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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - What's Wrong With BHO's Approach to The Iran Crisis ?
6/29/2009 4:52:07 PM

Hi JoAnne,

Great to see you here. I read that you've been very busy lately and had very little time to spend on the net. Your visit is all the more appreciated.

Very good article by Victor Davis Hanson and I disagree with only one statement he made.
"President Barack Obama came into office apparently believing that his non-traditional background, charisma and good intentions ". I don't believe he had good intentions and all his actions prove just that.

His pathetic attempts to be friends with all the thugs in the world and alienate all the true friends of America is or should be obvious to all.  He's actually been told to butt out of the European countries business cos they understand what the American public doesn't yet that he hasn't got a clue and is totally inept in the majority of his actions. The latest example is his tepid and belated reaction to the murder of the protesters in Iran and the fraudulent elections that are obvious to all except him.

In the end the joke is on him cos as you know the maniac Ahmadinejad wants him to apologize for being "appalled and outraged". Worst of all he believes Ahmadinejad isn't serious about wanting an apology. In the end with his record of apologizing for everything under the sun he'll end up apologizing for being appalled and outraged.

Below is an article about Hugo Chavez another tyrannical thug (and good friend of Ahmadinejad) claiming that the US is a threat to Venezuela. Chavez also blames the US for the President of Honduras being ousted by the military yesterday. Chavez is yet another bosom buddy of B Hussein.



P.S. I think you'll find the post on BHO's Total Gangster Government with an excellent video featuring Rep. Michelle Bachmann. You can see it here.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chavez: U.S. Is a Threat to Venezuela

May 28: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
gestures during his radio and television show
'Hello President' in Maracaibo, Venez

CARACAS, Venezuela —  President Hugo Chavez says a U.S. general shouldn't be raising concerns that Venezuela is buying arms, and the American commander is wrong to argue there isn't a "conventional military threat in the region."

Chavez says the U.S. is a threat to Venezuela, and that's why his government is strengthening its military.

The comment is aimed at Gen. Douglas Fraser, who took over as commander of U.S. military operations in Latin America and the Caribbean this week. Fraser has questioned an apparent Venezuelan military buildup.

Chavez said Saturday that Fraser should look in a mirror, adding: "General, you're the threat!"

Venezuela has signed deals with Russia to buy more than $4.4 billion worth of arms since 2005.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - 85 Shariah Courts Operating In The UK
6/30/2009 2:01:32 AM
Hi Friends,

We've discussed the many different faces of Jihad,  creeping Jihad and stealth Jihad. One of the main avenues Islam is using is the demand for Shariah courts in the western world in order to maintain their "culture" and religious beliefs.

This a direct affront to the country in which they are living since they have to accept the laws and value system of their adopted country and not vice versa. But due to the fear in many countries of being considered Islamophobic they are giving in and allowing Shariah law and courts to rule in the Islamic communities.

This is happening in many European countries and it's no surprise that the Europe of old is slowly turning into Eurabia. A case in point are the 85 Shariah courts operating in the United Kingdom. Needless to say the rulings of the courts in many cases are in direct opposition to human rights and many other facets of British law.

In many cases the rulings of the Shariah courts are closed and known only to the Muslims. Apparently the need for secrecy is to hide the major differences and rulings that are in many cases diametrically  opposed to the laws passed by the British Parliament.

Another aspect is that having a separate court system for Muslims allows different laws to govern only the Muslim population and basically sets forth a form of supremacy that applies only to the Muslim community since they are in sense immune to British laws.  

The below article from The Guardian is an eyeopener and fair warning not to allow separate courts for different ethnic groups. But, so far only Muslims are trying to create separate courts for their followers.

This is fair warning and
this form of stealth Jihad should be stopped in its tracks and not be allowed to succeed. My fear is that with Islam's representative in the white House B Hussein there will be Shariah courts all over the US before you know it.

Thank You Jihad Watch.



85 sharia courts in UK, says report

Press Association, Monday June 29 2009

There are as many as 85 sharia courts operating in Britain, according to a new report.

Academic Denis MacEoin, the report's author, said the existence of the courts practising Islamic law could lead to different legal standards being applied to Muslim and non-Muslim citizens.

