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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Hillary Flip Flops - Another International Fiasco For The BHO Regime
11/4/2009 8:10:06 AM
Hello Friends,

A few days ago Hillary Clinton was in Israel and after talks with different ministers and with Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu they had a joint press conference in which she praised Israel and Netanyahu for their efforts in creating a climate for the peace talks by saying:
"whatthe Prime Minister has offered... a restraint on the policy ofsettlements, which he has just described, no new starts, for example, is unprecedented in the context of prior to negotiations."She also said that Israel's freezing construction "has never been aprecondition [for negotiations], it has always been an issue within thenegotiations."

I thought to my self what a change from her normal remarks that are all negative and anti Israel and very pro Palestinian disregarding all the normal Palestinian rhetoric that uses every excuse under the sun not to return to the peace talks. I decided to wait and see whether she'll flip flop when she meets with other Muslim and Arab leaders.

Well my gut feeling that she'll revert back to her normal form was right on.Just a few days later she did indeed flip flopped and you can read her latest comments below.

Surprisingly though the Arabs,Muslims and Palestinians still aren't "happy" with her. What a shame another International fiasco for the B Hussein Team. Not surprising at all.



Clinton moderates her praise for Israel

USSecretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton moderated her praise forIsrael's offer to restrain building settlements in the West Bank areas,saying Monday it still falls short of US expectations.

ThoughIsrael has not said it would freeze all settlement activity, Clintonsaid the offer to restrict it would have a "significant and meaningfuleffect" on limiting the growth of Jewish settlements on land thePalestinians want for their own state.

Herpraise Saturday of Israel's offer, however, drew widespread criticismfrom Arab nations who interpreted it as a softening of the US positionon settlements, which stand in the way of a resumption ofIsraeli-Palestinian peace talks.

During a photo-taking sessionwith her Moroccan counterpart, Clinton was asked by a reporter aboutthe Arab reaction, and she responded by reading from a writtenstatement that appeared designed to counter the skepticism about theObama administration's views on settlements.

"SuccessiveAmerican administrations of both parties have opposed Israel'ssettlement policy," she said. "That is absolutely a fact, and the Obamaadministration's position on settlements is clear, unequivocal and ithas not changed. As the president has said on many occasions, theUnited States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israelisettlements."

She also called on the Israelis to do more toimprove "movement and access" for Palestinians and on Israeli securityarrangements.

She added, however, that Israel deserved praise for moving in the right direction.

"Iwill offer positive reinforcement to either of the parties when Ibelieve they are taking steps that support the objective of reaching atwo-state solution," she said.

"This offer falls far short ofwhat we would characterize as our position or what our preference wouldbe," she said. "But if it is acted upon it will be an unprecedentedrestriction on settlements and would have a significant and meaningfuleffect on restraining their growth."

In her statement toreporters, Clinton also stressed that the Palestinian Authoritydeserved credit for what she called "unprecedented" steps to improvesecurity in the West Bank and praised the Palestinians for progress intraining their security forces.

Clinton was flying later Mondayto the southern-central city of Ouarzazate for an audience with KingMohammed VI. Later she was returning to Marrakech for talks withforeign ministers of several Persian Gulf nations.

Clinton alsowas expected to meet separately with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saudal-Faisal, who has rejected US appeals for improved Arab relations withIsrael as a way to help restart Middle East peace talks, saying theJewish state is not interested in a deal.

After taking office inJanuary, US President Barack Obama buoyed Palestinian hopes forprogress toward establishing a Palestinian state with his outreach tothe Muslim world and an initially tough stance urging a full freeze toall settlement construction.

But after making little headway withthe Israelis in recent months, Clinton urged PA President Mahmoud Abbasin a face-to-face meeting in Abu Dhabi on Saturday to renew talks,which broke down late last year, without conditions. Abbas said no,insisting that Israel first halt all settlement activity in the WestBank and east Jerusalem - lands the Palestinians claim for a futurestate.

Then, at a joint news conference with Prime MinisterBinyamin Netanyahu late Saturday in Jerusalem, Clinton praisedNetanyahu's offer to curb some settlement construction, saying it wasan unprecedented gesture.

"I believe that the US condonescontinued settlement expansion," Palestinian government spokesmanGhassan Khatib said Sunday in a rare public chiding of Washington.

"Callingfor a resumption of negotiations despite continued settlementconstruction doesn't help because we have tried this way many times,"Khatib added. "Negotiations are about ending the occupation andsettlement expansion is about entrenching the occupation."

Palestiniansexpressed deep disappointment and frustration at Clinton's words, whichsignaled a softening of the past US call for a complete freeze onsettlement activity.

