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Geketa Holman

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Re: HSIG - B Hussein's 3 AM Phone Call
6/19/2009 9:22:56 AM
Hi Peter,

I watched the video and have to say coming from a democrat I was rather amazed so I give him a big "thumbs up", for his excellent speech filled with facts about Israel stating back as far as Abraham. I am afraid he made no friends with his anti-smite fellow senators and might have committed political suicide but thank G-d he had the guts to tell the truth and do the right thing. The "great pretender" has not made an open commit about it as of yet. I rather doubt he will, he would not want to tick off his good Muslims buddies around the world! Anything he does will be behind close doors and you can bet he will try to shut up Menendez one way or another. I am glad the speech is all  public record for everyone to see!



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - B Hussein's 3 AM Phone Call
6/19/2009 10:16:22 AM

Hi Geketa,

I believe you're right Sen. Menendez is in for a tough time with the other democratic Senators and of course B Hussein who so far does so much to shut up any opposition. This is in house and might be considered traitorous behavior.

We'll just have to wait and see but I seriously doubt B Hussein will say anything publicly about his speech on the floor of the Senate.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - B Hussein's 3 AM Phone Call
6/19/2009 2:22:53 PM

Wow!  That was a great speech by Menendez!  We need more like him.  It was great to hear someone tell it like it is.  I am sure he could have said more but diplomacy probably dictates otherwise ofttimes.

He should be president but I wonder if he is born in the USA.  The problem would be (with him being Democrat) is that he would have to bring all that other Dem riff-raff with him.  Surely, since he seems to be a good man, there must be other good people in the Democratic Party.  They seem to be far and few between or undiscovered as yet.  But he would make a MUCH, MUCH better president than Obama, simply because he is sane.

Thanks for posting that video, Peter.


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Helen Elias

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Re: HSIG - B Hussein's 3 AM Phone Call
6/19/2009 2:43:49 PM

Thanks, Geketa

Those feminists had better go shopping soon for the veil and maybe even a burka or two if they keep supporting Obama and if they think they can appease the Muslims.  

But then I forgot that with Obama bowing to the Arab king and kissing a.. in the Middle East, the Muslims will become as docile as tamed rabbits and leave us alone to live our free lifestyle and it will be ok with them if we keep our religion even if it is different from theirs, and they will love us.  

Yeah, right!

Geketa, you forgot one thing and that is the feminists will have to accommodate their man without question if he gets a sudden urge and she will have to do it even if she is 'at the stove'. 

I almost wish these thing on the feminists but we have to be careful what we wish on others because it can become ours. I guess I will have to wish good things for those who hate me and those who I cannot stand.  Life is hard sometimes.


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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - B Hussein's 3 AM Phone Call
6/20/2009 3:35:58 AM

Hi Helen,

Senator Menendez's speech on the floor of the Senate was indeed a great speech. Finally a man that is willing to tell the truth and to hell with the political consequences. I have no doubt that there will be repercussions and the Democratic leadership and B Hussein will retaliate in some way against this honest, honorable and brave man.

I'm sure that there are other Dems that think and believe as he does but are afraid to come out and say it publicly. The great pretenders policy of shutting up the opposition is well known and seen by all. We'll just have to wait and see what will happen in this case.

It needed to be said and needed to be said publicly for all to see. All I can say is Bravo Senator Menendez!



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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