Luka, my dear friend!
My reading Pauline`s post ... oh!, finished with tears in my eyes. First ones came with reading your bio ... and I had to make a break, before I post anything.
Look ... maybe it could be easier if I don`t know you and Branka.
You are so right about weakness of the words. It is not easy to say one complete insight about you.
My life has been changed just in a few weeks how I met you here.
I am so very grateful to Adland for helping me to find you, even though we live 800 m far each from other.
Your and your mother`s relationship wasn`t described yet. One may kill me - but I am not able to give any definition . Time spent with the both of you I can only describe as CHANGING NOT ONLY MY MIND, BUT ALSO MY PEEL.
My wife is very grateful. My kids are puzzled with my change, but enjoy it most.
And I am ... speechless.
I feel blessed with your friendship. Your mother is too modest, even though she introduces herself as a "supreme" ... The same is with you, even though you would never like to be "supreme". Ah, you are too funny and just amazing beings.
Congratulations for this so deserved recognition, dear boy from my neighborhood!