Jordan and Egypt also issued statementsSunday critical of the latest US approach to the settlements issue.Clinton spoke by telephone with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed AboulGheit.

Clinton was in Marrakech to attend a regional conferencecalled Forum for the Future, with representatives of nations of theMiddle East and North Africa, as well as advanced industrializedcountries. It is the final stop on a week-long journey that beganWednesday in Pakistan.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Hundreds Of Tons Of Weapons For Hezbollah Seized By Israeli Navy
11/4/2009 9:15:40 PM
Hello Friends,

Today the Israeli Navy seized hundreds of tons of weapons manufactured and shipped by sea from Iran to the Hezbollah via Syria.

In the past few months 2 other ships were detained (1 by the US Navy) and at least 2 overland shipments that were for Hamas sent via Sudan were stopped by Israeli forces. The source of all the shipments was Iran.

Iran is the major supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah; terrorists organizations whose sole agenda is the annihilation of Israel. Imagine what will happen if Iran succeeds in becoming a nuclear power. Ahmadinejad publicly claims he wants to eradicate Israel and in addition these terrorist organizations will have access to nuclear arms as well.

B Hussein wants to pussyfoot with them with agreements they have no intention of accepting and even if they do the current agreement is giving them the time to realize their goal of becoming a nuclear power.That is a frightening thought.



Defense officials say weapons bound for Syria, Hizbullah

Hundreds of tons of weaponry, ten times the size of the Karine Ashipment of 2002, were seized in an overnight raid Tuesday by theIsraeli navy, some 100 nautical miles west of Israel, officials said.

The weapons seized on the ship, which was sailing under an Antiguan flag, included 3,000 rockets of various types.

The transfer of such large amounts of weapons, "is done in orderto create a balance of terror with Israel," said Brigadier General RaniBen-Yehuda, deputy commander of the Israeli navy, at a pressconference.

Defense officials said the 140-meter long Francop, captured near Cyprus, was carrying arms sent by Iran and destined for Syria and Hizbullah.

After several days of the Israeli military monitoring the ship,IDF Navy Seals boarded it in the middle of the night. Suspicions wereraised after the Seals uncovered certificates within containers thatdocumented Iran as the point of origin for some containers, with Syriaas the intended destination.

Upon receiving permission from relevantauthorities, including the political establishment, the sealscommandeered the ship and brought it to Israel. Once on its way toIsraeli shores, Israel apprised the government of Antigua and thecompany that owns the ship of the situation, said the officials.

After leaving the Bandar-Abbas Port in Iran, the cargo wasshipped through the Suez Canal, unloaded at the Mediterranean Port ofDamietta in Egypt and then loaded onto the ship that was captured bythe navy. The intended destination was the port Latakia in Syria, withthe contents of the shipment to be sent to Hizbullah, they said.

The ships' crew was unaware of the weapons on board, as the armaments were disguised as humanitarian aid.

"This is the third time this year that Iran is disregardinginternational law and United Nations National Security resolutions thatforbid it to transfer weaponry," Ben-Yehuda said. He went on to saythat the Navy regularly conducts operations hundreds of miles fromIsrael's shores to inspect ships suspected of carrying illegal weaponsfrom Iran being sent to terror proxies like Hizbullah and Hamas.

Israel Radio reported that advanced anti-aircraft platforms never before found in the region were also on board.

The Francop is currently docked in the Ashdod port, and being unloaded for further inspection.

Ben-Yehuda said that there was regular intelligence indicatingthat Iran was continuing to support terror groups with large amounts ofweapons aimed at being used against Israel. Furthermore, it was likelythat additional shipments from Iran would be shipped, he said.

The containers were owned by the Islamic Republic of IranShipping Lines Group, or IRISL, the military said, adding that aachcontainer contained sacks, filled with 25 kilos of silicon, made by theNatural Petrol Company in Iran.

Upon opening the containers used for smuggling the weapons, only the sacks were visible, but behind the sacks lay weapons.

The weapons included 107-millimeter rockets, 60-millimetermortars, 7.62-rifle Kalashnikov-ammunition, F-1 grenades and122-millimeter Katyusha rockets. On the side of some of the casesinside the containers the words "parts of bulldozers" was written.

Ben-Yehuda called the shipment "very advanced weaponry". Headded that even though the Iranian containers were loaded at port ofDamietta in Egypt, the Egyptians were totally unaware of the ship'scontents.

A month ago, Der Spiegel reported that the US Navy hadboarded a German cargo ship near the Suez Canal that was carryingammunition from Iran to Syria or Hizbullah.

