasser explains how Americans need to start combating theextremism which has become quite normalized, in large part due toleftists who, say, defend calling al-Qaeda and state that the US’sforeign policy toward Israel “triggered” RFK’s assassination. Did it“trigger” 9/11, too?

Matthews demonstrated less understanding when Sarah Palin won an award from the NRA than when discussing the assassination of an American leader.

Matthews clearly feels more at home with those who rationalize violentjihad using a hatred of American liberty cloaked in politicalgrievances than he does with those who fight for American liberty byconfronting the ugly truth about Sharia, about political Islam’s fifthcolumn, and about jihad. Furthermore, he seems to be more concernedwith Hasan’s imagined grievances than with those of the families of thesoldiers and first responders who were brutally slain in an act ofviolent jihad. Just watch him with Nihad Awad, trying to explain awayHasan’s actions with moral equivalence and deflection.

Jasser, instead, whitewashes nothing by identifying Sharia andpolitically correct willful ignorance of political Islam’s Americanfifth column for acts of terrorism committed on American soil. He argues that terrorism is not a reaction to (“triggered” by) Americanforeign policy, but that a hatred for America and the liberties whichmake it great are key components of the ideology which motivatesIslamic terrorists, and that this hatred is not be dismissed. In fact,Jasser may have given the single clearest, most concise crash courseever on the dangers of political Islam right there on Hardball. It’s the political Islam that’s the problem, and it’s not America’s fault.

“Political Islam has made huge advances while the Westhad been asleep against the spread of the quote, unquote ‘Islamic statemovement’ and I think that, clearly, there are parts of the ideology ofhate of the West, of America, of conspiracy theories, that this guystarted to follow that were warning signs.”

One can actually watch Jasser’s heart sink as Matthews waves awayeverything he had said by again justifying terrorism with Americanforeign policy.

“Maybe this guy should have just been given CO statusthe minute he decided … he didn’t do anything wrong until he realizedhe was going to Afghanistan. Then he acted.“

Hasan, like his political cohorts at CAIR,is “a Muslim first and an American second.” Jasser is an American aboveall else. Matthews is an apologist for evil first, an American second.MSNBC does Americans, Muslims included, a disservice by running throughthe Muslim Brotherhood playbook – putting CAIRon TV, throwing softball questions at their representatives, and eithertrying to explain away extremism or blaming American foreign policy forviolence, or both – as a matter of procedure. Sadly, in Matthews’case, this pattern seems to be more of a knee-jerk reflex than anorchestrated decision. In fact, he is a better defender of terrorismthan those who promote the ideology which underlies it. Maybe CAIR is taking notes from Matthews and not the other way around.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - CAIR Cashing In On Ft. Hood Jihadi Massacre
11/15/2009 7:44:54 AM
Hello Friends,

In a previous post I wrote that CAIR and other Muslim terrorist funded organizations are trying to cash in on the Ft. Hood massacre. This is despicable especially when one of their main motto's is "the war on terror is a war on Islam". What a slogan and even though they are unfortunately succeeding due to the help of MSM, the White House and political correctness there is still time to halt their success by being more aware of their true agenda.

The below article is a prime example of how organizations such as CAIR are trying to cash in on the Ft. Hood massacre perpetrated by the Jihadi terrorist Maj. Nidal Hasan.



November 13, 2009

CAIR cashes in on Ft Hood massacre

From the Daily Standardcomes this email from Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)executive director Nihad Awad using the 14 dead Americans killed at FtHood last week to raise funds for the terrorist front group.

Urgent Action: Help CAIR Defend Your Community in Times of Crisis

Dear XXX,

As-salaamu alaykum(Peace be with you),

When a crisis such as the Fort Hood attack and now thegovernment’s move to seize four American mosques occurs, CAIR is thereto defend you and the Muslim community.

Within hours of the Fort Hood attack, CAIR, along with otherorganizations, held a news conference at its Washington, D.C.headquarters and issued a statement of condemnation to thousands oflocal, national and international media outlets.

Perhaps you saw CAIR spokespeople interviewed on MSNBC's Hardball oron PBS's NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, CNN, MSNBC, or the BBC. Or maybe youread CAIR quotes in the Washington Post, New York Times, ChristianScience Monitor, or USA Today.

CAIR's professional staff has been working non-stop in dealing with these crises.

CAIR provided advice and support for Islamic centers nationwideon how to handle the crisis, including ensuring your safety in case ofan anti-Muslim backlash. CAIR soon became the most watched non-profit on You Tube.

