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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Ahmadinejad Denies Chrushing Freedom Of Speech In Iran
7/8/2009 2:57:22 AM
Hello Friends,

It seems that the repressive regimes never cease to believe that they can continue to spout their hate, continue to oppress, kill, maim, lie and in fact do what ever comes to mind.

There was one set back this past week though and the Honduran judiciary, army and people said enough is enough. Guess what side of the coin B Hussein was/is on. Yep, joining forces with Hugo Chavez and his gang. In fact BHO's copying them with many laws he's passing in Congress and the Senate. 

Well, now the G8 nations want to increase sanctions against Iran and yet again B Hussein is against doing that. His smooth talking via the teleprompter isn't going to convince the Europeans that don't think much of the great pretender in any case.

In Iran the arrests are ongoing, oppression is the name of the game and the lunatic Ahmadinejad is getting away with it. The murders, torture, disappearances are continuing and he denies it all and why not? He just doesn't really care what the Western world thinks of him and in his mind it only makes him stronger.

Dry Bones shows Ahmadinejad's total disdain for world opinion in his brilliant manner.  His message is an important warning and shouldn't be ignored.



Today's cartoon, and the current repression in Iran, are expressions of "the Jews as the Canaries in the Coal Mine" syndrome.

The concept is that we are the first group to suffer the lethal effects of the poison spread by by repressive mass movements, but not the last. That, so the theory goes, makes us a convenient warning sign for others ...assuming that they're watching us being choked by the poison!

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - Ahmadinejad Denies Chrushing Freedom Of Speech In Iran
7/8/2009 8:04:52 AM

Here's an interesting video on BHO and prophecies according to the Hadith about Obama.  It's 10 minutes long.......



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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Ahmadinejad Denies Chrushing Freedom Of Speech In Iran
7/9/2009 1:11:23 AM

Hi Helen,

Thanks for the video. It is interesting and it seems as if B Hussein is the man discussed in the hadith.

The truth of the matter is that I don't need any Islamic prophecies in order to see that B Hussein the great pretender is doing his best to hurt and possibly destroy Israel. His agenda is clear and actually quite transparent.




Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - B Hussein's Transparent Double Standard
7/9/2009 1:14:39 AM
Hello Friends,

It's quite obvious that B Hussein has a double standard when talking about anything concerning Iran, Syria, Chavez and all the other thugs regimes in the world and Israel.

With the tyrants, dictators, Islamic theocratic repressive/oppressive regimes he refuses to interfere with their internal affairs but with Israel B Hussein and his lackey Hillary have no problem doing just that. Up to and including non stop demands on Israel and none on the PA/PLO/Fatah and Hamas.

B Hussein belabors the "settlement" issue as if that is the impediment to peace while all understand it's a PA/PLO/Fatah excuse and not the obstacle to peace talks. The Palestinians are the impediment since they want no part of those talks.

Barry Rubin wrote an excellent article on this subject with a simple exchange of names in Hillary's May 27th announcement. Think about it and see if attacking friends and supporting enemies is what you really think B Hussein's job is and what his real agenda is in doing just that.

I would say he is fulfilling his Muslim dream and agenda as fast as possible. Watch out folks the USA is uppermost on his mind too in that regard. 



Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Equivalency: Obama administration on Israel, or Iran and Syria?

1. On May 27 U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said:

"With respect to settlements, the President was very clear....He wants to see a stop to settlements – not some settlements, not outposts, not natural growth exceptions....That is our position. That is what we have communicated very clearly...And we intend to press that point."

2. So I wondered what this approach would sound like if applied to the Iranian regime:

"With respect to nuclear weapons and sponsorship of terrorism, the President was very clear....He wants to see a stop to nuclear weapons – not some nuclear weapons, not just the warheads, not just the missiles....That is our position. That is what we have communicated very clearly...And we intend to press that point."

3. Or how about to the Syrian regime?

"With respect to Syrian sponsorship of terrorism, the President was very clear....He wants to see a stop to Syrian sponsorship of terrorism – not just training terrorists, not just financing terrorists, not just ordering them to attack, not just giving them safe passage across the border, not just against Lebanon, not just against Syria, not just agianst Israel....That is our position. That is what we have communicated very clearly....And we intend to press that point."

