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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Ed, Farrah And Michael Versus The Revolt And Deaths In Iran
6/26/2009 5:26:14 AM
Hello Friends,

During the past few days 3 celebrities passed away. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Not belittling these people at all it certainly gave the MSM an excuse to pack the air waves and the printed press with any and all information you could possibly need to know about these deceased celebrities.

In a thread here in adland I read a post that misfortunes come in threes and that we've had our share and I can't but disagree. People are dieing in the hundreds if not thousands in Iran. Many arrested and tortured for the simple reason that they want freedom from the despotic theocratic Iranian regime. So there were many more deaths then the three that the adland member wrote about.

The deaths of these three celebrities gave the MSM pause and the excuse to retreat from the important issue of the revolt and massive protests in Iran and return to more easily reported "deaths" and the mourning of the fans.

I for one will miss Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon. I'm sorry that Michael Jackson died at such a young age and respected his great talent but deplored his lifestyle and apparent sickness. Their deaths are to be mourned but in perspective and not to be equaled to the demise of a nation back into the hell of a repressive, oppressive and totalitarian regime that Iran was and apparently will remain while the world stands and watches.

B Hussein probably took a long breath of relief that he is no longer in the spotlight and being reminded of his ineptitude yet again by the deaths of the three celebrities. He probably thinks he was saved by the bell but let's not forget that there is tomorrow and the Iranian revolt won't go away cos of Ed, Farrah and Michael. May they rest in peace.

Below is an excellent article by Lt. Col. Allen West. Boy I wish this man was in the White House instead of the great pretender B Hussein.

Thanks Altas Shrugs for the Allen West article.



I have sat and watched the situation in Iran post the fraudulent elections and just shake my head. When I departed Kandahar Afghanistan in late October 2007 my Interpreter/Translator staff asked of me one thing, "do not forget us". I looked each of those young Men in the eye and gave them my commitment. The covenant was simple,  that in my lifetime I would seek to free Afghanistan from the tyranny of mullahs, clerics, imams, and bloodthirsty terrorists.
I never break a promise.
I will not "bear witness" to this demonic display of inhuman treatment and human rights violations. Heck, where is the UN and the world leaders who waste no time in condemning Israel for defending herself against same theocrats and barbaric thugs.
How many of you recall that just a little over 30 years ago, a previous weak, ineffective, effete Democrat president allowed the Ayatollahs to rise to power. Hence resulting in a fleeing of exceptionally gifted Persians and ushering in of a new era of radical Islamic terrorism.
Now, some 30 years later we have a redux of an effete, ineffective President whose nuanced intellectual elite responses offer no support to those desiring Liberty. Indeed, President Obama's apologetic Cairo speech just emboldened the Mad Mullahs and Annoying Ayatollah's, as well as Johnny Jihadi. The theocrats and despotic autocrats who dominate the Islamic world realize they are free to butcher and suppress their own people, young people, who desire one thing.....Freedom.
Imagine if Obama existed in the days of the Soviet Union, Lech Walesa, and Vaclav Havel, would that wall have indeed come down? I know that the "messiah" believes that his mere presence and a teleprompted speech will convice killers to lay down their arms and worship at his feet.
That is the state of delusional malignant narcissism which now occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
We must break the power and control of the theocrats if we are to defeat radical Islamic terrorism. We must have leadership that is bold and convicted and not cower being concerned about "they will blame me if I meddle". The world is watching as America loses respect, but hey, I suppose everyone likes us now.
My message to President Barack Hussein Obama, there is no button to vote "present" in the Oval Office. If you have not the courage to face the enemy, do us a favor, leave the Greatest office in the World and go make speeches, or co-host the Oprah Winfrey Show.
History is indeed repeating itself as the shadow of Sir Neville Chamberlain walks the halls of the White House.
Steadfast and Loyal,
Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (USA, Ret)
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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Re: HSIG - PLO/Fatah Condemn and Vilfy Hamas On PA TV - A Terrorist Competition
6/26/2009 7:31:55 AM
Hi Peter and friends,

I agree with you Peter. Three major icons of celebrity status has died and I too will miss Farrah and Ed. Michael did have a great talent for music and that is about the end of what I can say about him as for his lifestyle; I will allow G-d to be his judge. He should have been glad I wasn't one !:) But you are right it takes the "Great Pretender"  out of the spotlight for the moment that makes being a coward much easier.

