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Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Fatah/PLO/PA Conference -the moderates! Total Annihilation And Destruction Of Israel
8/7/2009 6:41:07 PM

Thanks, Robert for the site.  I don't trust Obama but there were some quotes by others that were very good. 

I liked this one by Zig Ziglar......

"Money isn't the most important thing in life, but it's reasonably close to oxygen on the "gotta have it" scale.

When someone says they wouldn't want 'all that money', Zig says they will lie about other things, too.


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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Fatah/PLO/PA Conference -the moderates! Total Annihilation And Destruction Of Israel
8/8/2009 1:44:12 AM

Hi Jim,

The world sure is going crazy and you can see evidence of that even here in Adland. I'll not go into the all the details but suffice to say that B Hussein is a galactic as are Ron Paul and Kuchinik (sp?). Every other day an "event" is going to happen that will change the world but for some strange reason the dates keep on being put off for some time in the  future. 

I wonder if a reality check isn't in order here. I consider myself to be a realist and have a fair if not good comprehension of what is going on around us. It appears that people would rather dream of ascensions then see what is actually happening around them.

One thing I will agree with is that B Hussein is an alien. He's alien to the Constitution and all it represents. He's alien to western culture since he's totally embraced Islam as "his" new order along with communism and a tyrannical regime. All the evidence as I see it points in that direction and all the sheeples will find themselves ascending not into a new dimension but hell on earth rather then heaven on earth.  

B Hussein the great pretender is doing all in his power to reduce the US to the dunghill of all societies and 1984 will be a paradise in comparison to what he has in store for all of us.

His thugs are out attacking any and all that oppose his communistic plans for the country and they  are out doing his bidding. Scare tactics galore, thuggery beatings and much more.

He's following a doctrine that is a combination of Islamic/communistic totalitarian oppression at it's worst and the sheeples are wetting their pants in adoration. Fools that they are. It seems that it's a full moon every day for them.

As I said in a previous post I hope that PM Bibi Netanyahu remains steadfast and doesn't allow this obomination to dictate Israel's internal affairs.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Fatah/PLO/PA Conference -the moderates! Total Annihilation And Destruction Of Israel
8/8/2009 1:54:55 AM

Hi Robert,

B Hussein the great pretender is not on the same level as any of those people you mentioned. I'm sure if you searched you'll find quotes from all the tyrants in history and all it proves is that they were quoted and we have the pleasure of reading their slime.

The quote you brought to our attention en capsules all that B Hussein stands for. America shares nothing with the Islamic regimes ......until their agent BHO got into the White House. Any comparisons can only be attributed to his regime and no more. That is his agenda Islamize the US and then there will really be no competition since the united states of arabia under sharia law will be part and parcel of the caliphate.

Wonder what it'll take to wake the sheeples up?



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Fatah/PLO/PA Conference -the moderates! Total Annihilation And Destruction Of Israel
8/8/2009 2:05:51 AM

Hi Helen,

Yes there are some very good quotes there and B Hussein's aren't included in that list.

Take these for example and compare them to B Hussein the great pretender. One thing for sure none of the others had teleprompters to read of their "famous quotes".

A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.
Thomas Jefferson

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
Thomas Jefferson

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Thomas Jefferson

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
Thomas Jefferson

Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.
Thomas Jefferson

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Thomas Jefferson



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Fatah Convention - The Purge Of Israelis Is Our Target
8/10/2009 3:46:57 AM
Hello Friends,

For those following the Fatah General Assembly in Bethlehem might find a few names used confusing. There are 3 entities mentioned , PLO, Fatah and PA.

Now the PLO (founder Yasser Arafat) is the "father" terrorist group and Fatah is it's military arm. The PA - Palestinian Authority is the so called government that is supposed to "govern" the authority that includes the Gaza strip. The PLO/Fatah is the political entity that is running the PA with Mahmoud Abbas as the elected head of this so called government and also the elected head of the Fatah terrorist group.

In the world Fatah is considered to be the "moderate" terrorist organization in comparison to Hamas who kicked the Fatah out of Gaza and now runs Gaza (not governs). In essence what you have are 2 groups of terrorist organizations vieing for the leadership of all the Palestinians so what you actually see is a contest between them who is the worst terrorist organization of them all.

Now this Fatah convention was a chance for them to prove to the world that their aim is peace and they are legitimate partners in the peace process. Nothing can be further from the truth. Their rhetoric and all their speeches laud the terrorist actions, applaud those that committed these acts of terror and continue to rant that their aim is the total destruction of Israel as you can see from the following statement made by the "moderate" Abbas.
"The Fatah movement was established so as to liberate all the Palestinian lands and we will not concede even a single inch. We will continue our struggle and with the path of resistance until we establish our state whose capital is a united Jerusalem that is purged of settlements and settlers."  (note the term "purged"). This is further evidence that the PLO/Fatah charter to totally destroy and annihilate Israel is alive and well and they freely state time and time again.

The absurd reality is that throughout this Fatah convention you heard nothing from B Hussein or his lackey Hillary condemning the hate and violence emanating from this nefarious get together of hate and terror. Of course not since regardless of what they say, do or for that matter not do B Hussein is totally behind this terrorist entity. So much so that he is training them militarily and supplying them with an endless supply of money. They've made no attempts to act on their obligations from the Road Map agreement. They are totally ignored and in todays political arena with their agent sitting in the White House they know they can get away with it.

