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Geketa Holman

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Re: HSIG - Jimmy Carter Recommend To B Hussein - Remove Hamas From Terror List
6/17/2009 6:17:48 AM
Hi Peter,

I guess Jimmy the peanut farmer forgets that 911 when the US world trade center was attacked fifteen of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia,
( his good buddies) two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon. The hijackers were well-educated, mature adults, whose belief systems were fully formed. Jimmy should be tried for treason against the United States. He is helping Hamas and if I were PM of Israel he would be declared public enemy # 1.

D*amn shame that the bombs intended for Carter's  vehicle did not get delivered. It would have done both Israel and the US a great service of kindness :(

Between him and the "great pretender" the US and Israel are being handed over to Islam on a silver platter and not too many here are aware of what is going on right under their noses. I know that Israel will do what ever she needs to do to protect herself. The US is being taken over without one single rocket being fired and there is  no one  protecting us nor will our own government .



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Jimmy Carter Recommend To B Hussein - Remove Hamas From Terror List
6/17/2009 8:07:00 AM

Hi Geketa,

Yes, he has forgotten 911 and so much more. He's acting like a manic or more rightly demonic troll that visits and praises every terrorist organization and champions their causes. It's not only Hamas but he did the same thing with the Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Doesn't surprise me in the least that he is welcomed like a king in Syria and now Hamas is his pet "cause". Jimmy is a slap in the face to most administrations and now we'll have to see how B Hussein the great pretender deals with him.

He's been trying to get the Hezbollah off the terror list too so it seems he believes that terror is legitimate. Can't explain it any other way.

B Hussein is stealing the country from the American not only "under their noses" but openly saying what his plans are and the sheeples are standing in line and saying please take more.

I start reading every morning and am astounded by the irrational things I see being done and so far B Hussein is getting away with it.

The most ridiculous one lately is to expand the authority of the Federal Reserve. And one of the most despicable ones is to fire an honest and hard working IG. Read here, here and here. Slowly he's eroding all freedoms in the US and as I said the sheeples are waiting for more eagerly.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - The Perfect Triangle - Carter/Iran/Hamas - With BHO The Perfect Quartet
6/18/2009 3:38:07 AM
Hello Friends,

Today we can combine three problems that we are facing. The first is Jimmy Carter the worst President the US ever had. The second is Iran and the third are the Palestinians.

Jimmy Carter is pressing to have the Hamas removed from the terror list. In order for that to happen Hamas has to recognize Israel, accept all previous agreements between Israel and the PA and most important to immediately stop all terror activities and the teaching of hate as they do.

Well good old peanut brain Jimmy spoke to Hamas about all this during his latest visit and the reply was a resounding NO. Not interested.

Jimmy's inept handling of the Americans help captive by the Iranians is known to all and all the Americans were released immediately after Ronald Regan was elected President. I guess they knew the weakness and ineptitude Carter conveyed to them was at an end and a man meaning business was now in office.

Interestingly enough the connection doesn't end there. During the protests in Iran against the obviously fraudulent results guess who was out there with Ahmadinejad's gunmen beating and shooting the protesters?? Yep, Palestinians from Hamas were there doing the dirty work for their main supporter, financial backer and weapons supplier. Read more about it here.

The perfect triangle isn't it? Now with B Hussein it'll be the perfect quartet.

Dry Bones shows peanut brain Carter's ineptitude and inability to deal with the massive kidnapping of American citizens in Iran and yet the clown is still trying to influence current events when he couldn't deal with the events in his day.



Today's Golden Oldie is from 1979.