Our tone and immediate response is paying off. Major mediaacknowledged the strong statement that American Muslims issuedcondemning the Fort Hood attack. On CNN, Anderson Cooper reported thatCAIR “reacted to the shooting spree, condemning the attack in thestrongest terms possible.” ON MSNBC’s Hardball, Chris Matthews notedthat CAIR was “quick to condemn the massacre.”

But our efforts are not without associated expenses. Sending justone statement about the Muslim community's stance against violence andextremism can cost thousands of dollars in staff time and distributioncosts.

There’s no way for me to soften this: We need financial help tomeet these crises and push back against those who seek to scorepolitical points off the Muslim community in the wake of the Fort Hoodtragedy.

Please consider giving $5,000, $2,500, $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can.

If you donated in the past, please consider doubling that donation.

All contributions are zakat-eligible and tax-deductible.

Thank you for your support and may Allah bless you. We will continueto monitor the situation to prevent backlash against our community.

Nihad Awad

CAIR National Executive Director

P.S. Responding effectively to this crisis is pushing CAIR’sresources to the limit. Please donate right now. Then send this appealto your friends and family, and post to Facebook, Twitter, and otherInternet sites.

From the Jawa Archives: "War against Islam? Where would he get that idea? CAIR!":

Updateby Barbarossa: A war on Islam? Where, oh, where might he have ever gotthat idea? Oh wait! That's right -- Parvez Ahmed, the Chairman of theBoard for the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR):

War on terror is war on Islam, says advocate By Nisa Islam Muhammad Staff Writer Updated May 28, 2008 - 11:30:00 AM

WASHINGTON ( - The global war on terror has become athinly veiled excuse to wage a global war on Islam with increasedarrests of Muslims, calls for regime change in Muslim countries andracial profiling, according to a leader with a national Islamicorganization.

“The tactic of terrorism—and yes it is a tactic, not an ideology—hasbeen deployed by a multitude of groups of different religions,ethnicities and ideologies and yet the Islamic faith, unlike any other,is erroneously and incessantly associated with terrorism,” said Dr.Parvez Ahmed, a national board member of the Council on AmericanIslamic Relations. “The association of a faith practiced by 1.2 billionpeople worldwide to terrorism creates the perception that the GWOT is awar against Islam.”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/15/2009 9:59:43 AM

Hello Peter and all

This shooting by Hasan is horrific and I don't want to minimize it but I cannot help but wonder why I haven't seen something about Lou Dobbs leaving CNN on this forum. I suppose it doesn't fit the main theme here but it is political in nature.

How I would love to see the truth come out (from Dobbs and others who have left or were forced to leave) about the liberal media and their corrupt tactics exposed especially that of keeping the truth from us.

Back to the shooting, don't you just love the way Nihad Awad of CAIR is whining about the focus on Hasan's religion and comparing it with something totally unrelated such as Christianity and a single abortionist killing. What has that got to do with these shootings? The Islamists try to twist things every time, have you noticed?

I doubt the person who killed the abortionist was a Christian but let's suppose for a minute he was. Even so Christians are not a threat to the security of the United States, they don't generally go around killing dozens of people or bombing subways and flying planes into buildings or generally making themselves a pain in the butt all over the world (some would disagree but I am talking about killings) like the militant Muslims are. Christians are not plotting to take over the world and are not plotting to put everyone into bondage like Muslims are. Christianity is about freedom from within and from without. It is why the Iranians, the Iraqis and people all over the world want to live in the US is for the freedom. There must be something seriously wrong with those so sick who don't want that. I never dreamt that Islam was such a sickening religion when I began studying it a few years ago. I could go on but this is enough ...for now.


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Peter Fogel

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/15/2009 10:32:04 AM
Hi Helen,

I am in the midst of preparing a post about Lou Dobbs finally leaving CNN. It is quite an event cos he was one of their figure heads and apparently they didn't appreciate what he represented. On second thought they just might have since he wasn't one that tried to hide the truth and minimize what is happening in America especially in regard to the illegal immigrant issue.

I recall just recently when he questioned B Hussein's birth certificate he was immediately shut up and CNN came out with a ridiculous announcement that Obama's Hawaiian birth was proven beyond a doubt which is so far from the truth it's almost laughable.They tried to use what has been proven to be a forged document as proof. I guess Dobbs decided after that enough is enough and didn't want to take part in the obfuscation and biased news that CNN is known for.

I wish him well and wonder what his plans for the future will be.

That said the Jihadi terrorist massacre at Ft. Hood unfortunately overshadows by far Lou Dobbs leaving CNN and had to be dealt with cos of what seems to be a white washing of the terrorist attack by the media, military and the White House.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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