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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
6/5/2012 1:43:38 PM

By: Tom Fife11-20-2008
During the period of roughly February 1992 to mid 1994, I was makingfrequent trips to Moscow, Russia, in the process of starting a softwaredevelopment joint-venture company with some people from the Russianscientific community. One of the men in charge on the Russian side wasnamed V. M.; he had a wife named T.M.
V. was a level-headed scientist while his wife was rather deeply committedto the losing Communist cause - a cause she obviously was not abandoning.
One evening, during a trip early in 1992, the American half of our venturewere invited to V. & T.'s Moscow flat as we were about to return to theStates. The party went well and we had the normal dinner discussions.
As the evening wore on, T. developed a decidedly rough anti-American edge- one her husband tried to quietly rein in.
The bottom line of the tirade she started against the United States wentsomething like this:
"You Americans always like to think that you have the perfect governmentand your people are always so perfect. Well then, why haven't you had awoman president by now? You had a chance to vote for a woman vice-president and you didn't do it."
The general response went something along the lines that you don't vote forsomeone just because of their sex. Besides, you don't vote for vice-president,but the president and vice-president as a ticket.
"Well, I think you are going to be surprised when you get a black presidentvery soon."
The consensus we expressed was that we didn't think there was anythinginnately barring that. The right person at the right time and sure, Americawould try to vote for the right person, be he or she black or not.
"What if I told you that you will have a black president very soon and hewill be a Communist?"

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
6/5/2012 2:43:36 PM
Worth visiting the post here

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Obama In Serious Trouble – And That Makes Him Very Dangerous

“He owes them for everything. Everything he’s got – they gave to him. Everything. The guy’s Manchurian to the shoes on his feet.” -WHI

Note: For the past two years we have been receiving information from a longtime Democratic Party operative who has worked at the highest levels of American politics -including direct access to presidential administrations. Once closely allied to the Clinton machine, and then later playing a significant role in helping to elect Barack Obama in 2008, this individual came to realize just how inept and dangerous was the then-newly elected President Obama and his circle of closest advisers, namely Valerie Jarrett. Since that time this insider has time and again shared information that has later proven accurate, including rampant White House infighting, re-election strategies, Obama’s strained relationship with Democrats in Congress and the U.S. military, and more personal details specific to Barack Obama the man – a figure who suffers from emotional extremes including depression and who spends far more time in his second floor White House study than he does working in the Oval Office as President of the United States.

Here now is Part One of our most recent face to face interview with White House Insider…


UM: We agreed to a series of word associations to start this off. You still ok with that?

WHI: Sure – yeah. Fire away.

UM: Mitt Romney.

WHI: The next President of the United States. He better be – or…or people don’t know – they don’t realize how bad – how dangerous things will get. And fast.

UM: Hillary Clinton

WHI: Don’t trust her. Never have. I used to respect her…I still want to…Hope she proves herself – hope she does the right thing and stays the f-ck away from this administration when she leaves. IF she leaves.

UM: Bill Clinton

WHI: (Long Pause)

…..Disappointment. But he might surprise us yet. He…he could be playing this about right. Maybe. He’s still got game, but word is…he gets tired fast. Ain’t got the focus…I’d still count him as a friend though. Yeah – I would.

UM: -Name Deleted- (Wall Street Insider)

WHI: God bless him. And I mean that. What he’s going through…tough little son-of-a-b-tch. I’ve come to love that man. He still scares the sh-t out of me too. But man oh man…no way we could have kept at this without him. He’s pushed this-this…whatever we call what we’ve been doing here…he’s legitimized it. Protected it. Protected us. I don’t know if you’ll ever know how much…he don’t talk about it…but I know. I’m seeing things in the news everyday now – just about everyday…I read the headline and smile. It’s him. He’s doing it. Will it be enough? (shrugs) Maybe. Maybe not. But g-dammit I’m sure as hell grateful we got him on our side.

