Hello Friends,
This should go down as a black mark against both candidates. Obamney supports Pro-Choice Killings.
Today, Live Action released a second disturbing undercover video showing Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger clinic in New York City candidly counseling a woman on the "how to" of committing gendercide, the sex-selective abortion of her female unborn child. A Planned Parenthood employee is shown helping a woman determine if her unborn child is female so she can sex-selectively abort it.
In the video, Social Worker and Planned Parenthood employee Randi Coun advises the pregnant woman:
If you find out it's a girl and you decide that what you prefer is to terminate the pregnancy, then that's your decision.
This video is the second in the latest LiveAction series, entitled "Gendercide: Sex-Selection in America." In its first undercover video released Tuesday, LiveAction showed how an Austin, TX Planned Parenthood employee advised a pregnant woman to use the federal Medicaid program in order to confirm the gender and then to return to the Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion if the fetus was a girl. The undercover video series can be seen at LiveAction's new website: ProtectOurGirls.
Today the House of Representatives will consider the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act. Introduced by pro-life Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), H.R. 3541 would make it a federal crime to carry out an abortion based on the gender of the fetus.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6Fz2KLSxDzc#!Planned Parenthood NY Headquarters Counsels for Sex- Selective Abortion in Second
Video: As Congress Mulls Ban, Video Unmasks Growing Trend of Sex-Selective
NEW YORK, May 31 -- Today, Live Action released a new undercover video showing Planned
Parenthood's Margaret Sanger clinic in New York City helping a woman determine if her unborn
child was female so she could have a sex-selection abortion. The video is second in a new series
titled "Gendercide: Sex-Selection in America," exposing the practice of sex-selective abortion in the
United States and how Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry facilitate the selective
elimination of baby girls in the womb.
The new video can be viewed at www.ProtectOurGirls.com, a hub of research and information on sex-
selective abortions.
In the video, Planned Parenthood social worker Randi Coun advises the woman on an early, definitive
method to tell the gender of her child in the late first or early second trimester: "So if you were to have
what's called a CVS test, which is, do you know what that is?" she asks, referring to the genetic Chorionic
Villus Sampling test. "It's done between 11 and 13 weeks, so it is a test that you could do now." CVS tests
have a risk of miscarriage of about 1 in 100, which Coun did not mention, and are typically done to test for
genetic disorders in a pregnancy.
Coun also reassures the woman that she can carry her pregnancy farther into term before her
abortion. "An abortion at any stage up to 24 weeks is considered a safe procedure," she asserts. " It's not
that it's unsafe, or that there's a lot more risk involved, it's just there's more steps involved and
it's just a little more complicated." Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger Center in New York City
does abortions up to 24 weeks of pregnancy and is the organization's national headquarters.
"I can tell you that here at Planned Parenthood we believe that it's not up to us to decide what is a good
or a bad reason for somebody to decide to terminate a pregnancy," Coun adds concerning the woman's
request for a sex-selective abortion. Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards yesterday opposed a ban
on sex-selective abortions on the grounds that it would "limit [a woman's] choices as she makes personal
medical decisions."
"Planned Parenthood has built their abortion empire on their belief that any abortion is a good abortion,
even if it is motivated by the very discrimination against women that they claim to abhor," says Lila Rose,
president of Live Action. "Planned Parenthood's abortion-first mentality leads them to defend targeting
baby girls for extermination. When any of Planned Parenthood's other ideological commitments comes
into conflict with their abortion-first mentality, it's clear that abortion always takes priority."
Six studies in the past four years indicate that there are thousands of "missing girls" in the U.S. from sex-
selective abortion. The U.K., India, Australia, and other countries ban sex-selective abortion, but the U.S.,
save for three states, does not. This afternoon, the House of Representatives will vote on the Prenatal
Non-Discrimination Act (PRENDA), which would ban sex-selective abortions nationally.
Live Action is a youth led movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending the human rights
abuse of abortion. They use new media to educate the public about the humanity of the unborn and
investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless. More information at
For further information, please contact Dan Wilson or Jameson Cunningham with Shirley &
Banister Public Affairs at (703) 739-5920 or (800) 536-5920.