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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Brigitte Gabriel Interview On FP Magazine Takes On CAIR And Terrorism
11/12/2009 11:23:12 AM
Hello Friends,

For the past few days I believe we've all seen the effects of political correctness in the media, in the military and most importantly from the White House.

The White House is the least surprising of them all since B Hussein is the foremost defender of Islam in the world. He'll ignore all the facts that are staring him in the face and read off the teleprompter that he finds the massacre at Fort Hood"incomprehensible" and that we mustn't "jump to conclusions" (lest everyone will understand that the United Stated is under attack by radical Islam). He's trying to hide that very obvious fact from you all and obfuscate as he does with everything concerning Islam.

I urge you to read the interview with Brigitte Gabriel on the latest issue of Front Page Magazine. For those of us that are aware of the dangers facing us it's a refresher and for those that aren't aware yet it should be an eyeopener.



Brigitte Gabriel Takes the Gloves Off on Fort Hood and CAIR – by Jamie Glazov

Posted by Jamie Glazov on Nov 12th, 2009 and filed under FrontPage.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0.You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. Heholds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadianforeign policy. He is the author of Canadian Policy Toward Khrushchev’sSoviet Union and is the co-editor (with David Horowitz) of The HateAmerica Left. He edited and wrote the introduction to David Horowitz’sLeft Illusions. His new book is United in Hate: The Left's Romance withTyranny and Terror. Email him at

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Brigitte Gabriel, founder of the nonprofit organization ACT! for America,and one of the leading terrorism experts in the world. Her expertise issought after by world and business leaders. She has addressed theAustralian Prime Minister, members of The British Parliament/House ofCommons, members of the United States Congress, The Pentagon, The JointForces Staff College, The US Special Operations Command, The USAsymmetric Warfare group, the FBI, and many others. She is the authorof the new book, They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It.

FP: Brigitte Gabriel, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Gabriel: It’s always a pleasure.

FP: I would like to talk to you today about thepetition you are organizing against CAIR. This is part of your battleagainst Islamic jihad on our territory, which we just saw on horrifyingand tragic display at Fort Hood.

What are your thoughts on that jihadi massacre on our own territory?It could have been prevented if it were not for our society’s andcitizens’ fear of organizations such as CAIR right?

Gabriel: You have that right Jamie.

The horrific massacre at Ft. Hood has exposed the degree to whichpolitical correctness impacts government and military action — andmedia coverage.

For days immediately after the massacre the media went out of itsway blaming every syndrome except radical Islamism on the real reasonfor Hasan’s actions. Everyone avoided the word Jihad as if it wasnuclear. This despite the fact Internet postings in Hasan’s name monthsearlier compared suicide bombers to heroic soldiers who throwthemselves on a grenade to save the lives of their comrades.

The blood of the dead American soldiers is on the hands of themilitary leaders and personal who kept their mouths shot about Hasan,just as it is on his hands.

Here’s the disturbing question that needs to be asked: Could thisact of terrorism have been prevented had there not been such apolitically correct reluctance to act on what was known about Hasan?

Imagine if the Army had acted. It’s easy to envision the Council onAmerican-Islamic Relations (CAIR) indignantly blasting the Army withstatements alleging “discrimination.”

Yet if the Army or law enforcement authorities had stepped in, takenaction months ago, and brushed aside the typical and predictable rantsfrom groups like CAIR, is it possible that twelve dead soldiers and onedead police officer would be alive today?

Why are so many in government and the military apparently afraid of“offending” a group like CAIR, which deserves to be investigated forits many questionable activities and ties to terrorists, notaccommodated?

But in the aftermath of this terrorist act, too few in the media orgovernment have been willing to call it that. There has been adesperate search for another motive, the most common focusing on hismental state.

FP: Give us an example of this political correctness in the media.

Gabriel: Edina Lekovic, communications director forthe Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), appeared on Fox News just theother day. Lekovic was unequivocal in her remarks, claiming Hasan was“clearly disturbed” and comparing him to the killers at Virginia Techand Columbine.

Remarkably, only a minute or so after making this unsubstantiatedclaim as if it were fact, when asked about any possible connection toIslam, she warned we must not “rush to judgment.”

But isn’t that precisely what Lekovic did when she asserted Hasanwas “clearly disturbed?” Is she a psychiatrist? Did she examine him?

Of course not. What qualifies Lekovic to assert Hasan was like the Columbine killers? Nothing.

She did exactly what she is warning others not to. She “rushed tojudgment.” And while anyone who is contending that this massacre hasall the earmarks of a terrorist attack is challenged, no one on the FoxNews program challenged Lekovic’s unverifiable claim.

Why not? Political correctness?

More political correctness. Prior to killing 13 people on Thursday,Hasan gave away furniture and Korans, a telltale sign of a jihadistpreparing for martyrdom.

So how does a Washington Post story characterize Hasan’s giving furniture away? As an act of kindness.

But the tide may be turning. Facts are stubborn things. There arejust too many signs that Hasan was in fact a radical Muslim bent onjihad. Too many signs to be ignored.

