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Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Land For Peace - Been There And Done That - Result 10,000 Rockets and Mortars........
6/16/2009 12:45:33 AM
Hello Friends,

Land for peace is a slogan used by the Palestinians and has proven to be a useless tool to reach true peace with our neighbors.

PM Arik Sharon tried it and much to our despair the lives of thousands of families were broken, destroyed never to be the same. All of the IDF was totally removed from the Gaza strip and much to our chagrin all we get in return were 10,000 rockets and mortars, innumerable suicide bombers and the same hatred as in the past.

PM Eihud Barak tried it when he unilaterally removed all Israeli forces from Lebanon and the result of that is also known to all. Hezbollah became a power in that country since then and the hatred and bombings continue.

BTW, there have been other attempts in peace talks to "give" land for peace and they were rejected so the conclusion is that they either aren't ready for peace or aren't interested in peace. In my opinion both are true since they have other objectives and it sure as hell isn't peaceful.

B Hussein isn't a very good student of history as we've seen from his many erroneous statements and his infamous Cairo speech. He believes he can rewrite history to suit his beliefs and isn't the first to do just that. Try to change true facts to suit his own personal ideology and belief structure. He's trying to make a barbarous ideology into a love fest but to many already know the truth and his plan isn't working all that well this time. No wonder the European leaders and the Islamic world hold him in contempt and see his apologetics and appeasement for what it is, pure weakness and by that he's aiding and abetting them in destroying the US more each and every day.

Todays Dry Bones is a golden oldie and shows that there's nothing new under the sun.



Today's Golden Oldie is from June 1994.

I'm tired of commenting on the current pressure on Israel to appease further "Palestinian" demands and decided to change the topic. So to find something different for today's Golden Oldie, I went way back to fifteen years ago this month ...

Your thoughts?

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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Re: HSIG - Land For Peace - Been There And Done That - Result 10,000 Rockets and Mortars........
6/16/2009 6:36:56 AM
Hi Peter,

First ,let me say the," great pretender", is just that  a pretender ,without his teleprompter or a speech written by someone else  in front of him he cannot address a crowd he has proven that time an again. I think he should find someone that at least knows the truth to do his research before he steps on the podium to address anyone.  His speech in Cairo and Turkey has proven that . Do they actually believe any one is buying their misinformation or are they really just that uninformed? Either way they make him look pretty darn stupid as a president. My greatest fear is that the " Great pretender", will appease the US into total destruction as you have said. Shira law is closer here than the sheeples can even comprehend so that "change" they all voted for  is just around the corner.  

I read Bibi's speech and as you and I have already disgust, he did make some appeasements  but his stipulations were perfectly clear as to what Israel will and won't do.  Who  in their right minds would want the Palestinians to be allowed military capabilities ? Can you imagine what would happen if they were to allow Syria to set up and military base say on the West Bank ? G-d forbid! I shudder at the thought.  We have seen in the past what they do with freedom instead of working to build a nation together in peace they want to kill not only Jews but their own people.

Time and again Israel has given land for peace and that has shown to be futile The Palestinians do not want a two party state they want a one party state of Palestine. I am glad I do not have to make the decision of what to do or there would no longer be any Palestinians left in Israel. I do not have that kind of patience the Israeli government has shown for all these years.

I pray for peace in Jerusalem.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Land For Peace - Been There And Done That - Result 10,000 Rockets and Mortars........
6/17/2009 12:47:36 AM

Hi Geketa,

Thanks for your comments and sadly I must agree with it all.

Since Hamas threw out the PLO/Hamas (who in their own right aren't well known for their "moderate" behavior) from Gaza the situation there has deteriorated 10 fold for the worse. The same can be said that since Israel fully withdrew from Gaza 3 years ago it got even worse.

They have no intention to build a better world for their Gazan brothers and it is in their interest that the situation get even worse for propaganda reasons and the world is "eating" it all up. 

