Hello Friends,
Questions were asked when B Hussein invited Jewish leaders to the White House why he left out some of the most influential organizations and their leaders from this dubious invite.
By now we all know B Hussein doesn't like those that oppose him and show him to be the misinformed, unknowledgable person that he is. After his infamous Cairo speech the the President of Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) wrote a precise analysis of the Cairo speech and it wasn't very complimentary to the great pretender B Hussein. Now we know why the ZOA and other organizations that disagree with him weren't invited!
So BHO invited and surrounded himself with a group of Jewish leaders that were supporters of his (some for many years) and got his yes men around him once again.
Below is the article written by Morton A. Klein the President of the ZOA.

Obama Gives Biased Speech, Inimical To Israel, Supportive Of False Palestinian/Arab Claims -- Indicating He May Become Most Hostile President To Israel Ever
June 5, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Morton A. Klein Phone: 212-481-1500 |
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein has made the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s President Barack Obama’s speech delivered in Cairo yesterday:
“President Obama made some positive comments about Israel, stating that the U.S.-Israel bond is ‘unbreakable’ and criticized those who threaten Israel’s destruction and repeat vile stereotypes about Jews – without, however, naming those who do so like Iran, Syria, and Abbas’ Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) (through the Fatah Constitution, PA-controlled publications, curricula, media, mosques, schools and youth camps).
“Overall, however, this was primarily a strongly biased speech, inimical to Israel, supportive of false Palestinian and Arab claims against Israel, blatantly factually inaccurate – inaccuracies that always benefited the anti-Israel Palestinian, Arab and Muslim cause.
“For example, Obama falsely claimed the Palestinian Arabs were ‘displaced’ by Israel in 1948; falsely claimed the Palestinian Arabs have been suffering trying to establish their state for 60 years (they could have had a state in 1937, 1948 or in 2000, but turned down each opportunity). Obama also bizarrely claimed that he longs for the day Jerusalem is secure for Jews, Muslims and Christians even though this has been precisely the case since Israel reunited the city under its control in 1967.
“Just as egregious, Obama claimed there are 7 million Muslims in America when major studies show there are between 1.3 and 2.7 million Muslims. He strongly implied that Palestinian suffering was equivalent to Jewish suffering during the Holocaust. He also seemed to equate the Palestinian situation to that of U.S. Blacks during slavery and Blacks during South African apartheid. The assumption, just barely left unsaid, is that Israeli Jews are the oppressors.
“The President even claimed the Muslim country of Morocco was the first to recognize the United States when in fact, it was the Netherlands; and that Muslim Cordoba and Anadulus were shining examples of Islamic tolerance, when a cursory examination of historical scholarship on the subject shows them to have been nothing of the kind: Jews and Christians lived under religiously-sanctioned discrimination, could not worship in public or build new synagogues and churches and had to pay the jizya poll tax because they were not Muslims.
“Despite the fact that President Obama declared that he would be totally ‘honest’ in discussing Mideast issues, he said nothing about Palestinian Arab and Saudi Arabian persecution of Christians. (Even the Pope recently expressed dismay by the huge numbers of Christians who have left the Muslim countries.) And while speaking of the slaughter in Darfur, he didn’t even hint that Egypt and other Arab states have for years been blocking international action to end it. President Obama used the Palestinian apologetic term of ‘resistance’ to discuss Palestinian terrorism, implying a legitimate basis for violence. He also never asked the Arab countries or the PA to put Israel on their maps – something which none of them do.
“President Obama recently declared that the U.S. won’t ‘dictate’ to other countries, yet he strongly dictated to Israel to support the dangerous Arab so-called Peace Initiative and to stop Jewish construction in the territories, thus reinforcing the myth that Palestinian suffering is due to Israel and the settlements. He praised the Arab Peace Initiative, which requires Israel to go back to the indefensible 1967 borders and allow Arab refugees and their millions of descendents to move into Israel. He made no demand to abrogate this refugee issue which, if implemented, would destroy Israel as a Jewish state. Palestinian statehood remains a repeated demand by Obama for Israel to accept even though Hamas controls Gaza. Also, Abbas doesn’t fight terrorism in any serious way, which makes it likely that this would become another terrorist state. He also claimed that Israel’s creation was rooted in a tragic history of the Jews and the Holocaust. Incorrect - firstly, for Bible-believers, it was G-d who promised this land to the Jews; and the 1917 Balfour Declaration and the 1922 League of Nations mandated the creation of a Jewish State on both sides of the Jordan River – before the Holocaust occurred.
“Most frighteningly, he said virtually nothing about stopping Iran’s rush to develop nuclear weapons, even though he strongly promised this during his election the campaign.
“President Obama claimed it was illegal for Jews to build homes in Judea and Samaria or East Jerusalem, ignoring the fact that this area was no one’s sovereign or legal territory since 1948. Jordan occupied this territory illegally, without UN recognition, from 1948 until 1967 when Israel captured it in a defensive war. In 1967, Israel even offered to return it for peace treaties. The Arab nations, including Jordan, refused.
“Finally, President Obama ended his talk with quotes from the Holy Koran, and the Holy Bible, but when he quoted the Jewish Talmud, he omitted the term ‘Holy.’ We were perplexed and concerned about that.
“Taken together, the President’s remarks in this speech may well signal the beginning of a renunciation of America’s strategic alliance with Israel. It was also a clarion call to all American supporters of Israel, both Christian and Jewish, to make clear to President Obama that strongly supporting the democratic, human-rights loving state of Israel is in America’s interest, especially when the truth of the Arab war against Israel in on Israel’s side.
The following is an analysis of President Obama’s Cairo speech, with ZOA commentary appended to specific passages from it:. Read it all here.