B Hussein the great pretender will carry on with his ridiculous "demands" that Israel cease all building in Judea and Samaria as the cause of the conflict and even the less discerning realize that there is absolutely no connection between the building and the peace process. They want the total destruction of Israel and won't be satisfied with less then that and they are depending on B Hussein to "negotiate" that for them while they carry on with their terrorist activities.

The consensus today in Israel which is unusual in itself since it includes the majority of the left is that B Hussein is anti Israel and his intentions are to aid and abet the terrorist organizations. B Hussein the thug thought his "charisma" will work on the Israeli people and he was sorely mistaken in his assessment. Not only that but the majority of the American Jewish Organizations that initially supported this usurper now are distancing themselves from him and realize their dire mistake.

Let's see what remarkable quotes we'll hear now from B Hussein's teleprompter after the Fatah convention. I'm sure he'll come up with some amazing distortions and lies to cover up for the decisions made there.



Abbas's bully pulpit

In keeping with a long tradition of "helping Abu Mazen," Israel made it possible for Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah General Assembly to gather 2,000 delegates in Bethlehem beginning August 4. The assembly is an effort to demonstrate that Fatah remains the vanguard of the Palestinian polity. Delegates have come from around the Arab world, save for Hamas-controlled Gaza.

Palestinian Authority...

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud
Abbas talks during the Fatah party convention
in Bethlehem, Saturday.Photo: AP

The atmosphere for the conference was auspicious. The Obama administration has been ostentatiously leaning on Israel to halt all housing construction over the Green Line. Life under the "occupation" - now that the Palestinians are not systematically shooting at us - isn't at all bad. Over the weekend, for instance, the main north-south West Bank highway, Route 60, was jammed with Palestinian and Israeli traffic; intrusive security restrictions affecting average Palestinians were nowhere to be seen. The West Bank economy is doing relatively well. And Israel's leadership has committed itself to the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state.

Under these circumstances one might have expected Abbas to finally begin the process of socializing Palestinians to the idea of coexistence with Israel and the need to compromise on borders and refugees. Instead, Fatah remained steadfastly uncompromising.

Armed resistance, Abbas's assembly declared, remains legitimate though for tactical reasons will be held in abeyance - for now; violent "civil disobedience" is laudable; recognition of Israel as a Jewish state is out of the question; and Fatah will continue to insist that the descendants of some 700,000 Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war - today numbering in the millions - have a "right of return" to Israel proper to, in effect, demographically asphyxiate its Jewish population.

Abbas summed matters up this way: "The Fatah movement was established so as to liberate all the Palestinian lands and we will not concede even a single inch. We will continue our struggle and with the path of resistance until we establish our state whose capital is a united Jerusalem that is purged of settlements and settlers."

He then invoked Jerusalem's place in Islamic and Christian traditions, willfully disregarding what Zion has meant to Jewish civilization from time immemorial.

SOME SAY the bellicose rhetoric is traceable to schisms within Fatah pitting old timers led by Abbas and Ahmed Qurei, who returned from Tunis with Yasser Arafat after the 1993 Oslo Accords, and the transitional generation of Mohammed Dahlan, Jibril Rajoub and the popular Marwan Barghouti (imprisoned in Israel on multiple counts of murder). They, in turn, are challenged by a politically toothless younger generation - some associated with the Aksa Martyrs' Brigades (Fatah's armed wing).

Others suggest that Fatah did not want to appear "soft" toward Israel in relation to Hamas. But the Islamists have been losing their appeal among Fatah's disenchanted bourgeois base partly because of the way they have been coercing religious behavior on Gazans. Fatah is now slightly more popular than Hamas among all Palestinians.

Still, many of them view the assembly with a cynical eye. That Abbas was re-elected "general commander" running unopposed did not help Fatah's credibility.

FOR Israelis, what matters is that rather than demonstrating leadership, Abbas and Fatah made demagogic appeals to a Palestinian street that sees moderation as weakness. This self-defeating intransigence is a deep-seated facet of Palestinian political culture. Abbas had a bully pulpit to coax the population in a more moderate direction, yet he and other Fatah leaders took the easy road - scapegoating Israel.

Still, the assembly generated enough prevarication and dissimulation to perpetuate the pose that Fatah is a genuinely "moderate" alternative to Hamas.

Abbas apologists will claim that the Palestinian Liberation Organization - not Fatah - acts for the Palestinians. In fact, Fatah controls the PLO. They will point out that Prime Minister Salaam Fayad, a technocratic outsider, is actually running the Palestinian Authority in a constructive manner with Abbas's blessing. This claim has more justification, though Fayad, who was imposed on Abbas by the US, has limited influence.

When the incendiary rhetoric from Bethlehem is over, chances are unfortunately remote that Washington - much less Europe - will ease off on the red-herring issue of settlements to take Abbas to task for not using the assembly to preach peace, compromise and coexistence.

At times like this, it seems "helping Abu Mazen" has become an end in itself.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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