Now with friends like Jimmy Carter and B Hussein they feel they have the upper hand but in the end they are in store for more surprises if hey don't decide that peace is better for their people then the living hell they are creating for them.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Jimmy Carter Advises B Hussein Obama - What A Pathetic Joke
6/17/2009 12:52:24 AM
Hello Friends,

If there is one person in the world that we know for a fact loves Hezbollah and Hamas it's Jimmy Carter. He doesn't even disguise his love and his bias is world renown towards the State of Israel and might I say Jews in general.

He is a most welcome and "honored" visitor in all Muslim countries but especially by those that are terrorists and despotic regimes. His latest project is to convince B Hussein to officially recognize Hamas as a legitimate political group and not a terrorist organization. What a farce and joke the man is

Jimmy Carter is without a doubt the worst president the US ever had and now he has a serious rival for that dubious title. His ineptitude as President is well documented but he will be most remembered for his faulty handling of the Americans held captive in Iran by the new Muslim regime. He is obviously suffering from some sort of dementia and since then has become a "captive" lover of his captors. His "Carter Center" is heavily financed and supported by Islamic countries (Saudi Arabia leads) and that obviously has great influence on his declarations.

Now this inept man is trying to guide and advise B Hussein in carrying out his (Jimmy's) agenda and might succeed since B Hussein's agenda is as close as can be to poor peanut brain Jimmy's.

Today's Dry Bones reflects just that love for Islam both have. Click on the links in Dry Bone's comments for additional information.



The plot unfolds, with all the "usual suspects" lining up against us again. And this time the American President has declared both an end to the "War on Terror" and to the quest to bring "Democracy" to the Middle East.

-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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Re: HSIG - Jimmy Carter Recommend To B Hussein - Remove Hamas From Terror List
6/17/2009 1:29:57 AM
Hello Friends,

More on Jimmy Carter. As I said in my previous post his latest project it to recommend to B Hussein to remove the Hamas from the Terror List. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it? Well peanut brain Jimmy seems to think that everyone is suffering from dementia as he so obviously is but he just might succeed since this suits B Hussein's agenda to a T.

Below are some comments I found at Jihad Watch and the original article from Fox News.



Carter will ask Obama to remove Hamas from terror list

Why is Hamas on the terror list in the first place? Well, consider the "Glory Record" that used to be on its website. You can still see it here, via the Wayback Machine. Just in case that is not accessible, here are some excerpts in which Hamas considered attacks on Israeli civilians something that gave it "glory":

Hamas operations -The Glory Record

[...] 3. Boureen Operation: The militant Hamdan Hussein Al:najar, a member of Hamas, killed the Israeli settler Ya'coub Berey using a big rock as his weapon. The militant was shot down as a martyr after he had ambushed an Israeli patrol using the dead settler's weapon.

[...] 6. Bus No. 405 Operation: Militant Ahmed Hussein Shukry, a member of Hamas, was able to lead an Israeli soldier to a secluded place in Tel Aviv where the militant hit the soldier with a chisel and killed him on 8 September 1989. The following day, the militant got on bus No. 405 and stabbed the driver to take over the bus; however, the passengers were able to stop the militant.

[...] 12. Keryat Youval Operation: The militant Mohammed Mustafa Abu Jalala stabbed four Israelis and injured another at a bus station in Keryat Youval in Jerusalem before he was arrested by the Israeli forces.

13. Askalan Road Operation: While driving a taxi, the militant Jameel Ismail Al:baz, a member of Hamas, ran over a group of Israelis waiting on this road on 19 July 1991. He was able to kill corporal Nadaf Der'ey and injure another soldier. Then the militant was able to escape but he was later arrested by the Israeli forces.

[...] 15. Shailou Operation: A military group belonging to Al Qassam Brigades attacked an Israeli bus carrying some settlers on their way to Tel Aviv to participate in demonstrations organized by the extremist party Likud against the peace process. The bus was completely destroyed; two Israelis were killed and five more were injured.

[...] 17. Eid Al-maskhara Operation: The militant Ra'ed Al:reefy attacked an Israeli crowd in Jaffa on 17 March 1992. He was able to kill 2 and injure 21 Israelis who gathered to celebrate Eid Al:maskhara, also known as Al:boureem.

