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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - If You Call Jordan The East Bank - Who are You???
7/1/2009 12:15:02 PM

Hi Geketa,

I agree Dry Bones has the ability to en capsule the essence of a situation or problem with a satirical cartoon that in many cases explains the issue better then words can. It also is a useful tool to explain to those that don't bother to read or learn about the issue and depend on the biased stories of the main stream media. Please note I said stories and not reporting cos they've forgotten their trade and are now trying to create news with partial truths and in many cases lies or simply ignoring what doesn't suit their agenda totally.

OK, as for the north Bank and South Bank. In a sense it's geographically impossible since there is no Jordan river to divide between the North and south BUT that said as I mentioned in my  previous post after Black September  Arafat and his terrorist organization were kicked out of Jordan and they moved to Lebanon. They caused the destruction of that country and you can call that their North Bank and Arafat left Lebanon but many of his followers remained in the refugee camps there.

Think about it. They tried to over throw King Hussein in Jordan and he kicked them out. They caused a war in Lebanon and the PLO leadership ran of to other Arab countries that in the end "graciously invited" him to leave. Not a good batting average.

There is a chance for peace if the Palestinians are ready to sit down and discuss it. So far they haven't shown their willingness to do that and are waiting for B Hussein to do their work for them. He of course is a willing patron as Islam's man in the White House.



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - If You Call Jordan The East Bank - Who are You???
7/1/2009 12:28:00 PM

Hi Geketa,

Thanks for posting the article it's a good reminder for all that Abbas' PLO/Fatah is no better then Hamas even thought they are considered more "moderate" then Hamas.

I originally posted the Article on the 26th (here) from the Palestinian Media Watch. Both Hamas and Abbas' Fatah are vicious terrorists and they are trying to prove which one is worse amongst themselves.

Where is the world when this is happening? Where is the main stream media??? They didn't report this event at all even though many top PLO leaders were at the were at this infamous event? Wonder if the great pretender B Hussein saw this?

Thank God we have the internet to get the real news and don't have to depend on the MSM anymore!



Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - PB Carter and B Hussein - Which One Is Worse?
7/2/2009 1:07:54 AM
Hello Friends,

Jimmy Carter without a doubt the worst President the US ever had is being beaten hands down by B Hussein the great pretender.

The US is quickly turning into a third world country. The Western leaders have absolutely no respect for B Hussein, the Islamic world considers him to be weak and at the same time their man in the White House. He's apologized for every good thing the US has done for the world and buddies up to all the worst thugs in the world. There is more but that's enough for now.

Look at the parralells between peanut brain Jimmy and B Hussein. Both have Iranian fiascos. Jimmy with his inept and "forgiving" attitude to the Iranians while American citizens were held captive in the US Embassy.  B Hussein in a different situation stood by and did nothing while protesters were being killed, arrested and tortured by the Iranian regime and the thug and maniac in chief Ahmadinejad blamed the US for interfering in Iranian internal affairs. Yep, Ahmadinejad was real insulted by B Hussein's "harsh" "appalled and outraged" comment. BTW, the Iranians released the Americans immediately after Ronald Regan was elected President.

The economy is going downhill fast and as I said B Hussein is surpassing peanut brain with that too.

Going socialistic faster then you know and he's outdone Jimmy there too.

I didn't believe he could be outdone with Jimmy's love and respect for Islam but B Hussein's got him by the short hairs there too. I have to admit that in this case he had a head start on peanut brain cos B Hussein's one of them and their culture is his culture.

In his relations with the PLO/Fatah/Hamas/Palestinians he's outdoing poor Jimmy too! But no surprise there either cos he's getting his orders from his liege and is outdoing himself on this issue. We'll have to see what the results will be but let's not forget B Hussein has the same advisers peanut brain had and is following orders to the letter.

One interesting point is that he refused to make any serious comments about the Iranian revolution cos he didn't want to interfere in their internal affairs but he has no problem doing that with Israel. Think about it.

