Dearest Pauline,
Tradition is very alive in Serbia. Following it, it will not be easy to find home without ICONS OF THE HOLY PEOPLE , in Byzantine style. Here is one of them :

Holly Virgin With 3 Hands - MIRACULOSE ICON
Those icons take very important place at home, and also in folk`s lives. When we want to underline how one is important to another, or greatly appreciated and honored, we use to say : "He/She is an icon ..."
When I asked Momma about you, she said just: "She is an icon ..."
WOW! And now, reading your so touching words ... I feel very special ... but all words are too shy ... and just try to hide from me.
I hope you`ll understand ... I am very touched and grateful.
Really, I agree with Branka. You are an Icon for this Community!
Blessings to you and yours!