He said many of the courts operate out of mosques and their rulings are closed off to non-Muslims.

In previous reports it was claimed there were only five sharia courts in the UK, working in London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham and Nuneaton.

He said: "This is not a matter of eating halal meat or seeking God's blessing on one's marriage. It is a challenge to what we believe to be the rights and freedoms of the individual, to our concept of a legal system based on what parliament enacts, and to the right of all of us to live in a society as free as possible from ethnic-religious division or communal claims to superiority and a special status that puts them in some respects above the law to which we are all bound."

His report, published by the think-tank Civitas, includes a list of previous sharia judgements which he believes give an indication of the type of ruling being handed down by the courts working in the UK.

Among the examples quoted are laws banning a Muslim woman from marrying a non-Muslim unless he converts to Islam and the removal of a wife's property rights in the event of divorce.

The report states: "Among the rulings ... we find some that advise illegal actions and others that transgress human rights standards as they are applied by British courts."

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - If You Call Jordan The East Bank - Who are You???
7/1/2009 2:23:29 AM
Hello Friends,

Todays Dry Bones is a reminder that dealing with the Muslims is totally different from anything most in the Western world understand. Treaties, peace talks, agreements mean very little to them and are only the way to reach their ultimate objective.

Dry Bones reminded us of Black September when Jordan's King Hussein cracked down on the Palestinians living in refugee camps in Jordan. The crackdown was vicious and a total success. The Palestinians were trying to take over Jordan and King Hussein was having none of that.

For those that remember that was when Arafat fled Jordan and took refuge in Lebanon. A move that was detrimental to Lebanon since the Palestinians ruined that country that was once considered the Switzerland of the Middle East.

The question is why did King Hussein crack down so hard on Palestinians when well over 90% of Jordan's population are from the same background as the Palestinian refugees? The answer is simple and obvious. He wasn't willing to give up his rule to the terrorists and wanted to stabilize his county and get rid of the refugee camps.

What this teaches us is that Muslim against Muslim is an every day occurence and we can see that in the enmity between the different Muslim sects. What it also teaches us is that when Muslims kill their Muslim "brothers" the world stands by and yawns and does nothing as we've seen these past weeks with the Iranian revolution.

The bottom line is that the natural state for the Palestinians already exists and that is Jordan a Palestinian entity that is comprised as I said earlier of almost 90% Palestinians. So if there will ever be a Palestinian state they will have their eye on Jordan too not only Israel.

Ask yourselves this simple question. If the Palestinians have suffered so much for so many years why haven't all the neighboring Arab states been willing to accept them in their midst??? Some have very primitive refugee camps and the different Arab governments insure that they stay within the confines of the camps. Why is that?? One obvious answer is they all saw what the PLO did in Lebanon and weren't about to let them do that in their countries. They saw King Hussein kick them out of Jordan and the overall consensus is to let them live in poverty and fund their terrorist activity within the now PA Authority and Gaza strip.

Dry Bones raises an interesting point and you all have to remember that the name "West Bank" was given to Judea and Sameria by the Jordanians after capturing the area  from the Israel. Judea and Sameria was part of the Israeli state and after the 6 Day War in 1967 was freed from the Jordanian rule. So the Jordanians tried to confuse the issue by renaming the area the West Bank. Logically if there is a West Bank there is an East Bank  and if the Palestinians want the "West Bank" now then The East Bank is next in line.



I've always been fascinated with people who play blindfold chess. They actually play chess without seeing the chess board or the pieces. Of course the "trick" is that, with intense concentration, the player pictures the playing field in his/her head.

Most people who accept the politically correct pronouncements of the main stream media are even more amazing than players of "blindfold chess"! They offer assessments of the situation without ever seeing (or understanding the need to see) the "playing field".

* * *
If you pooh pooh the threat to the Kingdom of Jordan posed by the Palestinian terrorist organizations, you're probably too young to remember the events of Black September.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
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Geketa Holman

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Re: HSIG - If You Call Jordan The East Bank - Who are You???
7/1/2009 8:38:37 AM
Hi Peter,

I love " bones" he is such a hoot!!! The way he   is able to display in a  cartoon the events of the day! I believe a picture is worth a thousand words.