Dry Bones supplied us with a great reminder about the paralells between peanut brain and B Hussein with a golden oldie. It was great then and all you have to do is change the names Jimmy with B Hussein and it's the exact same picture.



Today's Golden Oldie is from May 30, 1977.

The Menahem mentioned in the first panel of the cartoon was Menahem Begin, Israel's then Prime minister. "Zbigie" (the off-screen kibbitzer) was Zbigniew Brzezinski ...who was, at the time, Jimmy Carter's national security adviser.

I did the cartoon when it became obvious that the American President had stepped in to negotiate for the Arab states. Sigh. As it was then, so it is now.

President Obama has been deluded into thinking that he can bring "Peace" by negotiating for the Arab states.

I wondered how he came to that disastrous conclusion ...until I discovered that Obama had chosen Zbigniew Brzezinski to advise him on Middle East policy!


-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
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Geketa Holman

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Re: HSIG - PB Carter and B Hussein - Which One Is Worse?
7/2/2009 9:25:28 AM

Hi Peter,
 Both are nuts and both Muslim lovers or in one case just a Muslim Nut.
The" Great Pretender" Obama has no problem telling Israel to stop building settlements nor did he have any problem convincing the American Jews to vote for him in the past election. Many are now having buyers remorse but it is too late. If no one else wants the Palestinians, than why would Israel allow them to live next door ?

How about some facts about the Palestinian and Israeli conflict ;) I know we have gone over this several times but felt that these points need to be made over and over again so that the illiterate sheeples might at last get it :)

Fact # 1 On May 14, 1948 the "Palestinian Jews" finally declared their own State of Israel and became "Israelis."

Fact# 2 On May 15th 1948 seven neighboring Arab armies... Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen... invaded Israel.

Fact# 3 Arab Palestinians were encouraged to leave by the invading Arab armies

Fact #4  70% of the Arab Palestinians who left in 1948 around 300,000 to 400,000 of them never saw an Israeli soldier!

Fact # 5 30%
of the Arab Palestinians either (1) saw Jews would fight and die for their new nation and decided to pack up and leave or (2) were driven off the land as a normal course  of war.

Fact # 6  Arabs who did not leave  became today's Israeli-Arab citizens. Those who fled became the seeds of the first  "Palestinian Arab refugees."

Fact # 7 UN estimates of a bit over 400,000 refugees but ignores the fact that most of the Arabs/Palestinians were encouraged to leave by the Arab World !

Fact # 8 The end result of the 1948-49 Israeli War of Independence was the creation of a Israel slightly larger than the  1947 United Nations Resolution 181. The remaining  portion of that almost-created second  Arab Palestinian State was taken (1) Egypt (occupying the Gaza Strip) and by (2) Trans-Jordan (occupying Judea-Samaria (a.k.a. the "West Bank" of the Jordan River) and Jerusalem. In the next year (1950) Trans-Jordan formally merged this West Bank territory into itself and granted all those "Palestinian" Arabs living there Jordanian citizenship.  Since Trans-Jordan was then no longer confined to one side of the  Jordan River, it renamed itself simply "Jordan."

Fact # 9  the Arabs of Palestine ended up with nearly 85% of the original territory of Palestine... called Jordan but in reality their ARAB "Palestinian state!

Fact # 10 From 1949-67 when all of Judea-Samaria [West Bank & Jerusalem] and Gaza ... were 100% under Arab [Jordanian & Egyptian] control, no effort was EVER made to create a second Palestinian State for the Arabs living there.

Fact # 11 Arafat and his PLO (formed in 1964) suddenly  discovered their "ancient" identity and created a need for "self-determination" and "human dignity" on this very same West Bank ONLY AFTER Israel regained the  territory (three years later in 1967) following Jordan's attempt  to destroy Israel!

Fact # 12 After  the six day war capturing the entire Sinai Desert from Egypt, the 37mile x 12mile Syrian Golan Heights and the so-called "West Bank" (including East Jerusalem and its Old City) from Jordan. The  3,000 year old capital city  Jerusalem (  the Holy city of Israel and the Jews )along the western edge of the West Bank...