I did this cartoon thirty years ago.
The Islamic Revolution had just taken place. Iranian students had taken to the streets to demonstrate ...and then, on November 4, 1979 the "Muslim Student Followers of the Imam's Line", invaded the U.S. embassy compound and seized its staff. 63 American diplomats and three other American citizens had been taken hostage. At the time that I did this cartoon they had been held for almost two months. It was December 1979, the month that the Ayatollah Khomeini became "Supreme Leader" of Iran. Incredibly, then-President Jimmy Carter chose to do nothing. It was Christmas, in the cartoon I mocked Carter's Christmas message to the hostages. Carter's appeasement earned him the disdain of those he sought to appease. The Iranians released the hostages minutes after Ronald Regan took the oath of office (having squashed Carter's try for a second term of office).

* * *

Thirty years have now slipped by. Iranian students are again demonstrating in the streets. Jimmy Carter is here in the region, still preaching appeasement. The leader of the Islamist students who grabbed the American Embassy back in 1979, is today, apparently, Iranian President Ahmadinejad. And I'm still drawing Dry Bones.

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - B Hussein's 3 AM Phone Call
6/19/2009 3:54:46 AM

Hello Friends,

It seems that important issues in the world are not so important to B Hussein. This might be caused by his lack of knowledge, experience or basically his arrogance in believing my smile and charisma will solve the problem.

We've seen that aside from the Americans that voted and supported him in the world it's not working very well. The Europeans told him to butt out of their business, the Muslims are in "love" with his weakness and we can see that through their actions or lack of respect. Iran will remain the same and nothing B Hussein will say or do will change that. They believe he capitulated and they are so right. North Korea couldn't care less what B Hussein thinks and are rubbing his nose in it day after day.

The question is what does B Hussein think he's accomplishing. His agenda is clear to all thinking and logical people and he's going full steam ahead.  He's printing money as if there is no end to the ink and paper supply. National debt is increasing by leaps and bounds. Total Socialism/Communism is the next stage. Freedoms are disappearing and the sheeples are asking for more.

One thing he is glued into is his love of Islam. We've seen that in his Turkey and Cairo speeches. His loyalties are  to them and we've seen that too. World wide there are problems and catastrophes happening on a daily basis and the only thing that really interests him are the "settlements". Riots and mayhem in Iran - not his concern. North Korea -hmmmm, let's think about that. But build a house in one of the villages in Judea and Sameria gets him jumping and full of action.

Think about it. Dry Bones shows his attitude very well (as usual).



During the Hillary Clinton / Barack Obama primary battle, Hillary famously asked whether we'd feel safe with a President Obama answering a crisis phone call at 3AM.

What she was questioning was his sense of judgment. Well, it seems to me that it's 3AM, the phone is ringing, and I'm afraid that for a lot of us it's a wake-up call.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973

P.S. I'm not at all convinced that Hillary would have been a much better option!

Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Geert Wilders - Israel Is the West's First Line Of Defense
6/19/2009 5:01:47 AM
Hello Friends,

Our friend Geert Wilders in an interview with the Haaretz a left wing Israeli News Paper said that "Israel is the West's first line of defense". Reading through the article a few additional thoughts came to mind.

The Israel/Palestine conflict is being portrayed by the Main Stream Media and many world leaders including B Hussein as a territorial issue. So far anyone that is cognizant of all the efforts by Israel to arrive at a feasible peace solution realizes that nothing can be farther from the truth.

Every time Israel withdrew from territories the rate of bombings, suicide attacks and terrorism has risen. This in itself negates the land for peace issue.

Every time peace talks come close to fruition and closure the Palestinians make new demands which in essence makes the peace initiative worthless and  shows that they aren't really interested in peace to begin with.

What I would like to add that in addition to what Geert Wilders said Israel is the only country actively fighting the Islamic Jihad. Most of the other countries are capitulating and Europe is the best example of that. The US with B Hussein at the helm capitulated and even worse is becoming the major spokesman for Islam in the world.

So in fact the Western world should support Israel but their not doing so is of course part of the capitulation and the reason for Europe becoming Eurabia.