UM: Valerie Jarrett

WHI: Most dangerous woman in America. Bar none. She’s the conduit – Obama and Chicago.

UM: Michelle Obama

WHI: Second most dangerous woman in America. And both those ladies…they scare the hell out of the president. I was told he hates them both – on some level. Hates them both. Now I don’t – I won’t pretend to know the psychology behind that kind of thing…but it don’t take a degree to know whatever it is they got there…it’s all kinds of f-cked up.

UM: Eric Holder

WHI: Borrowed time. Tough-tough-tough. Smart. You know…now don’t take this the wrong way here now…I come to respect him on some level. Not saying I like the man – not in the least. But he has managed to intimidate enough people…use the machine to his advantage…the guy is good. Real good. And that is horrible for the country. That’s why I have been saying for – since we started this. The guy has got to go. Got to be forced out – removed…whatever. I called him Obama’s firewall…long time ago. Right? Day one that’s what I called him. Obama’s firewall. Jarrett’s firewall. Jarrett has kept him in place. Confirmed that. There was a moment…last year. Late last year. Talks within the administration – they were getting heat from some of the boys on the Hill. Wanted the bad P.R. that was surrounding the DOJ to be put to bed long before the election year stuff ramped up. Take their licks and then move on. So they wanted Eric Holder to step down. Put a fresh face in there.


You mind if I go on about this for a bit?

UM: Go ahead – please proceed.

WHI: So…where was it? Where was I?

UM: Members of Congress wanted Holder gone. Before the election year started.

WHI: Right – that’s it. They – not a big group of them…but some big names. Handful of them telling the White House…they were worried the hearings might catch on with the public…Fast and Furious – they didn’t want to contend with that situation during an election year. So they wanted Holder out. They made that clear – made it very clear to the White House.

…then Jarrett got word of it. Real quick of course because almost everything that is to get to the president she approves of first. I told you that – two years ago. Before almost anyone even knew who the hell Valerie Jarrett was, right? She is management in the White House. She has the veto power over who gets in and who stays the f-ck out. So she got word of these particular Democrats – a Senator in particular who the rest of them were hiding behind. And she brought the wrath of God down on that poor bastard. There was a meeting. The two of them. Face to face. He was at the White House on something totally unrelated – but she had someone send him up to the second floor – her office upstairs. The real West Wing in the Obama White House…and she absolutely destroyed a United States Senator and she didn’t give a sh-t who overheard it. The man left her office…he was pale. Shaking like-like one of them poor palsy bastards.

There had to have been a threat made. On him. On his family. Money. Something. And she must have made it absolutely clear to the guy she was not playing around. And there has not been a word about Holder stepping down from those people since. This Senator you see – the others were hiding behind him. They figured he had enough…hell I woulda thought the same damn thing. The guy is a f-cking institution. She left him pale and shaking and once he backed off – the others went running for cover.

You ask me about Valerie F-cking Jarrett? That’s Valerie Jarrett and her relationship to the Obama White House. She IS the Obama White House. Even Michelle defers to her – and that woman…she’s a hard unlikeable…I won’t use that word…but even she defers to Jarrett.


UM: Back to the word association…Barack Obama.

WHI: Dangerous.

UM: Please elaborate.

WHI: Barack Obama is in serious trouble – and that makes him very dangerous.

UM: Talk about that trouble – explain that.

WHI: Not just political…the election. It’s what losing…if he loses there are people who are gonna be…extremely disappointed. Back to Chicago.


You remember when I was telling you how I took some trips – I was in Chicago regularly for a while…how I kept seeing Obama operatives. They were everywhere? You remember that?

UM: Yeah. –comment deleted—

WHI: Leave that part out…now remember, this was long before Obama’s campaign headquarters were announced, right? When I was telling you that? How I thought it was weird they were everywhere? A president…the re-election team normally stays in D.C. But I was seeing them all overChicago…and later of course…we find out the re-election headquarters is in Chicago. Now why is that? Media never chased that one. That’s different. Odd. Shoulda got some more attention – hell like a lot of things, right? But it was another Back to Chicago moment for these people – Obama. All of them. The whole thing…the whole operation.

