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Re: HSIG - Has The Revolt In Iran Reached The Point Of Critical Mass ?
6/22/2009 3:28:37 AM
I think very difficult. If they forge in such a open way elections, it is clear message: nobody can do anything against us.
Ahmadinedjad is their 'iron fist'. They'll not give up.
Twenty, or hundred victims is nothing for power they can loose.

This happen when confession become ideology.

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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Has The Revolt In Iran Reached The Point Of Critical Mass ?
6/22/2009 4:05:00 AM

Hi Sava,

Yes that's true for every country that has a totalitarian regime and Iran is definitely that.

A day or so before the election one of their clerics even said that it's OK to lie with election results for the good of the Islamic regime. Islam as you know allows lying according to their Koran and Shariah "law".

Well so far the death count is over 150 and I have no doubt will rise well above that. Once again proof that human life has little value to Muslims. Even when they are killing their own brothers and sisters.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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Re: HSIG - Has The Revolt In Iran Reached The Point Of Critical Mass ?
6/22/2009 7:24:38 AM
Hi Peter,

I like that bones today just set forth a ? Good cartoon today as always.

I hope the revolt in Iran has a positive out come for those seeking freedom! My greatest fear is another
Tiananmen square like China; we still have no idea of how many of their own people they murdered.

Ahmadinejad in my opinion is capable of ordering  the  same thing to his people without blinking an eye ! I wonder will the world turn their heads and stand by and watch as they did in China if the same thing were to happen in Iran?


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Has The Revolt In Iran Reached The Point Of Critical Mass ?
6/22/2009 9:25:30 AM

Hi Geketa,

I thought of including Tienneman Square in my post and decided against it. Thank you for bringing it up cos the question is a legitimate one and the truth of the matter is that they wouldn't think twice about doing that if the revolution escalates.

What will the Western world and the US do??? Good question but I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to guess what the response will be.

B Hussein will probably "slap" them on the wrist like he did Hamas in his infamous Cairo speech. The European countries??? I'm not holding my breath and don't expect any miracles from them either.

That said if enough Iranians join in this revolution they might succeed. I for one am hoping and praying that they do.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Egyptian Cleric - PEPSI Cola Is A Jewish Zionist Plot
6/22/2009 9:28:06 AM
Hello Fiends,

These Islamic clerics come out with some of the most outrageous statements and the only problem is that their followers and listeners believe every word.

A while ago one Egyptian cleric came out with the ridiculous statement that all Muslims should boycott Starbucks cos the mermaid in their logo is in fact Queen Esther of The Book of Esther fame.

Now another genius said on Al-Nas TV that PEPSI Cola is another Jewish/Israeli Zionistic plot. According to Egyptian cleric Hazem Abu Ismail the word PEPSI stands for:

P- Pay
E- Every
P- Penny
S- Saving
I- Israel

So he declared that buying PEPSI or any Cola for that matter is saving Israel. I wonder what's the next step or the next product that will be on their banned list. Another thought comes to mind that a Muslim cola company wants to increase their sales and this is one way to do it. It is beyond belief the stupidity of their claims and boycotts for nonsensical reasons.

Below is the excerpts from the cleric's TV performance.



Egyptian Cleric Hazem Abu Ismail Calls to Boycott PEPSI: Name Stands for "Pay Every Penny to Save Israel"

Following are excerpts from an address by Egyptian cleric Hazem Abu Ismail, which aired on Al-Nas TV on February 16, 2009.

Hazem Abu Ismail: Do you know what the word "Pepsi" means? Pepsi as in P-E-P-S-I. The first P stands for "Pay." E stands for "Every." The third letter stands for "Penny." A penny means any small coin you receive and don't know what to do with. Pay it to "Saving" I – "Israel." In other words, pay every small coin you receive in order to save Israel. They don't want money from you – they want your small change, your pennies. If I'm not mistaken, in American economics, a penny is one-thousandth of the dollar. It's not even worth a piaster. It's only a millime. At least I think it's worth a millime, not even a piaster.

They say: "Donate the small change you don't need, but give it to the right cause. If you collect small change, you can buy this drink." They took the first letter of each word – "Pay Every Penny Saving Israel" – and they formed the word "Pepsi." When you pay [to buy Pepsi], you are saving Israel. I am not talking about Pepsi, but about Coca Cola and all of them. I don't want to specify the products. See for yourselves. You are Muslims. You can tell me. I don't know. My little son knows more about the boycott than me. When we go shopping, he says to me: "Buy this, don't buy that." He knows them by heart. He has become an expert in this.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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