18. Beit Lahya Operation: On the third anniversary of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin's arrest, a group belonging to Al Qassam Brigades attacked an Israeli settler at Beit Lahya and shot him down then withdrew safely.

[...] 21. Carlo Factory Operation: Four militants belonging to Al Qassam Brigades broke into a citrus packing factory (Carlo) near Nahal Oaz at 2:30 p.m. on 25 June 1992. Three militants stabbed two Israelis while the other was guarding. The Hamas members wrote some slogans and considered this operation as a gift for Yitzhak Rabin on the occasion of winning the Israeli elections.

[...] 26. Al Haram Al-Ibrahimy Operation: Two militants belonging to Al Qassam Brigades attacked an Israeli group near Al Haram (the Shrine) in Hebron. One of the militants attacked the group while the other was on guard. The Israeli forces admitted that only one Israeli was killed and another was injured although the Israeli authorities were shocked by this audacious and well-planned operation. Thereafter they arrested many members of Hamas.

[...] 49. Martyr Hatem Al:muzein Operation: Despite the intensive existence of the Israeli forces, the Curfew and the military siege, a member of Al Qassam Brigades stabbed a 38-year-old Israeli settler, Sha'ya Doytch, from Kfar Yam, a settlement of Ghosh Qateif at 7:00 a.m., while he was working at his greenhouse west of Jan Oar. He was taken to Sarouka Hospital in Beir Sheiba'a, but he died one hour later.

[...] 56. The Revenge Operation: As soon as the Israeli forces announced the execution of the six heroes, Al Qassam Brigade militants put explosives in a 15-storey shopping centre in Tel Aviv on 16 May 1993. The building was completely destroyed and several Israelis were killed and others injured. The Israeli forces admitted that one Israeli had been killed and 40 were injured as a result of a gas bottle explosion in order to cover up the operation.

[...] 61. The Two Martyrs, Hatem Al-muhtaseb and Ya'coub Mutaw'e Operation: It was a violent clap for Rabin when a commando group belonging to Al Qassam Brigades hijacked a bus on HI-25 west of Jerusalem at 7:30 a.m. on 1 July 1993 during the rush hour. The group was able to penetrate the security siege and reached the target bus from 100 metres from the Israeli police headquarters. However, the passengers were able to leave the bus because something wrong happened and so the group engaged in battle with the Israeli forces. Meanwhile, the militants Maher Abu Srour and Mohammed Al-hindy hijacked another car driven by an Israeli lady after the militant Othman Saleh had been injured. They bombed the car and all three were killed in addition to another Israeli soldier and lady that were on the bus. The militant Othman Saleh was taken captive although he was unconscious and kept saying "Allahu Akbar" while the Israeli forces were investigating him. A manifest was found on him with the following demands:

A. The bus must be driven to the Lebanese borders.
B. Al:sheikh Ahmed Yassin must be safely released immediately.
C. Fifty captives belonging to Hamas, 50 belonging to the other Palestinian formations such as Fateh, Al:jehad Al:Islamy and the Democratic Front, etc., must be released.
D. Al-sheikh Abdelkareem Obeid must also be released.

[...] 67. Downtown Hebron Operation: During these serious conditions in which the disgraceful peace treaty was signed, the militants belonging to the Martyr Abdallah Azzam group ambushed an Israeli bus at the Hebron-Keryat Arba'a junction on Sunday, 12 September 1993. The militants shot the soldiers down and took their papers and weapons, including an M-16 rifle and a Klashenkoff after which they withdrew safely.

[...] 69. Askalan Operation: Al Qassam militants were quite active in the 1948-occupied territories when the militant Ala'a Al-kahlout stabbed an Israeli bus driver while travelling from Askalan to Asdoud on Sunday, 12 September 1993. The militant detonated all the explosives he had on the bus causing injuries to several Israelis. One of the passengers was able to shoot the militant down who was later martyred. The Israeli forces admitted that the bus driver was killed and three Israeli passengers were injured.