 So my question here is does that also mean Palestinians  are going to also be wanting a "South bank" and a "North bank" ? Inquiring minds should also be pondering this question. I find it amazing how quickly the world wants to forget about Black September and the reasons why the poor misunderstood Palestinians have no home of their own.. I hate the  politically correct media they are the blind following the blind and the sad part is the "sheeples" think they are actually reporting
 the news ! 



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Geketa Holman

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Re: HSIG - If You Call Jordan The East Bank - Who are You???
7/1/2009 8:48:57 AM
Hi again Peter,
I thought I would add this great article from our good friend over at yidwithlid !

Abbas' Fatah Brags It Commits More Terror than Hamas

There is only one difference between Hamas the terrorist group that control's Gaza and Fatah, the terrorist group that controls Judea and Samaria. Hamas is open about it terrorist goals, Fatah (controlled by Palestinian President Abbas) tries to maintain a shroud of "moderation" Of course their moderation belies the truth. Take for example this little skit (video above) that Palestinian Media Watch found on PA Television where Fatah brags about its terrorist abilities.
The broadcast event was attended by senior PA/Fatah leaders, including Muhammad Dahlan, former head of PA security; Kadura Faras, head of the PA Prisoners’ Association; Nasser Al-Qidwa, former PA Minister of Foreign Affairs; and Samir Al-Mashharawi, a senior Fatah official. It includes a segment in which Fatah mocks and criticizes Hamas for a decrease in its terrorist attacks upon Israel, glorifies Fatah’s own campaign of terrorist murder, and ends with Fatah boasting that they “arrested two soldiers in Ramallah,” a reference to the lynching. (Dahlan recently said in an interview that Fatah has never accepted Israel’s existence and demanded that Hamas never do so).

In the debate scene between Fatah and Hamas, the competition between Fatah and Hamas supporters is based not on who has built more Palestinian infrastructures, nor on who has promoted peace, but rather on who can take credit for more terror. The broadcast transcript reads:

Fatah student taunts Hamas: “Since Hamas seized power, we haven’t heard of any Martyrdom operation [suicide-bombing].”

Hamas teacher: “It’s called ‘fighter’s rest’.”

Fatah student: “A Hamas fighter needs rest, but a Fatah fighter doesn’t need rest?!”

Hamas teacher: “Every fighter has the right to rest.”

Fatah student: “Why is it that when Fatah stops fighting, you [Hamas] say they’re cowards, but when Hamas stops fighting, you say it’s ‘fighters’ rest’?”

Hamas teacher: “I don’t know much about resistance [terror] and fighters...”

Fatah student: “The first shot was fired by the PLO; the first Jihad was carried out by the PLO [audience applauds], with all the other factions – but Hamas always opposed.

Hamas student: “What do you say about Hamas having kidnapped the [Israeli] soldier Shalit [still held hostage - Ed.]?”

Hamas teacher: “Ahaaa!”

Student: “By Allah, it’s good.”

Hamas student: “Did Fatah ever capture a soldier?!” 

Fatah student: “It was the [other] brigades who captured him [Shalit] and sold him to you [Hamas]. It’s a deal that you [Hamas] made for your own benefit, not for the [Palestinian] people’s benefit. [Applause]

Fatah student: Remember, in Ramallah the [PA-Fatah] police arrested two soldiers - have you forgotten, teacher?!” [PA-TV June 17, 2009]
Maybe its time to wake up and smell the Hummus,  Abbas and the Fatah he controls do not represent genuine peace partners for Israel. But this is the organization the President Obama is pressing Israel to give one-sided concessions, this is the group that President Obama is giving financial aid to. The truth is that any of the $900 million  US aid for the Palestinians, as well as negotiations with the PA, should be withheld until Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah explicitly and clearly state their acceptance of Israel as a Jewish state, rescind the Fatah Constitution which still calls for the destruction of Israel, dismantle the terrorist groups, and reform PA broadcasting, textbooks curricula, mosques and media to eliminate the incitement to hatred and murder within the PA against Israel. Only then could there be hope for peace.

It is incredible what political simpletons Jews are. They shut their eyes to one of the most elementary rules of life, that you must not "meet halfway" those who do not want to meet you.

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one

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