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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Why is B Hussein In Such A Rush To Pass The Obama Health Care Bill
8/17/2009 6:51:24 AM
Hello Friends,

We are all witnesses to the hysteria that B Hussein the great pretender is in due to the ever growing condemnation of his Obama health care program. Even within his own party there are many that are not happy with the proposed plan and rightly so.

Has anyone bothered to ask himself why B Hussein is so intent on passing this catastrophic plan so quickly? Has anyone bothered to ask himself why he's "invited" the goon and thug squads to be present at all the town hall meetings? Or why he sent out emails to his supporters asking them to "inform" on troublesome neighbors and friends that are against this communistic plan?

I guess not but you should. The issue is quite simple and I believe that B Hussein is aware that he is sitting in the White House on borrowed time and knows that he has limited time to reach his goals including the downfall of the US Republic as the bastion of democracy and capitalism to a socialistic/communistic Islamic country. In other words a regime similar to those he so admires and befriends.

B Hussein knows that the legitimacy of his Presidency is in question and it won't be long before the great pretender and usurper will be brought to court. All it takes is one brave judge to hear just one of the many lawsuits before the courts all over the United States.

The simple question "where'
s the birth certificate" will finally be aired publicly in court and B Hussein knows what many simply choose to ignore that when that happens he'll be on his way out of the White House. He knows why he refuses to release the vault birth certificate. He knows what he is hiding and it won't be long before we all know the truth.

What a mess the country will be in then with all the communistic laws passed, ownership of industries, banks and the Islamification of the United States. No doubt it will be a question of better late then never but don't you all think sooner would be better then later? Just think why the usurper is in such a rush to pass the Obama health care and why he needs the thugs, goons and snitch squads to fight decent and patriotic Americans. 


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Why is B Hussein In Such A Rush To Pass The Obama Health Care Bill
8/17/2009 10:44:22 AM

Hello Peter and all

Here's an audio with Ronald Reagan regarding "socialized" health care.

In part, he warned:
"One of the traditonal methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine.  It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project..... Now, the American people, if you put it to them about socialized medicine and gave them a chance to choose, would unhesitatingly vote against it." - Ronald Reagan

As a Canadian, living in a country where we have socialized medicine, I cannot say it has been bad for me.  I don't know what I would have done if I had been under a system like the US now has with premiums of $300 per month.  For the most part, I was a single mom living on lousy wages that women get and there is no way I could have afforded $300 a month, not even $150 per month.

One reason the premiums are so high is because when people go to the doctor, the doctor charges the highest he can get, if the person has insurance.  If the person is paying for it themselves, they often get a cheaper rate or are charge for less time.  At least that is how I found it to be in dentistry, especially if you whined a bit about not having the money.  Our dental visits are not covered.

One of the problems in Canada has been the higher taxes needed to pay for our medicare.  To add to the cost, people go to their doctor at the drop of a hat.  Even the media encourages people to see their doctor about every least little thing.  Another problem is that some people don't want to take responsibility for their own health.  As long as they can get prescriptions, why take supplements, for example.  They may not have had the problem if they had taken supplements and learned a bit about how nutrition affects our health. 

For example, I was a heavy smoker for almost 40 years.  I am over 60 and I should be dead by now.  I have had very little medical care in my life and even now I do not take even one pharmaceutical drug, prescription or otherwise.  I don't have much wrong with me except difficulty breathing with the least bit of exertion.  I also get congested easily because of COPD, even though I quit smoking 9 years ago.  Apparently this is a big problem for people with COPD and they often end up with pneumonia because of it.  When my congestion flares up, I use specific supplements and treat myself with certain natural products which I sell as well.  Just taking 2000-3000 mgs of Vitamin C a day alone would keep a lot of people away from doctors and medicine.  It is time people take responsibility for their own health as much as possible. 

Our health care system did not start bursting at the seams, surgery-wise, until we began letting in a lot of new immigrants without equally increasing the infra-structure.  Then we began seeing people having to wait weeks and months for surgery ...and even years for elective surgery.  This was not the case in the 70s and the 80s before the influx of immigrants.

Costs are controlled under the Canadian health care system.  Doctors earn less in fees than American doctors do, for example.  The government is involved in keeping the cost of drugs down, especially for those who are eligible for free prescriptions.  This keeps the system's costs down.  But the truth is it is very expensive for the government to pay for all of this so we get to pay more taxes.

The drug companies love it, by the way, when the government pays for prescriptions because then more people take medicines than they would if they had to pay for it themselves. 

What is interesting about what Ronald Reagan said is that once a large bill is passed they can add to it from time to time with less difficulty.  Something should be done about stopping government from continuing to pile more and more rules and laws on the people.