But of course such a policy would require some real toughness against enemies on real big issues, not just gigantic posturing against an ally on a really small issue.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Suicide Bomber's Children Shown Video Of Mother's Death On Hamas Children's TV Show
7/10/2009 1:40:11 AM

Hello Friends,

Quite a while ago I posted an article about a Hamas video (musical) showing a Palestinian suicide bomber and her daughter questioning her about what she is holding in her arms.

This was and is their way to glorify Jihad and the shahids/shahidas (martyrs) and pave the way for future suicide bombers. This Video has been shown since 2002 and now as a finale they showed it on their Jihad/Hamas children's TV show with the 2 children of the terrorist suicide bomber.

These are the people that B Hussein supports and wants us to "respect".

The below article by the Palestinian Media Watch has all the details and transcripts of the TV show and the videos.




Palestinian Media Watch
Suicide bomber's children
shown re-enactment of mother's deathon Hamas TV kids' show
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

The Hamas TV children's program Tomorrow's Pioneers produced a special broadcast in which the two young children of a female suicide terrorist were invited to the TV studio to watch a video re-enactment of their mother's suicide bombing. The terrorist, Reem Riyashi, killed four Israelis in a suicide bombing in 2004.
((youtube id="XELcNMhkKCo"))((/youtube))

Calling the terrorist a "Martyr," the bear puppet and star of the program, Nassur, introduces Riyashi's children to the other children in the studio:
"[Our guests are] the children
of the Shahida [Martyr] Reem Riyashi." 
Then Muhammad and Duha, the young son and daughter of Riyashi, together with the children in the studio, watch a music video re-enactment of their mother's suicide bombing. While the video is shown, the TV camera shows close-ups of Riyashi's children as they stare at the screen images of their mother's bombing and death.
The re-enactment:
An actress representing Riyashi is shown preparing a bomb in front of a child actress representing her daughter. The daughter follows her mother around and sings:
   "Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms instead of me?
A toy or a present for me?"
Mother Riyashi does not answer and soon is seen leaving home while the daughter sings:
   "Come back quickly, Mommy."
The actress-daughter then sees the TV report of her mother's suicide bombing, and sings to her dead mother:
   "Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands.
Only now I know what was more precious than us."
As the daughter sings this revelation in the re-enactment video, the TV camera in the studio shifts for a moment to a close-up of Riyashi's son staring at the video of his mother. Then the camera goes back to the video, showing his mother with the Israeli soldiers, who all suddenly disappear in the smoke of the massive explosion of her bomb.

The broadcast of the video re-enactment stops before the end of the full music video, and the camera returns to the children in the studio.
Child hostess Saraa summarizes for the children and viewers:

"These are the children of the Shahida [Martyr], the heroic Jihad fighter who sacrificed all that she had for the sake of her homeland. She cared less about her own flesh and blood, and for their sake, she sacrificed [herself] for Allah...
We say to the occupier, that we will continue in the footsteps of the Shahida, the Jihad fighter Reem Riyashi, until we liberate our homeland from your hands, usurper."

Click here to view this Hamas children's show.

PMW note: In the full music video re-enactment, the daughter promises to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a suicide terrorist, and the video ends as the daughter opens her mother's drawer and picks up a stick of dynamite. The full video has been broadcast regularly on Hamas TV from 2007 through 2009.
((youtube id="qy8fbkOHMKU"))((/youtube))

Two years ago, Hamas TV interviewed terrorist Reem Riyashi's two children about their mother's suicide attack, discussing with the children how many Jews their mother had killed.
((youtube id="RdG3PZndV_4"))((/youtube))

The following is the transcript of the 2007 interview with Riyashi's children on Hamas TV:
Interviewer: "We are now going to the two children of Reem Riyashi, the Martyrdom-seeker, and Jihad fighter [mother of] Duha and Muhammad.
Duha, do you love Mommy? Where did Mommy go?"
Duha: "To Paradise"
Interviewer: "What did Mommy do?"
Duha: "Became a Shahida [Martyr]."
Interviewer: "She killed Jews, right?
How many did she kill, Muhammad?"
Muhammad: "What?"
Interviewer: "How many Jews did she kill?"
Muhammad: "Five."
[Al Aqsa TV (Hamas), March 8, 2007]

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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