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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Why B Hussein didn't Invite Leading Jewish Organizations To The WH
7/23/2009 9:38:34 AM

Hi Geketa,

You are so right. B Hussein has his Islamic agenda and regardless of the behavior of the PA/Fatah and Hamas he pushes ahead with his ridiculous claim that the Israelis living in Judea and Sameria are the cause of the conflict.

In fact each and everyday Abbas and his cronies state that they aren't willing to sit down and carry on with the peace talks. Every day they violate agreements they never had any intention to keep and now with their man in the White House he is doing all the work for them and ignores all the PA/Fatah and Hamas violations of past agreements including the Road Map.

I know Israel has many good friends and with their help we will prevail and survive the B Hussein regime.

Thanks for bringing the Exodus story here. It's a part of our history and shows that even against all odds we will fight for our survival.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Expulsion Of Jews - 1492 and 1992. And Now In 2009?
7/23/2009 9:47:49 AM
Hello Friends,

History has a habit of repeating itself and the problem is we simply refuse to learn from past mistakes. "There is nothing new under the sun".

Many events throughout history are earmarked cos of the influence they had on future generations. The expulsion of Jews from Spain was one of them. There are apologists and commentators that will give or try to give that a different face but the bare fact is that all the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492.

There are those that try and rewrite history to make it suit their claims and goals but they haven't gone back far enough to do that in this case. 500 years later in 1992 the Spanish government apologized to the Jews for the expulsion (see below today's Dry Bones) but as I said history does repeat itself.

the Jews have been persecuted time and again and have been blamed for all the ills of the world. Even today there are many that believe that the Jews control the media and most of the governments of the world. In reply to these ridiculous claims all you have to do is see what is going on in the world today and the blatant bias towards Israel and it should be obvious that the allegations are false OR the Jews are doing a damn bad job of controlling the world.

George Bush (the father) and James Baker tried to expel the Jews from Judea and Sameria in 1992 and now B Hussein the great pretender and Hillary Clinton are attempting to do the exact same thing. The interesting fact is that George Bush the son was a great friend of Israel in direct opposition to his father but I guess B Hussein will make up or attempt to correct the son's "error". It won't work this time either and B Hussein's plans are doomed to fail even though he thinks it's his right to dictate and interfere in Israel's internal policies. He believes he is the one involved in the peace talks instead of being a facilitator between the two sides.

As an aside George Bush the son most probably wouldn't have had to engage the Iraqis if his father had finished the job the first time. Many lives would have been saved had the father not pulled out before he finished what he started. But he did and now B Hussein is finishing that job off for the father too. The difference being that B Hussein is an Islamist and it's part of his Islamic agenda.



Today's cartoon is a Golden Oldie from 1992.

In 1492 the Jews of Spain were ripped out of their homes, towns, and villages and expelled. Exactly 500 years later, in 1992, the government of Spain apologised. Interestingly, that was the very same year that an American administration set as its goal the expulsion of the Jews of the "West Bank" from their homes, towns, and villages.

* * *
From the New York Times (April 1, 1992):
500 Years After Expulsion, Spain Reaches Out to Jews

"In a poignant ceremony marking the 500th anniversary of the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, President Chaim Herzog of Israel and Spain's King, Juan Carlos, prayed together in the synagogue of Madrid today. Their gesture symbolized reconciliation between their people.
For Mr. Herzog, it was an occasion that "closes one more of the many painful cycles in the history of our people." And he added: "We cannot change the past. But we can learn its lessons and thus assure a better future for ourselves and humanity."
For Juan Carlos, it was a chance both to pay homage to the exiled Sephardic Jewish communities that have never forgotten their Spanish roots and to tell Jews that Sefarad -- the Hebrew name for Spain -- was "no longer nostalgia" because the country was once again their home.
The King, who wore a skullcap, was accompanied by Queen Sofia. "It may seem odd to choose the anniversary of a separation for a meeting of such profound significance," he said. "But the history of all people and, without doubt, that of Spain, is full of lights and shadows." A Dubious Choice,
The expulsion edict of March 31, 1492, signed by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in Granada, ordered "the departure of all Jews from our kingdoms with instructions that they should never return." Facing death if they stayed beyond July 31 that year, 100,000 to 200,000 fled the country."

I posted the 1992 cartoon because of the current expulsion orders coming out of Washington. Back then it was Republican George H.W. Bush with Secretary of State Baker, now it's Democrat Barack Obama with Secretary of State Clinton. Different names, different faces, different political parties. Seventeen years later and America's leader for "change" is giving us the old "same old". The 1992 cartoon closed with an angry Mr. Shuldig ...he's still angry.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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Re: HSIG - Expulsion Of Jews - 1492 and 1992. And Now In 2009?
7/23/2009 11:23:06 AM
Hi Peter,

There is nothing new under the sun rings so true for the Jewish people. It only took Spain 500 years to apologize for expelling the Jews. I suppose that is not such a long time to wait if you were a star or maybe a planet. I wonder if they too will rewrite their history about the events in Spain? I guess we will have to wait and see.

 If the Jews really were in control of so much of the world than why would they allow the media and every other aspect of the world to not be more Jew and Israel friendly? If they controlled the money than why aren't all Jews in the world rich? The Jews have been the scape goat of the world for a very long time. I honestly believe the world as a whole are green eyed jealous because G-d himself choose them as his people and the land of Israel as his resting place. How else can you explain hatred without cause? Nothing else really explains it other than the fact they are the Chosen People.

One small fact many Americans probably do not even know. In 1862, in the heat of the Civil War, General Ulysses S. Grant initiated one of the most blatant official episodes of anti-Semitism in 19th-century American history. In December of that year, Grant issued his infamous
 "General Order No. 11", which expelled all Jews from Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi:Later President Lincoln was visited  by Jewish Merchants from Kentucky  and the orders were soon revoked. The full account can be read here



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Expulsion Of Jews - 1492 and 1992. And Now In 2009?
7/24/2009 1:18:30 AM

Hi Geketa,

Thanks for sharing Grant's general order # 11 with us. I'm sure this is not known by many and it sure was an eyeopener for me when you brought it to my attention a while ago.

This is another "almost" expulsion of Jews that fortunately was rescinded and revoked by President Lincoln. 

We haven't seen the end yet with B Hussein's Muslim/Islamic agenda but as I said in a previous post in my opinion it's doomed to fail as Bush (the father) and Baker's previous attempt did.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - B Hussein The One Has Spoken
7/24/2009 1:21:19 AM
Hello Friends,

In quite a few posts I've discussed B Hussein's double standard in interfering in the internal policies of other countries and disregarding the actions and deeds of these nations be they the worst of the worst tyrannical regimes. The obvious exception is Israel the only true friend and democracy amongst all these nations.

The services of the United States have been used in the past for the express purpose of facilitating the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. The role B Hussein the great pretender has chosen to take is that of the main negotiator for the PA/Fatah and Hamas and in fact doing all the "dirty" work for the Palestinians without making and "demands" on them.

As we all can see his "proclamations" are I won't allow this or allow that and you do this or else. Sounds like a God complex to me but in his case it's more like an Allah complex.

Todays Dry Bones portrays this image B Hussein has of himself but for once I have to add on to Dry bone's text. He ends today's cartoon with "thou shalt not" and he should have added "in Allahs name".



Washington is now trying to micromanage Jerusalem and to dictate the policies and steps that Israel's elected government should take.

President Obama's premise is both shortsighted and misguided. The outcome of his offensive and haughty bullying of the Jewish State will either be the weakening of America's only true ally in the Middle East or the driving of that ally to secretly build an alternative alliance with one of America's global competitors.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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