Why do we got a sitting president who resides in Washington DC…why is his re-election headquartered in Chicago? That make sense to you?

UM: No – but very little about this administration makes sense to me.

WHI: Fair enough – fair enough. I get that.

Well…then it hits me. Dumbass like me- sometimes I gotta get hit over the head with it before I figure it out. They are back in Chicago because the ones who invested in this whole thing…Obama’s career…all the way to the White House…they were getting nervous. They want a return on this investment, so they want the re-election efforts…they want all of that right under them so they can keep it close. So they can jerk Obama’s chain if they need to. Because if Obama doesn’t get that second term…the plan is left unfinished and in danger of being undone. And they are gonna be pissed. And that scares the sh-t out of Barack Obama. He owes these people. He owes them for everything. Everything he’s got – they gave to him. Everything. The guy’s Manchurian to the shoes on his feet.

UM: Manchurian?

WHI: Yeah – and I ain’t throwin’ that out there offhand. I mean it. He’s Manchurian to the shoes on his feet. Barack Obama. The President of the United States. He has been manufactured since day one. Day f-cking one. And I don’t mind sayin’ it like that. Not one bit because it’s true. And I’ll tell you this too – you stay the hell out of Chicago. Don’t even think about touching down there. And that comes from the Old Man himself.

Too dangerous. Way too f-cking dangerous. For me. For you. For any of us.

UM: You’ve turned into a full blown conspirator.

WHI: You call it whatever the f-ck you want. I’ll call it this…I’ll say it…what it really is. John 9:30.

UM: What?

WHI: (Smiles) John 9:30 You go look it up. I been getting religion lately son. For real. I was never one for praying…but I am praying every damn day now. Praying for all of us. My own f-cking redemption. Yours. Mine. This country that’s hanging by a thread like nobody knows. And my eyes have been opened.

Look – I ain’t joking around here. You stay out of Chicago. That’s not just me sayin’ that. That’s comin’ from the Old Man. We’re takin’ our ball and going home on that one. No more.

UM: How’d you know?

WHI: Don’t bother asking that. Move this along.

UM: Who are these people?

WHI: We’ve discussed them. It’s all there. Most of it anyways…that’s the most frustrating thing really. It’s all there. You’ve touched on it…others have done it in a lot more detail than you have. No offense…but there’s been others who have really put a lot of it together. But you’ve got the basics down…the unions are big in it. They own him. Obama. They own him. Globalists. Jarrett is in that. Obama was taught day one to hate America, right? So Big Labor, the globalists, the socialists, the communists, Green Energy…all that bullsh-t is just a different side of the same f-cking face. It’s all the same. And Barack Obama is their creation.


You did something on the…the drone story, right? How Obama loves to use those drones. His kill list? The Times did a write up on that?

UM: Yes – I…just yesterday. Obama’s interest in personally giving the go ahead to bomb specific targets using drones.

WHI: Right – now ask yourself this…why is a president so consumed by this one little part of the job? Now that may sound…I don’t mean to dismiss the taking of human life as a little part of the job…but hell…fact is…I don’t know of a president who has ever taken such…personal interest…I’m gonna come right out and call it pleasure, ok? Barack Obama takes personal pleasure in using those drones. Now why is that? ‘Cause that kind of obsession – that ain’t normal. He’s a lazy slob of a president – but that damn drone program has his full attention. He love’s the sh-t outta those godd—mn drones. He spends hours watching television, or flying around giving another speech – but he don’t miss one of those kill meetings.