ABC News the other day ran a headline asking if the Army missed signs that Hasan was an Islamic extremist.

On Fox News Sunday, Bill Kristol referred to an AP story that quotedcolleagues of Hasan at Walter Reed Hospital who admitted they did notreport his suspicious actions due to fear of appearing to bediscriminatory toward Muslims.

It may well be determined that Hasan had emotional problems. It may also turn out that he didn’t.

But as Brit Hume stated on Fox News Sunday, even if Hasan hademotional or psychological issues, the facts clearly point to theconclusion that Hasan was a radical Islamist who acted on his beliefs.

FP: So let’s talk about the petition you are organizing, calling for an investigation against CAIR.

Gabriel: Jamie, as you and I’m sure most of yourreaders know, CAIR has hit some pretty rough patches the past year. Inaddition to being named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy LandFoundation terrorism financing trial, the FBI cut official ties to CAIRdue to its ties to Hamas.

Now, thanks to the new blockbuster book Muslim Mafia it’s clear that not only were these actions against CAIR justified, but that more investigation of CAIR is desperately needed.

This is why ACT! for America has launched anational petition calling for a government investigation of CAIR. Iurge everyone reading this article to please join us in signing thispetition at and become a voice affecting your community and our nation.

Based on a daring months-long undercover operation, Muslim Mafiacontains stunning allegations that reveal just how far CAIR has gone incompromising our national security. CAIR cultivated moles inside aWashington-area law enforcement agency, which resulted in a countypolice officer searching a classified police database and then tippingoff a fellow Muslim who had been under surveillance as a terroristsuspect.

CAIR has been fighting back desperately, and there has been a virtual major media blackout of Muslim Mafiathus far. The grassroots voice of America needs to speak out and demandthat the government launch an investigation of CAIR. At the very leastit appears that CAIR is violating its non-profit tax status. This iswhy, in the first step of our campaign to demand an investigation ofCAIR’s actions, ACT! for America has launched thisnew petition. We can read articles, we can get educated but unless wetake action nothing is going to change. This is why I am urging peopleto speak with a loud collective voice to our elected officials throughsigning our petition at to investigate an organization with shady founders and associates whom have been convicted on terror related charges.

CAIR is hoping that this dust storm will settle and they can sweepeverything under the rug. We can’t let this happen. We need to send avery strong message to our elected officials and to CAIR that theAmerican public is alive and well and will not put up with traitorsoperating in our midst wishing to do us harm. If our elected officialsare not going to see the light, we are going to make them feel the heatand get their attention regarding this matter.

FP: CAIR has filed suit against the David Gaubatz, one of the Muslim Mafia authors. What do you think about this?

Gabriel: CAIR’s lawsuit is noteworthy on twofronts. First, CAIR filed the suit without any press fanfare. This isout of character for CAIR. They normally try to get press attentionfor anything they do. In this case it appears CAIR does not want anyattention drawn to the book.

Second, the suit does not dispute the revelations in the book nor does it allege defamation by the authors.

It seems to me that CAIR is going to do everything it can to sweep this under the rug. This is one reason why ACT! for America launched its petition, calling for a government investigation of CAIR. I urge your readers to log on to and add their names to this petition.

FP: Let’s conclude why Muslim groups like CAIR get away with all of this behaviour on our territory.

Gabriel: Like I’ve discussed in this interviewJamie, it’s political correctness and fear. Too many in the media areso indoctrinated in a “blame America first” mentality that they turn ablind eye to real and serious threats to our nation. Too many in ourgovernment are more concerned about being called an “Islamophobe” thantaking the steps necessary to protect us. And the Fort hood Massacre isthe result.

Groups like CAIR exploit this fear in our country, immediately usingthe propaganda technique of name calling to disparage any critic ofradical Islam. How much evidence do those in government and the medianeed about CAIR to acknowledge, even grudgingly, that this organizationand its ties to terrorism is a threat to America?

It’s clear to me the grassroots of America are going to have to riseup and demand that our government do what’s necessary to protect us.

FP: Brigitte Gabriel, thank you for joining us and thank you for your fight for America.


[To get the whole story on the nature of the jihadi threatand why the liberal Left forbids the naming of it, read Jamie Glazov’snew book, United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror.]

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Free Speech Under Attack
11/13/2009 1:06:07 AM
Hello Friends,

Freedom of speech is under attack in many different forms as we all can see. UN Resolutions, EU Resolutions, and soon the Copenhagen agreement. Add to all this the attacks against any that disagree with B Hussein's regime and you more or less get the whole picture.

We the people have to take a stand and continue fighting for our right to freedom of speech and one of the first steps (of many) should be scrapping political correctness. The past few days show how that can affect basic freedoms. Stating the obvious is condemned and that has to end.

The following article from Hudson New York is an eye opener.