Haaretz israel news English

Dutch anti-Islam MP: 'Israel is West's first line of defense'
By Cnaan Liphshiz, Haaretz Correspondent

Israel will be a major part of Geert Wilders' next film on Islam, the rightist Dutch legislator said last week in an interview for Haaretz. He praised Avigdor Lieberman, observing "similarities" between Yisrael Beiteinu and the Party for Freedom - a small movement which has grown to become Holland's second most popular.

Wilders, a controversial anti-immigration politician, rose to international fame last year when he released a 14-minute film entitled Fitna, which attempts to portray what he considers as Islam's "violent nature." The film, which has been viewed by millions online, provoked mass protests throughout the Muslim world.

In April Wilders announced he was working on a sequel. Just as Fitna focused on genocidal anti-Semitism in the Muslim world, Wilders said that the sequel - which focuses on "Islamization in the West" - will show "how the forces of Islamization are specifically targeting Israel in a fight against all free societies."

He added: "The film will demonstrate that the fight against Israel is not territorial, and hence Israel is only the first line of defense for the West. Now it's Israel but we are next. That's why beyond solidarity, it is in Europe's interest to stand by Israel."

Wilders is facing criminal charges for allegedly inciting hate by comparing the Koran to Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf in the original Fitna film. His party's dark horse achievement in the European Parliament elections earlier this month, he said, is connected to the judicial system's decision to prosecute him.

The Party for Freedom - which has only nine seats in Dutch parliament - won five seats in the June 4 European elections, making it the second largest of all Dutch parties in Brussels. A recent poll shows that if elections were held now, the Party would become the country's largest or second largest.

"The appeals court's decision in January to prosecute me angered many people, as did the decision by the government of the U.K. not to let me enter Britain," Wilders told Haaretz. He added some of the anger manifested itself in the European Parliament election.

According to Wilders, his party's rise in popularity is reminiscent of how Lieberman's party grew to become Israel's third largest. "Our parties may not be identical, but there are certainly more similarities than dissimilarities, and I am proud of that," Wilders said about Yisrael Beiteinu.

"I've met Liebrman and called to congratulate him after the Israeli elections," said Wilders, who visits Israel frequently to meet with leading Israeli politicians, defense officials and opinion-shapers. "Lieberman's an intelligent, strong and clever politician and I understand why his party grew in popularity."

Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu is, according to Wilders, safer because it doesn't automatically accept the two-state solution. But he added: "I am more concerned now about Israel's situation because of the positions of U.S. President Barack Obama."

The president's speech in Cairo "shocked" Wilders, he says. "Until now Israel could rely on the U.S. for support even when the Europeans failed to offer it. Now Israel will have a tougher time," he added.

"The two-state solution is an internal Israeli matter and I hesitate to interfere. But my personal belief is that there is a two state solution for the Palestinians. One of those states is called Jordan," he added.
Wilders also said that Obama's preference for dialogue with Iran despite its ongoing drive to obtain nuclear weapons - according to Western intelligence reports - is "intolerable."

The Party for Freedom will not join any bloc at the European Parliament, Wilders said. "We will not join an rightist party with anti-Semitic or xenophobic inclinations," he explained. "The attempts to classify us as such are the result of our rivals' panic."

Wilders' party believes in halting immigration to the Netherlands, and banning the construction of mosques in that country. While defending gay rights and supporting animal welfare bills, the Party holds a hardliner assimilations stance on the integration of existing immigrants into Dutch society, and is consistently Eurosceptic.

"Our achievement in the European Parliament owed partly to a protest vote by people who do not accept that their tax monies are funding highways in Portugal and subsidizing Polish farmers. They want their money back - approximately five billion euros."

Described by some as "fascist" and "ultra-nationalist," other Dutch parties have shunned the Party for Freedom, treating it as a pariah movement. However, as its political power climbs, leading centrist politicians are advocating an alliance with Wilders, touching off a heated debate in their parties' ranks.

"We have no power but a lot of influence, and are now a serious force which cannot be ignored," Wilders said. "I think the stale political establishment of the Netherlands doesn't quite know how to close the window that let in our party, like a cool draft of wind."
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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