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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Iranian Show Trials vs Building in Judea And Samaria
8/10/2009 4:16:04 AM
Hello Friends,

Today's Dry Bones shows the ridiculous path B Hussein the great pretender and usurper has taken. He'll mouth off daily about the building in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem but has nothing at all to say about the goings on in Iran and all the other Muslim countries.

This proves yet again how totally committed he is to his Islamic agenda.Muslims according to B Hussein can do no wrong even when persecuting their own people and members of other religions. He simply ignores it or possibly in his perverted mind believes it's their right to do any thing they please.

Friends, this man will cause the downfall of all that is decent in the United States and needless to say that in the process will destroy the Constitution and rewrite it to suit his personal plans.



The term "show trial' was first used in the 1930s. In a show trial the authorities have predetermined the guilt of the defendants ...and stage a highly visible trial whose only goal is to present the charges and the verdict to the public as a form of intimidation. Defendants are often tortured prior to appearing in the court-room to obtain signed "confessions of guilt".
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Fatah/PLO/PA Conference -the moderates! Total Annihilation And Destruction Of Israel
8/10/2009 4:55:38 AM

Obama cannot stand it when someone is against him or
any of his schemes so now he has a Snitch Brigade.
What does he do when he finds someone?  I don't know
but this is worth watching.......

Who's behind the Internet Snitch Brigade?

Michelle Malkin - Syndicated Columnist - 8/7/2009 7:15:00 AM

Czardom has its privileges. This week, President Obama's healthcare overlord, Nancy DeParle, launched a taxpayer-funded initiative to recruit an Internet Snitch Brigade that will combat "disinformation about health insurance reform." As the White House explained in a special online bulletin:
"These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain e-mails or through casual conversation. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an e-mail or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"


What will healthcare czar DeParle do with this information? Where will it be stored? Who has oversight of the czar's powers, budget, and personnel? Concerned citizens, alas, will have a hard time tracking down the "Office of Health Care Reform" created by executive order in April. There is no central website for the office, no direct channel for transparency, and no congressional accountability.

For the rest of this article, go here  or click or copy and paste the link below.....



Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - For Your Safety DO NOT GO TO - CARS.GOV website
8/12/2009 1:51:32 AM

Hi Helen and Friends,

Does this really surprise you? During the election campaign B Hussein the great pretender and usurper actually said and in some cases hinted what his "plan" is going to be.

Any and all Americans should have been scared ****less when this man said he wants to form a private army that will be as strong as the Military of the United States.

Did no one bother to ask themselves why he "needs" a private army? Did no one think to consider the similarities to fascistic/communistic/tyrannical regimes that he so loves?

Before you know it kids will be snitching on their parents and worse just like the Hitler youth groups. We're already seeing the beginning of all this and B Hussein even sent out a communication to his supporters asking them to do just that in support of his Obama care catastrophe.

I received the link to a frightening video that I think everybody should watch and be WARNED. This is proof of the control that B Hussein so wants and innocent  Americans are falling into the trap without even realizing what they did by entering a supposedly innocent government website.



Be warned America this man is evil and if you don't stop all this now later might be to late.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Robert De Merode

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Re: HSIG - For Your Safety DO NOT GO TO - CARS.GOV website
8/12/2009 4:44:14 AM

Hello Peter,

It seems that Plato even in his days knew about all of these governmental activities.

They keep on popping up their heads all over and in variable manners. What the constant is, is that they are never similar but all have the same objectives; slavery in all its variants. Comparing any pervert dictator or government to another is anachronism and that can only nullify and give a free ride to these morally depraved opportunists left and right. The twentieth century has seen more of them than its fair share, and it is a big elusion to believe that the twenty-first century can simply turn the page and not bear the consequences.  


Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.


Excess generally causes reaction, and produces a change in the opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments.


Democracy passes into despotism.


Friendly yours,


Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - For Your Safety DO NOT GO TO - CARS.GOV website
8/17/2009 6:47:01 AM

Hello Robert,

I guess Plato got it right and the proof of the matter is that all the great nations of his time before and after fell into ruins.

The Romans and Greeks are the best examples of this. I would hate to see the United States fall in the same manner but with the infamous B Hussein at the helm it seems that's the path and possibly his main goal.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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