Free Speech Under Attack

By David J. Rusin

OnNovember 2, 2004, Dutch columnist, filmmaker, and all-aroundprovocateur Theo van Gogh was shot and stabbed to death as he biked towork on an Amsterdam street. The killer, Mohammed Bouyeri, insistedthat Islam "compels me to chop off the head of anyone who insults Allahand the prophet." He targeted the anti-Islam van Gogh because of hismovie Submission, which graphically highlights Koranic verses oftenused to justify the mistreatment of women.

Ahalf decade later, Islamists still answer free speech with violence.Two Chicago-area Muslims were charged last week with plotting attacksagainst those involved in publishing the Danish Muhammad cartoons.Shortly before that, Dutch MP Geert Wilders was welcomed to the UKby Islamist thugs who warned him — and everyone else — to "take lessonsfrom people like Theo van Gogh," because "whoever insults the prophet,kill him."

Yetthe greatest threat to free speech does not come from homegrownjihadists who wish to make examples of rabble-rousing Westerners. Itarises from governments and related entities blinded by the fancifulnotion that radicals will leave us alone if we only stop saying thingsthat offend them. Some recent happenings:

Lastmonth the UN Human Rights Council passed yet another resolution — thistime, with support from the U.S. and Europe — urging governments "totake all necessary measures" to combat "religious stereotyping" and"hatred." While noting a few improvements over previous years'text, law professor Eugene Volokh called it "a step backward" for theconstitutional rights of Americans. The resolution will be consideredin November by the General Assembly, where the Islamic bloc hopes touse it as a springboard for banning criticism of Islam and enactingglobal blasphemy statutes.

PaulBelien reports that "if all goes as planned, the 27 member states ofthe European Union will soon have a common hate crime legislation,which will turn disapproval for Islamic practices … into crimes." Thetext names an "intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, oroffensive environment" as one (extremely subjective) facet ofdiscrimination. No doubt Bouyeri would be pleased. It passed theEuropean Parliament and will be debated by the Council of Ministersthis month.

Geert Wilders continues to serve as a lightning rod for those who wish to stifle Islam's critics. First, a court order was needed to convince the British government to let him set foot on UK soil last month. Second, Pennsylvania's Temple University,which accepts state funds, pressured students to cancel an Octoberappearance by the legislator; they refused. Third, in what may be thetrial of the century, at least in the Netherlands, Wilders is preparing to defend himself against speech crime charges; the start date is January 20.

DanielPipes referred to the van Gogh slaying as "education by murder," partof the "slow and painful way people wake up to the problem of radicalIslam." Unfortunately, for many of our drowsy leaders, the only lessonslearned are the wrong ones.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - A Letter Worth Reading
11/13/2009 1:44:08 AM
Hello Friends,

I just received this from a friend and I wanted to share it with you all.

Please note the credentials of the author of the letter. Quite impressive. For those of you that believe as the author does feel free to pass this on to all your friends.



Born St. Louis , Missouri , August 21, 1944
Bar Admissions:
North Carolina, 1969
U.S. District Court, Eastern, Middle and Western Districts of North Carolina , 1969
U.S. Tax Court
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals
Education: Wofford College , 1966A.B.
Mercer University, 1969J.D.
Phi Alpha Delta
Vice-Justice, District XIV, 1968 - 1969
Professional Associations and Memberships:
North Carolina and American Bar Associations (Member, Sections on: Administrative Law; General Practice; Litigation)
26th Judicial District and North Carolina State Bar
Mecklenburg County Bar Association
American Association of Justice
North Carolina Trial Lawyers Association
Captain, U.S. Army, 1969-1971, Vietnam
National Defense Medal, 1969
Republic of Viet Nam Service Medal, 1970
Bronze Star Medals (2), 1971
Assistant District Attorney, Mecklenburg County , 1971 - 1974
Charlotte Chamber of Commerce
Chairman, Board of Trustees Providence United Methodist Church
Board of Directors, Alexander Children's Home
Board of Directors, Charlotte Culinary Institute
Wofford Alumni Executive Council
Scoutmaster, Boy Scouts of America
Board of Directors, Boy Scouts of America of Mecklenburg County
Board of Directors, Girl Scout Council
Life Member, National Eagle Scout Association
Life Member, Girl Scouts of America

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - B Hussein And His Infamous Non Salute
11/13/2009 11:13:08 AM
Hello Friends,

Veteran's Day, November 11, 2009 at Arlington National Cemetery. B Hussein again fails to salute. Stands there like a mummy and does nothing while everybody else on the podium is saluting. This guy is definitely not an American at least not one that deserves to be the commander of any thing let alone the commander in chief of the USA. Shame on him and all who supported and brought this disgrace into the White House.

BUT, those teleprompters are standing tall and ready for his only talent speechifying (I just made up this word).

Does this remind you of anything? The writing was on the wall and over 50% of voting Americans voted for him. Shameful.

Thanks Atlas Shrugs.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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RE: Human Shields In Gaza
11/13/2009 12:25:24 PM

Concerningthe Fort Hood Killings (Some say shooting) but that would be more suited for Atarior Play-station (just to belittle the horror) I have heard that Medi-CAIR wasan ongoing B.O. formula. Did I get that one right?


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