In the past year, the Navy intercepted several vessels suspected of illicitly carrying munitions intended for Israel's enemies.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Has The Aura surrounding B Hussein Disappeared?
11/5/2009 7:16:57 AM
Hello Friends,

Has the aura of I am the "ONE" been extinguished? I believe it has and for many good reasons. Now let's remember that only his supporters ever believed he was the "ONE" while close to half the citizenry believed he was a non entity with absolutely no accomplishments that can speak well. So we're talking about the other half that fell into his honey trap of "change".

Well, you have to admit he did make many changes and all bad. The majority of the good citizens oppose his radical Marxist/Socialist agendas and are silent no longer. Many of those that supported B Hussein the great pretender are now voting for Republicans and even his campaigning for Gubernatorial candidates didn't help. Quite the opposite.

So, if up till now we saw the millions protesting (that the MSM ignores) now we saw the results in the poll booths. The people are saying NAY to B Hussein and his regime. I wonder if he gets the picture and understands that not only isn't he the ONE he's becoming used merchandise that is almost impossible to sell. Hmmmm, could it be that Bush is to blame for the losses in Virginia and New Jersey??

The man has no viable International policies and authors fiasco after fiasco.

The man is liked more by Europeans (he does bash the USA every chance he gets) then by his own citizens. But, he is held in disdain by the majority of the world leaders including US allies.

He's promoting his Marxist/Socialist agendas and is surrounded by like minded goons. Many Americans eyes are being opened lately in particular those that supported him.

He is fighting losing battles with those on his "enemies list" in particular with Fox News. So much so that "reporters" from the MSM are even opposing his mob tactics.Imagine that. What a disaster he is.

You know the list of the "ONES" defects is so long that I'm sure that most of you are already aware of them. Sure, there are still some sheeples out there that believe in him many of whom are the gimmees and illegals that know that he is their man. Many of the Muslims still support him cos their main man is in the White House and in addition to all the Marxist goons on his staff and Czar list he's surrounded himself with radical Muslims too.

Yes. I believe the "Aura" has disappeared and allthat's left is a man that is the master at using a teleprompter.Actually that's his only claim to fame. Sorry, he also killed a fly on live TV.

Every time he has a faux pas cos the teleprompter is on the blink I get a good chuckle out of it cos then you really see that the man has no substance. Just a reminder. At his inauguration he screwed up the oath of office (no teleprompter) and later on he had to take the oath again cos the way he miffed it wasn't "legal". I'd say that the writing was on the wall at his own ultra extravagant inauguration. But, that didn't bother all the hypnotized masses out there that were crying for joy.

How sad.


Peter Fogel
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RE: HSIG - Is B Hussein's Eligibility Question Dead?
11/7/2009 1:42:03 AM
Hello Friends,

A few days ago I was chatting with one of my European friends and he told me he just came back from a meeting with people from all over the world. An American amongst them told him that the "birther" movement in the United States is dead. Now, I'm not in total agreement with that American but it got me thinking and here are a few of my thoughts on this sordid and serious issue.

When you think about it the eligibility of B Hussein to be president is one of the most important issues in the United States today. Just think for a moment of the chaos when the truth finally comes out. In most cases it does regardless of the gangland tactics being used to hide the truth. Every law signed by B Hussein will be an illegal law if it's found he wasn't eligible to be president. So don't you think it's smarter to know the truth now?

One thing for sure. B Hussein is hiding something otherwise he wouldn't have had ALL his past records locked away and have his lawyers fight every lawsuit nation wide.

Let's assume for a moment that he is an American citizen and his records will reveal some sordid events in his past. For instance that his mother wasn't married and he was born out of wedlock or some other minor issue.

[Thereare also those that believe B Hussein is an alien, born on the planetSirius and was sent here to "save" us. As a galactic that wouldcertainly make him ineligible according to the constitution. :) ]

So, the above "for instance" would not be pleasant for B Hussein when the public knows the truth but it would not make him ineligible to be president. The constitution has no problem with bastards (in the Biblical sense) and the stipulation is that he be a natural born American citizen which he would be in this instance.

All B Hussein has to do is reveal his vault birth certificate to prove that he has every right to be president and sit in the White House. BUT, he simply isn't willing to do that. What is he hiding?

What we do know is that he and his goons claim that the birth certificate on his website proves that he is an American citizen. That has been disproved many a time up to and including that the certificate is a forgery.

We do know that his mother married an Indonesian, and that B Hussein was an Indonesian citizen and was enrolled in a Muslim Madras as a Muslim. Then he was Barry Soetero.