Fact # 13  about 1970, virtually no one in the world considered the Middle East conflict to be one between Israelis and Palestinians!

Fact # 14 The term "Palestinian" itself had referred to Israeli Jews back in the 1940s

Fact #15 "Palestinians, “slowly deconstructed and redefined to refer to the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza”. The Middle East Conflict was always a war by Arabs against Jews, not a conflict between Israelis and "Palestinians."
Fact # 16
The bulk of what are called "Palestinian Arabs" are members of families who migrated into the Land of Israel beginning in the late 19th century.

 I have  covered what I feel are the important facts here. I broke it down as simple as I could   making it easy  for those that do not  know the history of how this all got started. Yes, it goes back much further and there are many other facts I could have addressed but we don't want to turn this into a religious discussion now do we ;) !



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Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - PB Carter and B Hussein - Which One Is Worse?
7/3/2009 9:51:09 PM

Hi there

I realize this is not on topic entirely but important.
It shows Obama's true colors ...or how stupid he is.

Someone sent this to me.....

Go to the AtlasShrugs website below.

Hmmmm..... interesting.

"Obama, always on the side of evil" ?

And the UN is evil personified ...or should I say
evil 'internationalized'.   Ditto and shame on the
USA news media.

For this article with photos, go to:

Thousands March In Honduras Against Chavez-Backed
"President" Zelaya:    Democracy  Lives!
 Obama got it wrong, again.

 Obama, wrong on Honduras, wrong on Iran. He's consistent, no?
 The UN, media leftopaths and the radical US President are
 trying to paint  what happened in Honduras as a coup. It was not.
 It was a democracy at  work, saving itself from a Chavez-backed

 Obama is on the same side as Chavez, Noriega and the
 Castro twins.   Good luck with that!
 Atlas reader JC writes:
My brother lives in Honduras. says that anti-Zelaya
demonstrations are huge. The people support the actions
of the congress and supreme court.
 Obama does not understand democracy or the meaning
 of a Constitution.

 (Pro-Zelaya demonstrations small and sporadic)

 This is widely reported in Spanish-language press but not
 here in the US
 Links (in Spanish only, sorry) here  Photos of large
 anti-Zelaya, anti-Chavez demonstration here. 
 Here's an excerpt from my post yesterday:
 Honduras  Fights for Constitution, Obama Takes Sides with
 Chavez  against the  Honduran People

 Take this hypothetical: Imagine Obama announced that he
 was going to hold a referendum on legalizing a third term for
 himself.  Imagine that  even his attorney general Eric Holder
 advised him that it  was illegal.

 Imagine that the Supreme Court ruled that holding the
 referendum was  unconstitutional. In spite of that, let's imagine
 that  Obama coerced  the FEC to hold the referendum any way.
 Then we found out  that the referendum was being financed by
 Hugo Chavez. What should the Joint  Chiefs do? That is exactly
 what has occurred in Honduras to a tee. The Honduras Attorney
 General and their Supreme Court did  exactly that.

 Their Generals did what they had to. Of course, Obama and
 Clinton express outrage on our behalf. Thank God that another
 domino wasn't toppled. But Chavez wants blood.

 Obama, always on the side of evil.

 UPDATE Speaking of evil, the UN General Assembly
 condemns coup in Honduras:
 — The U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday unanimously
 condemned the military coup in Honduras and demanded
 President Manuel Zelaya's immediate return to power, a
 decision the  ousted Honduran leader called "historic."
The world body  adopted a resolution by acclamation, calling
 on all 192  U.N. member states not to recognize any
 government in Honduras other  than Zelaya's.   (????)

 This is the problem with international law.  It's wrong.
 They won't recognize the will of Honduran people
 and the sanctity of their Constitution?

 They won't recognize the will of the Iranian people and
  the sanctity of one man one vote?
 Posted by Pamela Geller on Tuesday, June 30, 2009
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