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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Why is B Hussein In Such A Rush To Pass The Obama Health Care Bill
8/18/2009 9:19:51 AM

Hi Helen,

Thanks for the link to Reagan's video. It's amazing how he foresaw the future with such brilliance. I heard the video a few days ago and understood that once again he hit the nail on the head and described perfectly the perfidious actions of B Hussein.

I read today that Canada is thinking of making changes in their health plan and allowing private insurers to offer their services to better improve the medical aid in Canada.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - *FATAH* The Moderate(?) - We Will Never Recogniize Israel
8/18/2009 9:22:04 AM
Hello Friends,

B Hussein the great pretender has embraced the Fatah controlled Palestinian Authority whole heartedly with military support, financial support and most importantly lack of any demands upon these terrorists to uphold any of the agreements reached in the many years of peace talks.

When you consider his love of Islam this is not surprising and it is in total accord with his plan to strengthen Islam within the United States and the world.  He ignores any and all statements made by Fatah and their leader Mahmoud Abbas that they do not recognize the Israeli State and are determined to destroy and annihilate the Jewish entity totally. This is in their charter and in actual fact nothing has changed as we all saw during the Fatah's latest convention.

Yet, according to B Hussein's public declarations the major problem impeding the peace process is the building in Judea, Sameria and Jerusalem. He knows this is not true, his advisers know this not true yet the never ending  rhetoric coming out of the horses mouth is consistent and B Hussein Islam's agent in the White House continues to blame Israel for lack of progress in the peace talks.

The lack of unbiased coverage of he Fatah convention is not surprising as is the silence of B Hussein and his regime on all the terrorist rhetoric during the Fatah  convention. Hear no evil speak no evil and see no evil just doesn't work any more. The evil is alive and well and supported by B Hussein the great pretender.



The just-concluded Fatah general assembly, (in which the organization met for the first in about 20 years) rejected recognition of the Jewish State. This was no surprise. It has always been the Palestinian position.

In a recent interview with PLO (Fatah) officials prior to the meeting:

JERUSALEM – "Senior members of Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah have announced that their group will never recognize Israel and will continue to call for war against Israel.

“Fatah does not recognize Israel’s right to exist, nor have we ever asked others to do so,” said senior Fatah member Rafik Natsheh, a close associate of Abbas.

Media reports, according to which Fatah has recognized Israel and has called on Hamas to do the same, are false, Natsheh said in an interview with the pan-Arab daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi.

“It’s all media nonsense. We don’t ask other factions to recognize Israel; we ourselves do not recognize Israel,” he said."

- more

These are the Abbas, West Bank, Palestinian Authority "moderates"!

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - *FATAH* The Moderate(?) - PA Will Take All Of Jeruslem .........
8/18/2009 9:37:56 AM

Hello Friends,

Here's another article that shows the true face of the "moderate" Fatah. B Hussein chooses to ignore all the facts and supports this terrorist organization with much "love" for the Fatah's planned Jihad on Israel.

It's interesting to note again that Fatah is doing its best to "win" the whose the better terrorist award Fatah or Hamas?



Fatah: PA Will Take All of Jerusalem – by Peace or by Force

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu


The Fatah party headed by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, re-elected in the fractured party convention in Bethlehem Saturday night, concluded all of Jerusalem is a “red line” for the PA.

"Fatah will continue to sacrifice victims until Jerusalem will be returned, clean of settlements and settlers," according to a Fatah “all-or-nothing” policy paper, which did not distinguish between the part of the capital that was restored to Israel in the Six-Day War in 1967 and the section that was recognized by the United Nations as part of Israel in the 1949 Armistice Agreement. 

Abbas, who previously has said he will not extend his term of office as head of the Palestinian Authority, which Fatah leads, was re-elected unanimously for another five-year term. He was the sole candidate who stood for the position. The de facto Hamas government in Gaza prevented Fatah delegates from leaving the region for Bethlehem, but several of them voted by telephone.

The convention, marked by scuffles and mud slinging, is being extended to Tuesday as it tries to rejuvenate itself following years of corruption, which opponents say remains rampant.

Abbas warned at the opening of the convention that Israel faces violence from the PA if it does not agree to its terms for a new Arab state on the land of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. He claimed that attacks on Israelis are valid under international law.

“Although we have chosen peace, we maintain the right to launch an armed resistance, which is legitimate as far as international law is concerned." he told approximately the 2,000 delegates.

At-Tayyib Abdul-Rahim, a member of Fatah Central Committee, said following Abbas's re-election, “Fatah is still a liberation movement, and since we have not achieved our goals, we have popular resistance.... If peace efforts are thwarted, there will be no security, nor stability in the region.”


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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