Hello Friends,
Politicalcorrectness is turning into the joke of the century. When you can'tcall a spade a spade (tool for digging) for fear of offending the spadeis more then ridiculous it's down right dangerous.
When youhave a Jihadi infiltrator in the US Army that slaughters 12 people andinjures another 30+ innocent victims the media, military personnel andthe White House will not call a spade a spade. When Maj. Nidal MalikHasan was firing on the innocent victims and shouting Allah Akbar I'dcall that a terrorist attack and Nidal Hasan a Jihadi terrorist. But,that's not politically correct and MSM, the Military and the WhiteHouse refuse to call it as it is. All I can say is **** politicalcorrectness and call a Jihadi terrorist a Jihadi terrorist.
Read the interview below and it might open a few more eyes, ears and brains to the dangers facing them in their back yards.


Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S.civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the ownerof DG Counter-terrorism Publishing.He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour(CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. He can be contacted at davegaubatz@gmail.com.
FP: Dave Gaubatz, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
A terrible tragedy occurred yesterday at Ft. Hood, Texas. Because you are the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book Muslim Mafia,I would like to ask you this: are there any correlations between yourmessage in the book about the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood andthe murder spree at Ft. Hood?
Gaubatz: Thanks Jamie.
Yes. The murders by Malik Nadal Hasan at Ft. Hood, TX are not a‘lone wolf incident’ as being described by most media organizations.Hasan had been taught the ideology that is being advocated by hundredsof Islamic scholars and Imams in the U.S. We as a country can continueto deny there are numerous Islamic leaders and their supportingorganizations such as CAIR, ISNA, MSA, and MANA, to name a few, whoadvocate killing innocent men, women, and children whom they allege‘oppress Islam.’
How many more incidents similar to this that have been occurring inAmerica does it take before even the media wants to report the truth?Politicians will always say or do whatever will get them their nextvote in an upcoming election, but there was a time in our history whenjournalists reported everything and were not concerned with ‘politicalcorrectness.’
This type of journalistic reporting is dangerous and in itself is anational security issue. Journalists and their affiliated newsorganization are so afraid of being labeled or sued by organizationssuch as CAIR that they will withhold the truth from the Americanpeople. In part, the murders of innocent people are partly the fault ofsuch journalists and politicians who support organizations such asCAIR.
FP: Your thoughts on CAIR and what happened at Ft. Hood?
Gaubatz: My team and I have conducted first-handresearch at over 200 Islamic Centers in the U.S., and in variousIslamic organizations such as CAIR. There is one common denominator:There is an open hatred being advocated by Islamic scholars towardChristians, Jews, and Muslims who do not adhere to ‘all aspects’ ofSharia law (Islamic law).
The materials being distributed by these scholars are very clear intheir message: violence against anyone who “oppresses” Islam isjustified. It makes them subject to the punishment of death. Rifqa Bary(the 17-year-old Muslim girl who left Islam for Christianity) tried tospeak out, but has been ignored. Many more Muslims have tried to speakout but the PR machine of the Muslim Brotherhood (backed by Saudi andEgyptian money) keeps them silent.
Young Muslims know what is being taught at their mosques, but haveno other choice but to follow their parents and the Imams. If they tryto speak out they know there are few politicians, law enforcement,lawyers, or judges who will help them. They are afraid of becoming thevictims of people like Malik Hasan who will carry out the orders of theMuslim Brotherhood.
FP: Can you give us some examples of what Muslimsin America are being taught and why you believe Malik Hasan wascarrying out the orders of the Muslim Brotherhood?
Gaubatz: Jamie there are numerous examples. I willprovide a few. Investigative journalists need to ask Imams across ourcountry what these following statements mean and if it is likely andvery possible that Muslims could use these teachings to commit actssuch as occurred at Ft. Hood, Va. Tech, ‘Trolley Square” (SLC, UT), andnumerous other locations.