Lieutenant colonel West has his finger on the pulse of what is going on  here in the US. He understands fighting terror takes more than a few speeches, it takes a leader with  courage and one that isn't afraid of not being liked. I have said it before the only way to fight terror is with terror. I honestly don't believe they understand anything less .

I don't believe the "Great pretender" has the courage to stand against Islam (why would he ? he is one of them) nor does he care about those in Iran being slaughtered protesting for their right to freedom. He is riding on the coat tail of  what Bush had the guts to do in Iraq.  I find it doubtful he will do anything good for the US other than continue to destroy us from the inside out. Odd how so many Americans find him to be the great" Messiah" when in reality with out a teleprompter  he can't even form  an intelligible sentence without saying," ah,duh or and duh .. ". I suppose if I had a good speech writer and a teleprompter, I too could be pretend to a president !!!!



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Ed, Farrah And Michael Versus The Revolt And Deaths In Iran
6/27/2009 4:26:29 AM

Hi Geketa,

Yep, these celebrity deaths sure got him out of the spotlight for a while and he probably got in a few more rounds of golf and possibly a few more ice creams.

Even when he does come out and say something it's pathetically and grossly inadequate as you'll see in my next post.

He is without doubt Islam's man in the White House and worse is yet to come out of the great pretender.

Now as to your last statement all I can say is this. Anybody can give a good speech with a teleprompter in front of his face all the time but you wouldn't have to pretend to be President since you're American born and have a birth certificate that you'd willingly produce on demand and most probably before it was demanded. Where's B Hussein's birth certificate???



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Iranian Proteters Should Be Punished Ruthlessly and Savagely- Says Leading Iranian Cleric
6/27/2009 4:31:38 AM
Hello Friends,

Here we go again. B Hussein in his infamous Cairo speech and in his pathetic Turkey speech said that Islam and its culture, beliefs, actions and contributions should be "respected". I guess he expects us to respect the murder, arrests and torture of innocent protesters.

His choice of adjectives describing his feelings for the murder of innocent Iranians that only want freedom from this oppressive theocratic regime were as usual when describing any occurance in the Islamic world weak, insipid, not convincing and pathetic to say the least.

Here are a few: Appalled, Outrageous, Outraged etc. I believe there are much more descriptive and accurate adjectives that could and should have been used by B Hussein.

These were used to describe his reaction to murder, arrests and torture of the protesters during this revolution.

In addition B Hussein doesn't believe that Ahmadinejad was serious when he demanded that the great pretender B Hussein apologize for being appalled and outraged. I wonder when this fraudulent President will realize if they say it believe it cos they mean every word. Especially the maniac Ahamdinejad.

The latest coming out of this Islamic regime is from one of the leading clerics demanding that protesters should be executed cos their actions are against God. Yep, you got that right they consider and equate their oppressive regime to God.

Read the Reuters report below on this and much of what I mentioned here.

B Hussein's support of all that is Islamic is becoming more and more transparent. No reading between the lines needed and playing golf and buying ice cream during international crisis' just doesn't cut it. But so many still believe he is the "Messiah" while in truth he is far from that and a many like me believe he is much closer to being Islam's in house representative in the White House.



Iran election violence "outrageous," says Obama

Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:47pm EDT

By Parisa Hafezi

TEHRAN (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday praised the bravery of Iranians who protested against a disputed election in the face of "outrageous" violence, while a hardline Iranian cleric called for the execution of leading "rioters."

Iran's top legislative body, which had said it found no major violations in the presidential election which set off the worst unrest since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, said 10 percent of ballot boxes would be recounted.

Authorities have rejected a call for annulment of the vote by reformist former prime minister Mirhossein Mousavi who led mass protests after he was declared a distant second behind

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after the poll two weeks ago.

Obama, whose administration along with major powers is locked in a row with Iran over its nuclear program, said hopes for U.S. dialogue with Iran would be affected by the post-election crackdown.

"There is no doubt that any direct dialogue or diplomacy with Iran is going to be affected by the events of the last several weeks," Obama told a White House news conference, adding: "We don't yet know how any potential dialogue will have been affected until we see what has happened inside of Iran."

Iranian authorities have used a combination of warnings, arrests and the threat of police action to drive mass rallies

off Tehran's street since Saturday with smaller gatherings dispersed with tear gas and baton charges.

Authorities have accused Mousavi of responsibility for the bloodshed, while he says the government is to blame. State media have said 20 people were killed in the violence.