So ask yourself – WHY? And I’ll tell ya that once you figure out that, then you see the big picture. You see what’s going on here – you see the payoff. You see how odd things he’s said in the past…how they now make a hell of a lot more sense now. You see what a second Obama term really means for us. You see why the military is getting more and more nervous about this guy…you see why it’s got somebody like the Old Man so upset and so damn afraid. You have…just like I did…you have your own John 9:30 moment.


…Obama loves them drones. He has made them a personal priority above all else.

The question that is also the answer to so much of this then – is WHY? From there…I got the goods…I told you what their re-election plan was. How they are gonna use race, division, chaos…that’s the re-election plan. Folks are talking now…from inside the administration. And they are afraid. Sh-t ain’t right. Where they wanna take us – and it’s got people upset. Military had wind of it first…the Old Man knew…now it’s spreading. Not about the election campaign -the second term plan. There’s denials being sent back…but nobody trusts them now. And the ones who do…they are in on it themselves. Others…like me…you might see us smilin’ and noddin’…but know that’s just the public face we are putting on. We gotta do that to maintain access. Don’t let that throw you – you’re gonna see more and more of that in the coming months. That just needs to be done. We lose our access…makes it a hell of a lot tougher to plan, right? So you may see me saying one thing…I’m doing it different. You gotta trust me on that. There will come a time in all of this…it’s gonna get tough, it’s gonna get weird…you’re gonna feel used up. Betrayed. When we reach that point, and we will – I’m tellin’ you now – we will reach that point…trust is what will keep it all together. If we don’t have that…they win. And if they win – we all are gonna lose and lose hard.

The country’s really in the sh-t now…and the papers runnin’ low…



NY Times Confirms What WHI Said Long Ago – “Obama Loves Blowing The Hell Out Of People.”



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
6/5/2012 8:27:44 PM
What he should of said..

What Obama Should Have Told The Grads

Barack Obama speech 4 SC What Obama Should Have Told the Grads

Students, faculty and parents, it is my honor to deliver a commencement speech today. I am about to do something I have never done as president: tell it like it is.

Back in 2008, I was nothing but an idea — a blank canvas upon which millions painted whatever image they wanted to see.

Americans were frightened then, as the U.S. and the world came frighteningly close to an economic meltdown.

My words reassured millions. I told you I was going to bridge the political divide, bring people together, get America’s fiscal house in order, get the economy going and cut our massive deficit in half by the end of my first term.

You elected me. Suckers!

The first thing I did, under the guise of greatly improving the economy, was the largest stimulus package in world history.

Those ninny Republicans wanted to stimulate the economy through massive temporary tax breaks and credits.

I preferred the old Chicago-Democrat method, using nearly $1 trillion in taxpayer funds to pay off unions and other supporters.

By my own measure — I promised the stimulus would keep unemployment below 8 percent — that program failed.

Still, my poll numbers were high. I could have used my sizable political capital to tackle our real problems — a muddled tax system that holds back growth and an explosion in entitlement spending that will soon cripple America — but I had no time for that.

So I punted. I established the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, co-chaired by Republican former Sen. Alan Simpson and Democrat former Sen. Erskine Bowles, and let them figure out what to do about tax reform and entitlement spending.

After all, I had more important fish to fry: my legacy!

I had Democrat majorities in the House and the Senate and an irresistible opportunity to be the first president to create the crown jewel of entitlements: health care for all!

Sure, I burned through my political capital in the process. Many were unhappy about government meddling with their relationship with their doctors. Now, the Catholic Church is grumbling about government meddling with religious freedom (by me telling it what provisions better be in its employee health policies).

Common people, who cling to religion and guns, will never understand hope and change.

I single-handedly created the tea-party response to my policies. Republicans gave Democrats a shellacking in the 2010 elections and took over the House.

Soon after those elections, the Simpson-Bowles commission released a blueprint for tax and entitlement reform — solid ideas that both parties could find common ground on.

It gave me a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate real leadership to bring both parties together to reform taxes and entitlements and contribute mightily to badly needed growth.

