Hello Friends,
A radical Muslim website called the Jihadi terrorist Maj. Nidal MalikHasan an "officer and a gentleman" for murdering 12 and injuring over30 innocent victims.
This is what they think, believe, teach and train their followers is the only honorable path for a true Muslim.
Remember this terrorist attack is in your backyard now and the Jihadi terroristis a native born Muslim American. This is a wake up call and better now then when it's to late.

HOMELAND INSECURITYMuslim radicals call Hasan 'Officer and a Gentleman'13 deaths were 'pre-emptive attack;' 'We do NOT denounce his actions'Posted: November 06, 2009
10:20 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
 Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan |
A website run by radical Muslims today honored Maj. Nidal MalikHasan, the man accused of killing 13 people at Fort Hood in Texas, asan "Officer and a Gentleman," saying his actions should not bedenounced.
The massacre yesterday, which also left more than two dozen injured, was called a "pre-emptive attack" by supporters of the Revolution Muslim website.
Hasan, a Muslim psychiatrist who reportedly had been disciplinedfor pushing Islam on his patients at one point in his career, had givenaway his furniture and handed out Qurans before going to the militarybase and firing on soldiers at a processing center where soldiersprepared to deploy.
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There were multiple reports he had objected to being placed in theposition of possibly having to fight fellow Muslims by his scheduleddeployment to the Middle East.
"Get Well Soon Major Nidal We Love You," said the website run byradicals who follow an imam once jailed in Britain. "Major Nidal HasanM.D. An officer and a gentleman was injured while partaking in apre-emptive attack."
The website lists as its imam Sheik Abdullah el-Faisal, who inFebruary 2003 was sentenced to nine years in jail, reduced to seven onappeal, after being convicted of soliciting murder and inciting racialhatred in England.
According to reports in the London Guardian at the time,hundreds attended his lectures, possibly including James Ujaama, a U.S.citizen accused of trying to help the Taliban in Afghanistan; RichardReid, who attempted to detonate a bomb in his shoe while crossing theAtlantic in a jetliner; and Zacharias Moussaoui, jailed for the Sept.11, 2001, terror attacks on the U.S.
The reports said el-Faisal, who later was released and returnedto his home in Jamaica, suggested Muslims attend training camps to gainthe skills to wage jihad on the West.
He was recorded praising Osama bin Laden and saying, "You have to learn how to shoot and fly planes and drive tanks."
El-Faisal also said chemical weapons should be utilized to"exterminate non-believers" and said Muslim mothers should buy toy gunsfor their children to providing training opportunities.
"We do NOT denounce this officer's actions, we do howeverapologize for the following acts committed by our country," theU.S.-based website's supporters said. They listed: "Bay of Tonkin, TheEast Timor Massacre by USA Supported Suharto, 1902 Samar Massacre inthe Philippines by the USMC, 1,000,000 Dead Iraqis, Afghani &Pakistanis Killed by the USA, Starvation of Africa & Rape of it's(sic) Resources by the USA, Support of the Brutal 'Israeli' OccupationEntity, Etc. Etc."
"Every day is Fort Hood for the world community due to USApolicies and their tyrant totalitarian puppet regimes," the activistsproclaimed. "Rest assure (sic) the slain terrorists at Fort Hood are inthe eternal hellfire and it is not to (sic) late for YOU to change yourpolicies," they said.
The website's mission statement states, "Revolution Muslim is amessage and movement grounded in the sayings, deeds, actions andunderstanding of Ahlus Sunnah wal jama'ah (The collective body of thoseMuslims that adhere to the ways of the Prophet (SAWS) and the firstfour generations of Muslims)."
It continues, "We pray that we may witness the dismantlement ofwestern, secular dominance across the world as we hold it to be paganand idolatrous in the majority of its presumptions. We seek aresurrection of the just example set forth by centuries of Islamic rulethroughout the ages and we hold it to be self evident for the objectivesoul and mind that Allah is One and that Muhammad ibn Abdullah is HisProphet and that the religion offers the solution to all of the world’sills and afflictions."
The base commander said soldiers reported they heard Hasanshout "Allahu Akbar," or "Allah is the greatest," while he was shooting.
Thesite is disdainful of other Islamic organizations, citing acondemnation from the Islamic Society of North America regarding theshootings.
"ISNA - The house dog, barks once more to please its kafir Masters," Revolution Muslim wrote.
Hasan was born and raised in Virginia, but has family outside ofJerusalem. He enlisted and obtained his education from the military. Hespent most of his career at Walter Reed Army Medical Center inWashington until he was sent to Fort Hood this year, from where heapparently was to be deployed.