Ahmad Khatami, a member of the powerful Assembly of Experts, said the judiciary should charge leading "rioters" as "mohareb" or one who wages war against God.

"I want the judiciary to ... punish leading rioters firmly and without showing any mercy to teach everyone a lesson," Khatami told worshippers at Tehran University on Friday.

"They should be punished ruthlessly and savagely," he said. Under Iran's Islamic law, punishment for people convicted as "mohareb" is execution.

Obama, who said Mousavi had "captured the imagination" of people who want to open up to the West, hailed Mousavi supporters at the news conference.

"Their bravery in the face of brutality is a testament to their enduring pursuit of justice. The violence perpetrated against them is outrageous," Obama said.

The U.S. president said he did not take seriously Ahmadinejad's call for him to apologize for criticizing Tehran, "particularly given the fact that the United States has gone out of its way not to interfere with the election process in Iran."

Washington had been hoping to convince Tehran to drop what it suspects are plans to develop nuclear bombs, while also seeking its cooperation in stabilizing Afghanistan and Iraq. The government says its nuclear program is to generate power.

"Iran's possession of nuclear weapons will trigger an arms race in the Middle East that would be bad ... for the security of the entire region," said Obama, adding:

"So even as we clearly speak out in a unified voice in opposition to the violence that's taken place in Iran, we also have to be steady in recognizing that the prospect of Iran with a nuclear weapon is a big problem."

Group of Eight powers on Friday deplored violence stemming from the disputed presidential election in the world's fifth biggest oil exporter but held open the door for Tehran to take part in talks on its nuclear program.

"We sincerely hope that Iran will seize this opportunity to give diplomacy a chance ...," the G8 statement said.

The row over the election has exposed an unprecedented public rift within Iran's ruling elite.

Abbasali Kadkhodai, spokesman for the Guardian Council, said that to remove all ambiguities over the vote, 10 percent of all ballot boxes would be recounted in the presence of senior officials representing government and opposition.

Political and religious figures should send election-related questions to the council and the defeated candidates had 24 hours to present their representatives for the recount, he told the students' news agency ISNA.

The 12-man Guardian Council's statement leaves little scope for more legal challenges to the election result, short of an attack on the position of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has expressed strong support for Ahmadinejad.

Former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a Mousavi ally, chairs the Assembly of Experts which has the constitutional power to depose Khamenei. The assembly has never tried to do so and Rafsanjani is seen as unlikely to take such a radical step.

Mousavi said he was determined to keep challenging the election results despite pressure to stop.

(Writing by Philippa Fletcher and Peter Millership)

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jo Anne Green

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Re: HSIG - What's Wrong With BHO's Approach to The Iran Crisis ?
6/29/2009 2:35:24 PM

Sunny Greetings from Arizona, Peter & Friends!

I hope that you all are well. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to participate on this forum as often as I'd like. 

Just a quick note to share with you all the following excerpt from "Thuggery 101" by Victor Davis Hanson on June 25, 2009: 

"President Barack Obama came into office apparently believing that his non-traditional background, charisma and good intentions could placate dictators hostile to America and ease global tensions. ... But so far the world's thugs do not seem to appreciate that new goodwill. ... Obama's confusion about the world's bad actors suggests that he needs a general refresher course in the world of thugs. ... Being anti-American and mouthing tired charges about imperialism, colonialism or capitalism do not make a thug authentic or populist. By definition, thugs acquire power illegitimately. They keep it unlawfully. And they exercise it illegally -- regardless of their professed concern for the 'people' or their gripes against America. Thugs are thugs, and they come in all ideologies, colors and religions -- from Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe to North Korea's Kim Jong-il to the late Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia. ... Most of the world's problems are caused by a handful of thugs. Any time one can be isolated and replaced by a consensual government, the world gets just a bit safer. ... So, Mr. President, do not talk to a thug unless you absolutely have to. Do not apologize to -- or put our trust in -- one. And whenever people rise up against a thug, speak out immediately and forcefully on their behalf -- and let the thug, not America, worry about the consequences of the spread of freedom."
--Hoover Institution historian Victor Davis Hanson

Couldn't have said it better myself!!!

By the way, I am proud to say that Professor Hanson is a Favorite Son of my hometown and a former professor of my alma mater.

Until next time--

Have a Blessed Day & Shalom for now!

JoAnne Green
Principal / International Risk Management Advisor
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