We do know he lived in Kenya and his Kenyan grandmother says he was born there.

We do know that while in college he traveled to countries that were on the no go list in the USA; so the question remains what passport did heuse to visit those countries. It had to have been a foreign passportcos he couldn't have used an American passport to travel to thosecountries.

So the bottom line is that we do know many things that question B Hussein's eligibility and none that prove that he is a natural born US citizen. If there is no problem why in the world wouldn't he release his vault birth certificate? EVEN if some uncomfortable secrets would be revealed his eligibility wouldn't be in question, definitely preferable then having his eligibility questioned.

By not releasing the vault birth certificate the legality of his presidency will forever be questioned. If the "for instance" I gave above is true wouldn't it be better for all to know he's a bastard then have the question of his eligibility and the legality of his presidency remain unanswered? As I said above the truth has a way of revealing itself and rather then be in a state of chaos and anarchy when the truth comes to light let's get it over and done with now.

All I can say in closing is WHERE IS THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: HSIG - Let's Call a Spade A Spade!
11/7/2009 9:48:04 AM
Hello Friends,

Politicalcorrectness is turning into the joke of the century. When you can'tcall a spade a spade (tool for digging) for fear of offending the spadeis more then ridiculous it's down right dangerous.

When youhave a Jihadi infiltrator in the US Army that slaughters 12 people andinjures another 30+ innocent victims the media, military personnel andthe White House will not call a spade a spade. When Maj. Nidal MalikHasan was firing on the innocent victims and shouting Allah Akbar I'dcall that a terrorist attack and Nidal Hasan a Jihadi terrorist. But,that's not politically correct and MSM, the Military and the WhiteHouse refuse to call it as it is. All I can say is **** politicalcorrectness and call a Jihadi terrorist a Jihadi terrorist.

Read the interview below and it might open a few more eyes, ears and brains to the dangers facing them in their back yards.



Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S.civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the ownerof DG Counter-terrorism Publishing.He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour(CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book, Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. He can be contacted at

FP: Dave Gaubatz, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

A terrible tragedy occurred yesterday at Ft. Hood, Texas. Because you are the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of the new book Muslim Mafia,I would like to ask you this: are there any correlations between yourmessage in the book about the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood andthe murder spree at Ft. Hood?

Gaubatz: Thanks Jamie.

Yes. The murders by Malik Nadal Hasan at Ft. Hood, TX are not a‘lone wolf incident’ as being described by most media organizations.Hasan had been taught the ideology that is being advocated by hundredsof Islamic scholars and Imams in the U.S. We as a country can continueto deny there are numerous Islamic leaders and their supportingorganizations such as CAIR, ISNA, MSA, and MANA, to name a few, whoadvocate killing innocent men, women, and children whom they allege‘oppress Islam.’

How many more incidents similar to this that have been occurring inAmerica does it take before even the media wants to report the truth?Politicians will always say or do whatever will get them their nextvote in an upcoming election, but there was a time in our history whenjournalists reported everything and were not concerned with ‘politicalcorrectness.’

This type of journalistic reporting is dangerous and in itself is anational security issue. Journalists and their affiliated newsorganization are so afraid of being labeled or sued by organizationssuch as CAIR that they will withhold the truth from the Americanpeople. In part, the murders of innocent people are partly the fault ofsuch journalists and politicians who support organizations such asCAIR.

FP: Your thoughts on CAIR and what happened at Ft. Hood?

Gaubatz: My team and I have conducted first-handresearch at over 200 Islamic Centers in the U.S., and in variousIslamic organizations such as CAIR. There is one common denominator:There is an open hatred being advocated by Islamic scholars towardChristians, Jews, and Muslims who do not adhere to ‘all aspects’ ofSharia law (Islamic law).

The materials being distributed by these scholars are very clear intheir message: violence against anyone who “oppresses” Islam isjustified. It makes them subject to the punishment of death. Rifqa Bary(the 17-year-old Muslim girl who left Islam for Christianity) tried tospeak out, but has been ignored. Many more Muslims have tried to speakout but the PR machine of the Muslim Brotherhood (backed by Saudi andEgyptian money) keeps them silent.

Young Muslims know what is being taught at their mosques, but haveno other choice but to follow their parents and the Imams. If they tryto speak out they know there are few politicians, law enforcement,lawyers, or judges who will help them. They are afraid of becoming thevictims of people like Malik Hasan who will carry out the orders of theMuslim Brotherhood.

FP: Can you give us some examples of what Muslimsin America are being taught and why you believe Malik Hasan wascarrying out the orders of the Muslim Brotherhood?

