Hi Friends,
We've discussed the many different faces of Jihad, creeping Jihad and stealth Jihad. One of the main avenues Islam is using is the demand for Shariah courts in the western world in order to maintain their "culture" and religious beliefs.
This a direct affront to the country in which they are living since they have to accept the laws and value system of their adopted country and not vice versa. But due to the fear in many countries of being considered Islamophobic they are giving in and allowing Shariah law and courts to rule in the Islamic communities.
This is happening in many European countries and it's no surprise that the Europe of old is slowly turning into Eurabia. A case in point are the 85 Shariah courts operating in the United Kingdom. Needless to say the rulings of the courts in many cases are in direct opposition to human rights and many other facets of British law.
In many cases the rulings of the Shariah courts are closed and known only to the Muslims. Apparently the need for secrecy is to hide the major differences and rulings that are in many cases diametrically opposed to the laws passed by the British Parliament.
Another aspect is that having a separate court system for Muslims allows different laws to govern only the Muslim population and basically sets forth a form of supremacy that applies only to the Muslim community since they are in sense immune to British laws.
The below article from The Guardian is an eyeopener and fair warning not to allow separate courts for different ethnic groups. But, so far only Muslims are trying to create separate courts for their followers.
This is fair warning and this form of stealth Jihad should be stopped in its tracks and not be allowed to succeed. My fear is that with Islam's representative in the white House B Hussein there will be Shariah courts all over the US before you know it.
Thank You Jihad Watch.
 85 sharia courts in UK, says reportPress Association, Monday June 29 2009
There are as many as 85 sharia courts operating in Britain, according to a new report.
Academic Denis MacEoin, the report's author, said the existence of the courts practising Islamic law could lead to different legal standards being applied to Muslim and non-Muslim citizens.
He said many of the courts operate out of mosques and their rulings are closed off to non-Muslims.
In previous reports it was claimed there were only five sharia courts in the UK, working in London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham and Nuneaton.
He said: "This is not a matter of eating halal meat or seeking God's blessing on one's marriage. It is a challenge to what we believe to be the rights and freedoms of the individual, to our concept of a legal system based on what parliament enacts, and to the right of all of us to live in a society as free as possible from ethnic-religious division or communal claims to superiority and a special status that puts them in some respects above the law to which we are all bound."
His report, published by the think-tank Civitas, includes a list of previous sharia judgements which he believes give an indication of the type of ruling being handed down by the courts working in the UK.
Among the examples quoted are laws banning a Muslim woman from marrying a non-Muslim unless he converts to Islam and the removal of a wife's property rights in the event of divorce.
The report states: "Among the rulings ... we find some that advise illegal actions and others that transgress human rights standards as they are applied by British courts."