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Jim Allen

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Re: Turning the Page on the U.S. Election.
11/7/2008 1:29:30 PM

Have to say it is old news.  It didn't pass now did it?  By the time Pelosi, Franks and Reid got through with it, it died in both houses.  Report the whole story not just what serves your need for justification.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Re: Turning the Page on the U.S. Election.
11/7/2008 1:41:25 PM

My apology for the post that threw things off kilter.  I will repost them.  In the near future.  I have some offline duties for present.  Thanks Joe, in the future I will be keeping copies of posts for just this purpose.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Geketa Holman

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Re: Turning the Page on the U.S. Election.
11/7/2008 4:40:39 PM
Hi Joe,

Thanks for the links to the vets sites. We should honor those great men and women  that have shed blood and gave themselves in service for our lives, liberties and Freedoms!

May G-d bless America and those men and women who served proudly.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Geketa Holman

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Re: Turning the Page on the U.S. Election.
11/7/2008 4:44:37 PM
Hey Jim,

Some folks only can present one side, theirs  .. The whole story.. LOL you must be kidding, the truth is not real for those folks, you should know this by now.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Re: Turning the Page on the U.S. Election.
11/8/2008 5:57:50 AM

Why should God bless America?

In less than 60 days throughout America when Mr. Obama takes the oath office as president of The United States of America,  people will sing the song...  God Bless America. I wonder, why should He? Why should God bless America? We should instead be begging Him to forgive America.

The Bible says, "Woe to those who call evil good" but that is exactly what we do. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.

America claims to be "one nation under God", and yet:

We have allowed prayer to be removed from our schools;

We ridicule the absolute truth of God's Word and call it Pluralism;

We habitually use God's Name in vain and think nothing of it;

We worship other gods and call it multiculturalism;

We endorse perversion and call it alternative lifestyle;

We reward laziness and call it welfare;

We destroy the earth and its resources and call it progress;

We watch television shows and movies filled with sex and violence and profanity and call it entertainment;

We complain about all the sex and violence on T.V., yet we continue to support it by watching it;

We kill our unborn children and call it choice;

We shoot abortionists and call it justifiable;

We refuse to discipline our children and call it building self-esteem;

We allow our children to watch so-called children's shows filled with disrespect and violence, and then have no clue as to why our children are acting the same way;

We drive like lunatics: tailgating, ignoring stop signs, traffic lights, and speed limits, even in residential areas and school zones, having no concern at all for our own safety, let alone the safety of others. And then there's that "road rage" thing;

We call a cross in a bottle of urine "art" and the 10 Commandments displayed in a courthouse "obscene";

We have no problem voting based on a single issue like gun control or taxes, but we refuse to vote based on a single issue as important as abortion;

We vote for a presidential candidate who openly states that he supports abortion, and who, if elected, will do anything he can to make sure abortions remain available;

We give criminals more rights than we give their victims and call it justice;

We give music awards to singers charged with child molestation;

We abuse power and call it politics;

We wear immoral clothing and call it fashion;

We covet our neighbor's possessions and call it ambition;

We punish people who crush a turtle egg while allowing a surgeon to crush the head of a partially-born infant;

We refuse to take responsibility for our actions, blaming them instead on society, or our parents, or our childhood;

We demand parental consent before allowing a school nurse to dispense an aspirin, yet forbid parental notification if that same child chooses an abortion;

We pollute the air with profanity and pornography and call it freedom of speech;

We allow nude dancing and obscene and offensive art and call it artistic expression;

We complain about so called "adult entertainment" establishments, then criticize our officials when they try to do something about them;

We ridicule the time-honored values of our forefathers and call it enlightenment;

Are we, as Americans, proud of this? We shouldn't be. We should be ashamed.

I know I am.

Oh God, have mercy on us.


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