But I didn’t do it. I couldn’t do it. Truth be told, this is the hardest job in the world and I really have no clue what I am doing.

As the economy stumbles, unemployment is high, revenues are flat, spending is out of control and our deficit is frightening, my only hope of a second term is to confuse, obfuscate, point fingers and change the subject.

In any event, Class of 2012, here is my advice as you enter the worst job market in years: Good luck because you’re going to need it.

And despite the fact that your generation will be saddled with years of high taxation and sluggish economic conditions thanks to my policies, I thank you for your continued support.


©2012 Tom Purcell. Tom Purcell, a freelance writer is also a humor columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune- Review and is nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Email Tom at

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
6/7/2012 5:55:25 PM

Obama Caught Lying Again: He Was Member of 'New Party,' Says Kurtz

6 hours ago 267 post a comment

Barack Obama was, in fact, a member of the socialist New Party in the 1990s and sought its endorsement for the Illinois senate--contrary to the misrepresentations of Obama's presidential campaign in 2008, and in spite of the efforts of Politico's Ben Smith to quash the story. Stanley Kurtz, author of Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism (2010), has released new "smoking gun" evidence at National Review Online. It is evidence that the mainstream media can no longer ignore--and Obama can no longer deny.

When the story of Obama's association with the New Party first broke in 2008, Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt claimed that Obama had never been a member. (LaBolt likewise told the New York Times that Obama had "not spoken by phone or exchanged e-mail messages since Mr. Obama began serving in the United States Senate in January 2005"--a statement that carefully concealed the truth that Obama had spent time in Ayers' home after he began serving in the Senate.) The Obama campaign took up the issue at its "Fight the Smears" website, smearing Kurtz and willfully distorting the truth about Barack Obama's radical past:

Right-wing hatchet man and conspiracy theorist, Stanley Kurtz is pushing a new crackpot smear against Barack falsely claiming he was a member of something called the New Party.

But the truth is Barack has been a member of only one political party, the Democratic Party. In all six primary campaigns of his career, Barack has has run as a Democrat. The New Party did support Barack once in 1996, but he was the only candidate on the ballot in his race and never solicited the endorsement.

Ben Smith of Politico wrote a classic "nothing to see here" story, taking LaBolt and New Party founder Joel Rogers at their word. The rest of the mainstream media, eagerly covering up for--and campaigning for--Obama, took Smith's report as the definitive "debunking" of the New Party "smear" and failed to look further. The mocking tone of Smith's article ("The dread New Party") put the topic beyond the pale of polite debate.

Now, through careful archival research, Kurtz has proven his case--and proven once again that there are many people on the left who have been willing to misrepresent and obscure facts about Barack Obama, as well as many in the mainstream media who have acted as Obama's accomplices rather than searching for the truth.

Kurtz writes:

Minutes of the meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:

Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party.

Consistent with this, a roster of the Chicago chapter of the New Party from early 1997 lists Obama as a member, with January 11, 1996, indicated as the date he joined...

The revelation in 2008 that Obama had joined an ACORN-controlled, leftist third party could have been damaging indeed, and coming clean about his broader work with ACORN might easily have exposed these New Party ties. Because the work of ACORN and the New Party often intersected with Obama’s other alliances, honesty about his ties to either could have laid bare the entire network of his leftist political partnerships.

Obama was not the only one who lied, according to Kurtz:

Although Obama is ultimately responsible for deceiving the American people in 2008 about his political background, he got help from his old associates. Each of the two former political allies who helped him to deny his New Party membership during campaign ’08 was in a position to know better.