[...] 77. Beit Kahel Operation: In revenge for the bloodshed caused by the Israeli aggression and attacks on the Palestinian towns, villages and camps, Al Qassam Brigade militants ambushed Rabbi Haim Drucman's car, a prominent chief of the racial Zionist movement, Gosh Amunim and an ex-member of Parliament. They fired at his car near the Beit Kahel junction at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday, 7 November 1993. The driver was killed but the Rabbi, who is responsible for the settlement process, was seriously injured.

78. Hebron Operation: As part of the war waged by Al Qassam Brigades against the Israeli settlers, a group belonging to the battalion attacked a vehicle belonging to an Israeli settler near Hebron on Monday, 6 December 1993. Two settlers were killed and three were injured.

79. Hamas Operation: Two militants belonging to Al Qassam Brigades used a car to drive over an Israeli vehicle near Beitonia, southwest of Ramallah, at the industrial zone on Wednesday, 22 December 1993. They killed two and injured three other Israelis from Doulb, who were also in the car.

[...] 82. Al-khdeireh Operation: During the Israeli memorial day celebrations of the Israelis killed in the Arab-Israeli wars and one week after the revenge operation, the militant Ammar Amarneh, a member of Al Qassam Brigades, blew up an Israeli bus belonging to Eaged working on line 8 at Al:khdeireh, northwest of Tulkarm, on 31 April 1994. Five Israelis were killed and more than 32 were seriously injured.

[...] 85. Dezenkov Street Operation: In an immediate reaction to the previous operation, the militant Saleh Abdelraheem Sawy bombed an Israeli bus at Dezenkof Street in downtown Tel Aviv on 19 October 1994. The explosion was rather violent, leaving 22 Israelis dead, 47 injured and seriously damaging many shops. Israelis were confused and shocked by this operation, causing Yitzhak Rabin to shorten his visit to London. 

Carter to Obama: Remove Hamas From Terror List

Former President Jimmy Carter says he will ask the Obama administration to remove the militant Palestinian group from the U.S.-designated terror list, just as Hamas says it foiled a bomb plot against Carter..
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Former President Jimmy Carter will urge the Obama administration to remove Hamas from the terrorist list, FOX News has learned. 

Carter, a chief defender of the U.S.-designated terror group, said Tuesday he will meet with officials in the Obama administration in two days to discuss his latest trip to the Middle East.

Meanwhile, two Palestinian sources told FOX News that the group had discovered two roadside bombs planted near a crossing between Israel and Gaza on a path Carter's convoy took to meet with the group's leaders -- Hamas advisers, though, reportedly cast doubt on claims that extremists were trying to kill Carter. 

Carter was granted special waivers by the U.S. Secret Service allowing him to enter Gaza. Employees of the U.S. executive branch are not allowed into the strip since a roadside bomb killed three U.S. security personnel in 2003.

Carter was visiting with Hamas leaders to try to persuade them to accept the international community's conditions for ending its boycott of the Islamic militant group.

The international community has asked Hamas to recognize Israel, renounce violence and accept previous peace deals as part of ongoing efforts for Palestinians overall to acquire their own country. Hamas has refused.

Carter said he feels personally responsible that American weapons were used to fight in Gaza Strip last year, when Israeli Defense Forces entered the strip to stop the launch of rockets from there into Israel.

Hamas is considered a terrorist group by the U.S. and Europe and has been shunned by much of the world. Israel and Egypt have kept Gaza's borders virtually closed since Hamas overran the territory in 2007, two years after Israel withdrew from Gaza in a handover to Palestinians.

According to two eyewitnesses, including a 15-year-old boy, the bombs that were found were intended to hit Carter's vehicle as he exited Gaza. There is some suspicion that Hamas extremists linked to Al Qaeda may be behind the attempt.

The boy told FOX News he saw three Palestinian men planting bombs, four of which were later found near a mound less than a mile from the Israel-Gaza border. The boy said he notified Hamas police, who detonated the bombs and took the three men into custody. 

But two Hamas advisers, in interviews with WorldNetDaily, denied reports that extremists were potentially behind such an alleged assassination attempt. 

"Nobody in Gaza will touch this man," Hamas adviser Ahmed Yousef said. "He is on a noble mission. Everyone here respects him."

FOX News' Reena Ninan and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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