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Jim Allen

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Re: HSIG - Why is B Hussein In Such A Rush To Pass The Obama Health Care Bill
8/21/2009 11:58:34 AM
 Capitol Hill becomes mosque for Friday Islamic prayers (jummah)

U.S. govt teams up with Muslim charity, matches ‘Palestinian’ funding

By creeping

Obama fulfilling his promise to the Muslim world to make the Islamic pillar of “zakat” easier. Just in time for Ramadan – better known as the month of jihad. From Newsweek -Washington Post:

…American Charities for Palestine.

It partners with the U.S. government on charitable projects in the Palestinian territories.

Last August, the nonprofit signed an agreement with the Agency for International Development (USAID) aimed at expanding private American donor assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. It’s now up and running in time for Ramadan, when Muslims are required to give to the poor and needy. (Ramadan starts this evening.)

The way it works is that American Charities for Palestine picks the project and USAID looks it over. After USAID has given the project a thumb’s up, American Charities goes to it. It has three projects so far, including one that sent 1,000 laptops to 13 schools in the West Bank.

So far it has spent about $355,000, and USAID has kicked in $250,000 in matching funds.

Ziad Asali, who sits on the nonprofit’s board of directors, said the group hopes to show Muslims that “it is possible to send money to Palestine. It is possible to send it to very worthwhile causes, and it is possible to feel like you’re doing something safely and securely with at least one U.S. government department vetting recipients.”

Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group Hamas controls Gaza. And USAID has been ensuring Americans tax dollars get to Hamas regularly:

A Dec. 2007 USAID audit reported that the mission administering its funds gave money to groups and institutions affiliated with U.S. designated terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad. It warned: “Without additional controls, the mission could inadvertently provide support to entities or individuals associated with terrorism.”

USAID “failure” to prevent funds from reaching Palestinian terrorist is not surprising given U.S. previous Administrations support for Arafat, and now for Abbas…

USAID funds have gone directly to terrorist group Hizbollah as well:

Republican U.S. Congressman Joe Knollenberg of Michigan–and his then-Chief of Staff Paul Welday–sought at least $268 million in USAID money for Lebanon “to rebuild infrastructure in the South,” the Hezbollah-controlled area.

They obtained about $86 million in U.S. tax money. And–surprise, surprise–it went straight to Hezbollah.

As previously posted in U.S. taxpayer money used to fund terrorist memorials in ‘Palestine’:

USAID spent $400,000 in 2004 to build the Salakh Khalaf soccer field. After Palestinian Media Watch reported that Khalaf was the head of the Palestinian terror group that murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics and two American diplomats in Sudan, USAID publicly apologized and said it would demand that the PA change the name. The name was never changed.

The continued flow of U.S. taxpayer dollars to terrorist entities “constitutes criminal negligence:”

…the U.S. Foreign Operations Bill that prohibits giving federal dollars “to or through any individual, private or government entity or educational institution that the secretary knows or has reason to believe, advocates, plans, sponsors, engages in or has engaged in terrorist activities.’

Republican U.S. Congressman Joe Knollenberg of Michigan–and his then-Chief of Staff Paul Welday–sought at least $268 million in USAID money for Lebanon “to rebuild infrastructure in the South,” the Hezbollah-controlled area.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Why is B Hussein In Such A Rush To Pass The Obama Health Care Bill
8/22/2009 2:17:18 AM

Hello Robert,

It's uncanny how Ronald Reagan hit the nail on the head so accurately and defined and described to a T what B Hussein the great pretender is trying to do during what I hope and pray will be a short tenure in the White House.

People have the habit of thinking that the grass is greener but another terrible habit is not learning from history. The whole world saw and in certain cases still sees the failure and collapse of socialism and communism in most countries that embraced these forms of government.

B Hussein apparently isn't a student of history nor of much else it appears aside from his encompassing love for all that is Islamic. His plans and agenda will be the ruin of the United States and thankfully many are awakening and protesting vigorously the proposed Obama Health "Care".



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Why is B Hussein In Such A Rush To Pass The Obama Health Care Bill
8/22/2009 2:23:28 AM

Hello Jim,

Thanks for sharing the information with us even though it doesn't surprise me one bit. Think about the fact that the United States government is training the Fatah terrorist organization openly and of course financing them in many ways.

This is being done under the auspices of B Hussein the great pretender and anything new as I said doesn't surprise me. Money for Hezbollah, Hamas and so much more why would US charities matching Palestinian funding be a major surprise. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if the path eventually leads us back to B Hussein if you follow the money trail.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Muslim World Demographics And How It Affects You And Future Generations
8/22/2009 2:27:15 AM

Hello Friends,

This  morning I received an email from a very good friend with a special request that the below video be posted in my forum. If I'm not mistaken I posted this video quite a while ago but I decided to repost it cos the message is so important.

We are all aware of the creeping Jihad that has many faces and the terrorist Jihad isn't the worst of what's in store for us.

Shariah law which isn't creeping in Europe anymore but becoming a fact of life in many European countries. The pedophilia that Islam teaches, abuse of women, honor killings, disdain and hatred for all religions and the command to kill all infidels and so much more is becoming a way of life in the United States more and more everyday.

With B Hussein Islam's man/agent in the White House the Islamic takeover will be much easier and faster. Watch the below video and take to heart the message and warning in it. It's not science fiction cos we can all see the takeover of Europe which before you know it will be Eurabia.

((youtube id="6-3X5hIFXYU"))((/youtube))



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - John Voight: Is Obama Creating A Civil War In America?
8/22/2009 8:37:38 AM
Hi JoAnne,

It's amazing how accurately Ronald Reagan predicted all that B Hussein is doing and trying to accomplish. His Socialist/Communistic agenda along with his Islamic agenda is a terrifying combination and the country needs to oppose it all and see to it that he fails.

Below is an article based on John Voights thoughts on B Hussein and his nefarious agenda. His prediction is possibly closer to reality then many might believe.

Thanks for your support and sharing your thoughts with us.



Voight: Is Obama creating a civil war in America?

Inside the Beltway column


A Hollywood conservative has headed East. It's "Freedom Concert" time for Jon Voight. The Academy Award winner will join Sean Hannity in Cincinnati and Atlanta this weekend to honor fallen soldiers and present college scholarships to surviving children. Mr. Voight -- a warrior himself in many ways -- has been cogitating about the state of America, meanwhile.

"There's a real question at stake now. Is President Obama creating a civil war in our own country?" Mr. Voight tells Inside the Beltway.

"We are witnessing a slow, steady takeover of our true freedoms. We are becoming a socialist nation, and whoever can't see this is probably hoping it isn't true. If we permit Mr. Obama to take over all our industries, if we permit him to raise our taxes to support unconstitutional causes, then we will be in default. This great America will become a paralyzed nation." 

Be outraged, Mr. Voight advises.

"Do not let the Obama administration fool you with all their cunning Alinsky methods. And if you don't know what that method is, I implore you to get the book 'Rules for Radicals,' by Saul Alinsky. Mr. Obama is very well trained in these methods," he continues, citing a television campaign critical of the Republican Party and contentious town-hall meetings about health care reform.

"The real truth is that the Obama administration is professional at bullying, as we have witnessed with ACORN at work during the presidential campaign. It seems to me they are sending down their bullies to create fist fights among average American citizens who don't want a government-run health care plan forced upon them," Mr. Voight says. "So I ask again. Is President Obama creating a civil war in our own country?" 

The below picture has nothing to do with John Voight's article but shows what they think of him and he doesn't even realize it.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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