One of the most glaring lies--which Politico's Smith readily accepted--was that the New Party did not have members. That is easily proved false, Kurtz says, with the group's own documents, which he has recovered:

At just about the time Obama joined the New Party, the Chicago chapter was embroiled in a bitter internal dispute. A party-membership list is attached to a memo in which the leaders of one faction consider a scheme to disqualify potential voting members from a competing faction, on the grounds that those voters had not renewed their memberships. The factional leaders worried that their opponents would legitimately object to this tactic, since a mailing that called for members to renew hadn’t been properly sent out. At any rate, the memo clearly demonstrates that, contrary to Rogers’s explanation, membership in the New Party entailed the right to vote on matters of party governance. In fact, Obama’s own New Party endorsement, being controversial, was thrown open to a members’ vote on the day he joined the party.

As for the group's socialist ideology, Kurtz says, the documents he has recovered leave no doubt:

The documents reveal that the New Party’s central aim was to move the United States steadily closer to European social democracy, a goal that Mitt Romney has also attributed to Obama. New Party leaders disdained mainstream Democrats, considering them tools of business, and promised instead to create a partnership between elected officials and local community organizations, with the goal of socializing the American economy to an unprecedented degree.

Kurtz ends by challenging the mainstream media to the opposite of what they did in 2008--to follow up on the facts he has uncovered, and "to report that President Obama once joined a leftist third party, and that he hid that truth from the American people in order to win the presidency." And he hints that there are more facts to come.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
6/7/2012 8:23:55 PM
Responding to the White House’s demands, Judge Forrest writes in a June 6 memo, “Put more bluntly, the May 16 order enjoined enforcement of Section 1021(b)(2) against anyone until further action by this, or a higher, court — or by Congress. This order should eliminate any doubt as to the May 16 order’s scope.”

NDAA unconstitutional: Federal judge bans Obama from indefinitely detaining Americans

Published: 07 June, 2012, 20:15

US President Barack Obama (AFP Photo/Jewel Samad)

US President Barack Obama (AFP Photo/Jewel Samad)

TAGS: Obama, Politics, Law, USA

Sorry, Mr. President. A US Federal judge has clarified a decision made last month with some news sure to upset the Obama administration: the White House cannot use the NDAA to indefinitely detain American citizens.

Judge Katherine B. Forrest has answered a request made by US President Barack Obama last month to more carefully explain a May 16 ruling made in a Southern District of New York courtroom regarding the National Defense Authorization Act. Clarifying the meaning behind her injunction, Judge Forrest confirms in an eight-page memorandum opinion this week that the NDAA’s controversial provision that permits indefinite detention cannot be used on any of America's own citizens.

Last month Judge Forrest ruled in favor of a group of journalists and activists whom filed a suit challenging the constitutionality of Section 1021 of the NDAA, a defense spending bill signed into law by President Obama on New Year’s Eve. Specifically, Judge Forrest said in her injunction that the legislation contained elements that had a "chilling impact on First Amendment rights” and ruled that no, the government cannot imprison Americans over suspected ties with terrorists.

"In the face of what could be indeterminate military detention, due process requires more,” said the judge.

The Obama administration responded nine days later by asking Judge Forrest to reconsider her ruling, adding that, in the interim, the government would interpret the injunction to mean that only the few plaintiffs listed on the lawsuit would be excluded from indefinite detention. One of those named, journalist Chris Hedges, had previously said, “I have had dinner more times than I can count with people whom this country brands as terrorists … but that does not make me one.”

Responding to the White House’s demands, Judge Forrest writes in a June 6 memo, “Put more bluntly, the May 16 order enjoined enforcement of Section 1021(b)(2) against anyone until further action by this, or a higher, court — or by Congress. This order should eliminate any doubt as to the May 16 order’s scope.”

Judge Forrest does include in her ruling, however, that Americans can be indefinitely detained, but only providing that the government can link suspects directly to the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Attorney Carl Meyer represented the plaintiffs in the lawsuit and told RT last month that he expected the Obama administration to challenge Judge Forrest’s ruling, but warned that “it may not be in their best interest because there are so many people from all sides of the political spectrum opposed to this law.”

Previously, state lawmakers in both Utah and Virginia have proposed legislation that would negate provisions of the NDAA on a local level.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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