[1] “The objective of Islamic Jihad is to put an end to thedominance of the un-Islamic systems of government and replace them withIslamic rule, Islam intends to bring about this revolution not in onecountry or in a few countries but in the entire world. Althoughinitially it is the duty of every member of the Muslim party to workfor revolution wherever he lives the final purpose is nothing but aworld revolution. Any revolutionary ideology which upholds the good ofall mankind, and is not of a mere national unit, cannot limit itshorizons to those of any single country or nation.”
Book: “Come Let Us Change This World,” pp. 106–107. Author: SayyidAbul A’la Mawdudi. Founder of Jamaat-e-Islami (The Islamic Party), apolitical party in Pakistan.
[2] “If you accept the whole of Islam in your life…a time will comewhen Communism will fear for its survival in Moscow, Capitalisticdemocracy will tremble for its safety in Washington and New York.”
Book: “Come Let Us Change This World,” p.83. Author: Sayyid AbulA’la Mawdudi. Founder of Jamaat-e-Islami (The Islamic Party), apolitical party in Pakistan.
[3] “It is learnt from this Hadith that physical jihad will continueright till the day of resurrection and will be waged as such in somepart or the other of the world”. We do not deny the benefit of wagingan academic and intellectual war. However, an intellectual war alonecannot be fought everywhere. There are special places and occasions forit. In short, despite waging a jihad with the tongue, pen, rationaleand intellect, the Muslim community cannot be absolved of the duty ofwaging physical jihad.”
Pamphlet: “40 Hadith on Jihad,” pp. 21 -22. Author: Maulana Abdus Samad Siyal. Published in Pakistan.
[4] “The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and Hismessenger and strive after corruption in the land, will be that theywill be killed.”
Booklet: “Duties of the Learned to Ignorant Muslims,” p. 5. Author:Abdul Qadir Oudah (Muslim Brotherhood/Egypt). Published in Pakistan.
[5] “The person who raises arms in order to curb tyranny andoppression and to eradicate evil is the blessed soul who fights in theway of Allah.”
Pamphlet: Jihad in Islam, p.15, by Abdul Hameed Siddiqi. (Jemmah Islamiyah) Published in Pakistan.
[6] “Islam wishes to destroy all States and Governments anywhere onthe face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programmeof Islam regardless of the country or the Nation which rules it. Islamrequires the earth—not just a portion, but the whole planet. Towardsthis end, Islam wishes to press into service all forces which can bringabout a revolution and a composite term for the use of all these forcesis ‘Jihad.’
Pamphlet: “Jihad in Islam,” pp.9 -10. Syed Abul A’al Maududi (founder of JI terrorist organization).
FP: Where do Muslims get this type of material?
Gaubatz: This type of material is openly providedto Muslims across America. Islamic scholars have convinced ourpoliticians, courts, and law enforcement that this type of material iscovered under our U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.
Americans need to determine for themselves if the calling for thedestruction of our country and the safety of our children was intendedby our forefathers. I believe most reasonable people would say violenceadvocated against innocent people was not the intention of ourforefathers, thus this conclusion would leave open the debate that manycurrent politicians are not reasonable people and/or have been ‘bought’by professional lobbyists within CAIR and similar Muslim Brotherhoodorganizations. Their personal agenda is leaving our country vulnerableto attack from within.
FP: Final thoughts on the Ft. Hood tragedy?
Gaubatz: Expect more. Israel has endured‘suicide/attacks’ similar to this for many years. Malik Nabal Hasan isa terrorist supporting the ideology of Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, andyes, CAIR. In Palestine, the leaders send out the young and vulnerableto carry out the murders in the name of Islam. The same is happening inAmerica.
Support organizations such as ACT! for Americabecause these Americans are educating themselves about suchorganizations as CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood. They are great peoplewho care about our country and the innocent people worldwide. Iencourage everyone to not only read the book Muslim Mafia,but to conduct their own research of the information outlined in thebook. Paul Sperry did an outstanding job. Provide a copy to your localpoliticians and law enforcement officials and ask them what they aredoing to protect innocent people in their localities from the MuslimBrotherhood ideology.
FP: Dave Gaubatz, thank you for joining us, for your courage to tell the truth, and for standing up for America.