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10/21/2008 4:34:01 AM
Oh, you posted it here :-)

Well, I'm so happy you liked it! I found a few translations of GLOSSA but two of them were closer to the original: I mean not just by their meaning but, rhyme, rhythm, melodicity (?! - not quite sure of this "purely" English word?! ) Eminescu is so special in many ways!

I would love to read Branka's Glossa; to write one, one must have lots of talent in using all the poem writing techniques; it is a special kind of poem which has to be in accordance with some specific rules, like:
  • the first stanza's verses has to be the last in the flowing stanzas;
  • the last stanza's verses has to be the first stanza's one, but in revers order;
These are just a few I remember right now as it has some water gone down by the river since I graduated high-school ... LOL
- I'm sure you also learned about fix form poems like SONNET, RONDEL (?! - may be this is not in Englis?) GLOSSA is one of them, having certain regulations about their rhymeing, no of sylabells, rhithm and so on...!

Now, I'm sure, the next topic in my ROMANIA will be about EMINESCU and his wonderful poetry and I'll dedicate it to you.

With respect of the time spent to make the post for you?! Well, the heavy part was THE IDEA (1%) and the rest just PERSPIRATION (99%) But what's perspiration without an idea?! Nothing, worthless ;-)


OK, I'm kidding :-)
It was a real pleasure for me and I was happy to see it made as I wanted!

Lots of HUGS,

Here is the other version I also like of Eminescu's Glossa.


Time will come and time will fly,
All is old, but new in kind;
What is right and what is wry
You should ponder in your mind;
Don't be Hope's or Terror's thrall;
Wave-like things like waves shall pass;
Should they urge or should they call,
Keep as cool as ice or glass.

Many sounds our ears will touch,
Much - before our eyes - will glisten;
Who can bear in mind so much
And to all is fain to listen?
Finding your own self anew
You should loftily stand by,
Even though with vain ado
Time will come and time will fly.

Nor should reason's icy scales
Bend their needle, out of measure,
To'ards the moment with swift sails
Fleetingly disguised as pleasure,
Which is born out of its knell,
- Just for moments, you may find;
To whoever knows it well,
All is old, but new in kind.

In the world's dramatic show,
Deem yourself a looker-on:
Should some men feign joy or woe,
Their true face you'll read anon;
Should they weep or insults dart-
Inwardly rejoicing, lie,
Sifting out from all their art
What is right and what is wry.

Both the future and the past
Are but sides of the same page;
In beginnings, ends are cast
For whoever can be sage;
All that was or e'er will be
In the present we can find;
But as to its vanity,
You should ponder in your mind.

For no matter what appears
By the same means will be swirled.
And for many thousand years,
Mirth and grief have ruled the world;
Other masks - the play's the same;
Other lips - the same tune all;
Duped too often, you keep game:
Don't be Hope's or Terror's thrall.

Have no hope if rogues you see
Soft tongued when victorious;
Fools may top your apogee -
Though you be most glorious;
Never fear, they'll try again
One another to outclass;
Hurry not to join them then;
Wave-like things like waves shall pass.

Siren songs - meant to encage -
Are the nets the world unfurls;
Just to change the cast on stage
It will lure you into whirls;
From temptations stay away;
You should never heed at all
Those who'd lead your ship astray
Should they urge or should they call.

Give their touch a wide, wide birth;
Hold your tongue if they blaspheme;
Since you know what they are worth,
What could your advise redeem?
Let them say whate'er they like:
Never mind whom they surpass;
Lest you should endear some tyke,
Keep as cool as ice or glass.

Keep as cool as ice or glass,
Should they urge or should they call;
Wave-like things like waves shall pass,
Don't be Hope's or Terror's thrall;
You should ponder in your mind
What is right and what is wry;
All is old, but new in kind;
Time will come and time will fly.

~ Translated by Andrei Bantas ~

10/21/2008 5:42:07 AM
Hi again Luka :)

I had to come back and send you best wishes again, looks like you are having a fun time!!! Enjoy every minute! take care, hugss xxx
10/21/2008 5:47:52 AM

Luka, I was also laughing a lot when have realized which words we have exchanged here.

At my work place, I also have daily issues with the Serbian way of keeping conversation. Sometimes they are funny .... but sometimes .... cause a big misunderstanding, as the speech between a deaf and dumb.

Thanks for the "translation"! That reminds me of my professor from Logics! Logics is enough complicated science itself, but this poor man used always to speak, then to "translate" what he really meant ... I am not sure which of exposed theories I have certified :) ... first or translated version ...

Thank you Luka. I see you pretty enjoy your reign!






10/21/2008 10:51:37 AM

Hello AnaMaria, Jim and Peter

    Thank You once again for the wonderful job you are doing with this forum. Your time and dedication here is a big part of what makes Aslandpro the great community it is. I truly appreciate your efforts and your friendship.

   Luka, I would like to thank you as well. I thank You for the inspiration in your words and in your actions. To be so young and to have experienced so much is part of the gift that are to others. Your ability to laugh and share your life with us is nothing less than inspiration. Most of us cannot even imagin what your life must have been like and, we cannot help but be more grateful for all that we have.

   I have known your Mother, Branka, for quite a while now and I must say, she is a very loving, caring lady whose friendship I will always cherish. They say an apple never falls far from the tree. Well, this is true from what I have seen in your Mother and yourself. You are both wonderful people with so much to share.

   I honor both you and your Mother this week in the POTW and in all the days that follow. Congratulations.

Sincerely, Billdaddy

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
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10/21/2008 11:39:22 AM
Hello Luka,

What a wonderful party here. I'm sure you enjoy this week very much and the posts of your friends as well.

I saw in Anamaria's post a poem named Glossa. I don't know if there is a similar word in Romania but it reminds me of the Greek word glossa which means : language (and tongue too).

You may have read about Constantinos Cavafy, the Greek poet from Alexandria. I dedicate to you one of my favorite poems from him.



by C.P. Cavafy, Collected Poems

Days to come stand in front of us
like a row of lighted candles—
golden, warm, and vivid candles.
Days gone by fall behind us,
a gloomy line of snuffed-out candles;
the nearest are smoking still,
cold, melted, and bent.
I don’t want to look at them: their shape saddens me,
and it saddens me to remember their original light.
I look ahead at my lighted candles.
I don’t want to turn for fear of seeing, terrified,
how quickly that dark line gets longer,
how quickly the snuffed-out candles proliferate.

Translated by Edmund Keeley/Philip Sherrard