Gaubatz: Jamie there are numerous examples. I willprovide a few. Investigative journalists need to ask Imams across ourcountry what these following statements mean and if it is likely andvery possible that Muslims could use these teachings to commit actssuch as occurred at Ft. Hood, Va. Tech, ‘Trolley Square” (SLC, UT), andnumerous other locations.

[1] “The objective of Islamic Jihad is to put an end to thedominance of the un-Islamic systems of government and replace them withIslamic rule, Islam intends to bring about this revolution not in onecountry or in a few countries but in the entire world. Althoughinitially it is the duty of every member of the Muslim party to workfor revolution wherever he lives the final purpose is nothing but aworld revolution. Any revolutionary ideology which upholds the good ofall mankind, and is not of a mere national unit, cannot limit itshorizons to those of any single country or nation.”

Book: “Come Let Us Change This World,” pp. 106–107. Author: SayyidAbul A’la Mawdudi. Founder of Jamaat-e-Islami (The Islamic Party), apolitical party in Pakistan.

[2] “If you accept the whole of Islam in your life…a time will comewhen Communism will fear for its survival in Moscow, Capitalisticdemocracy will tremble for its safety in Washington and New York.”

Book: “Come Let Us Change This World,” p.83. Author: Sayyid AbulA’la Mawdudi. Founder of Jamaat-e-Islami (The Islamic Party), apolitical party in Pakistan.

[3] “It is learnt from this Hadith that physical jihad will continueright till the day of resurrection and will be waged as such in somepart or the other of the world”. We do not deny the benefit of wagingan academic and intellectual war. However, an intellectual war alonecannot be fought everywhere. There are special places and occasions forit. In short, despite waging a jihad with the tongue, pen, rationaleand intellect, the Muslim community cannot be absolved of the duty ofwaging physical jihad.”

Pamphlet: “40 Hadith on Jihad,” pp. 21 -22. Author: Maulana Abdus Samad Siyal. Published in Pakistan.

[4] “The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and Hismessenger and strive after corruption in the land, will be that theywill be killed.”

Booklet: “Duties of the Learned to Ignorant Muslims,” p. 5. Author:Abdul Qadir Oudah (Muslim Brotherhood/Egypt). Published in Pakistan.

[5] “The person who raises arms in order to curb tyranny andoppression and to eradicate evil is the blessed soul who fights in theway of Allah.”

Pamphlet: Jihad in Islam, p.15, by Abdul Hameed Siddiqi. (Jemmah Islamiyah) Published in Pakistan.

[6] “Islam wishes to destroy all States and Governments anywhere onthe face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programmeof Islam regardless of the country or the Nation which rules it. Islamrequires the earth—not just a portion, but the whole planet. Towardsthis end, Islam wishes to press into service all forces which can bringabout a revolution and a composite term for the use of all these forcesis ‘Jihad.’

Pamphlet: “Jihad in Islam,” pp.9 -10. Syed Abul A’al Maududi (founder of JI terrorist organization).

FP: Where do Muslims get this type of material?

Gaubatz: This type of material is openly providedto Muslims across America. Islamic scholars have convinced ourpoliticians, courts, and law enforcement that this type of material iscovered under our U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.

Americans need to determine for themselves if the calling for thedestruction of our country and the safety of our children was intendedby our forefathers. I believe most reasonable people would say violenceadvocated against innocent people was not the intention of ourforefathers, thus this conclusion would leave open the debate that manycurrent politicians are not reasonable people and/or have been ‘bought’by professional lobbyists within CAIR and similar Muslim Brotherhoodorganizations. Their personal agenda is leaving our country vulnerableto attack from within.

FP: Final thoughts on the Ft. Hood tragedy?

Gaubatz: Expect more. Israel has endured‘suicide/attacks’ similar to this for many years. Malik Nabal Hasan isa terrorist supporting the ideology of Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, andyes, CAIR. In Palestine, the leaders send out the young and vulnerableto carry out the murders in the name of Islam. The same is happening inAmerica.

Support organizations such as ACT! for Americabecause these Americans are educating themselves about suchorganizations as CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood. They are great peoplewho care about our country and the innocent people worldwide. Iencourage everyone to not only read the book Muslim Mafia,but to conduct their own research of the information outlined in thebook. Paul Sperry did an outstanding job. Provide a copy to your localpoliticians and law enforcement officials and ask them what they aredoing to protect innocent people in their localities from the MuslimBrotherhood ideology.

FP: Dave Gaubatz, thank you for joining us, for your courage to tell the truth, and for standing up for America.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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