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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
5/15/2012 3:51:25 AM
Obama is just the triggerman folks. Support the GOOD/Light nand help protect our freedoms and end this tyranny.

Christian club kids banned from bus!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

A Minneapolis School District is denying Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) of Minnesota access to school facilities, including their busses which provide these kids with safe passage home.

I am headed to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in Minneapolis on Wednesday to defend CEF and their young members who must not be denied their constitutional right to access school facilities and services!

Please see my important update below – Mat.


Minneapolis Special School District No.1 school kids who want to participate in CEF programs are being denied access to school facilities and busses that all other young people in afterschool programs ranging from the Boy Scouts of America, to Big Brothers and Big Sisters, to Lutheran Social Services, to Catholic Charities are allowed to utilize.

What’s the difference in CEF and the other groups?

According to Amy Moore from the District General Counsel’s office, it’s because CEF’s program “…included leading the children in prayer, teaching them that Jesus Christ is their savior, and studying Biblical passages.”

Now you know why I’ll be in court on Wednesday!

Last year, Liberty Counsel filed a lawsuit on behalf of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Minnesota, the sponsor of Good News Clubs in that region, against the School District for unfairly denying equal inclusion in its promotion of after-school programs.

CEF was an approved after-school program partner for five years without incident. But last fall, the district notified CEF that its programming was not “appropriate.” 

The District allows many after-school organizations to provide services to the children and their families, and also provides promotional materials to parents detailing these after-school options.

The district also buses the children safely home. But CEF and the children attending Good News Clubs are no longer allowed on the District’s buses.

++We must confront this kind of illegal discrimination everywhere it arises!

I have been defending CEF for many years. I’ve litigated scores of these cases and have eventually won all of them. That’s because the United States Supreme Court has long since settled the question of whether Christians can be denied access to public school facilities or removed from public school busses!

As the Court held in Good News Club v. Milford, “…speech discussing otherwise permissible subjects cannot be excluded from a limited public forum on the grounds that the subject is discussed from a religious viewpoint.”

So, why do administrators like those in Minneapolis Special School District No. 1 keep trying to discriminate against CEF and similar groups?

The only rationale for discrimination against Good News Clubs is ignorance of the law or animosity toward the Christian message!

The law is crystal clear. Christian viewpoints ARE constitutionally protected. Public schools MUST provide equal access for Christian viewpoints and Christian clubs!

++Our “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools” belongs in every school in America.

Now, on an almost weekly basis, Liberty Counsel is called upon to aggressively defend the rights of students, teachers, administrators, and school systems as anti-religious organizations – or the naïve officials who have been misled by their disinformation campaigns – attempt to subvert the Constitution!

This case in Minnesota is yet another in the escalating number of requests for our legal services – services which we offer free-of-charge to our clients.

To counter the epidemic of “political correctness” – and outright ignorance of the law – my Liberty Counsel team developed the “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools.”

This invaluable handbook is a resource based on decades of experience defending the rights of educators, students, administrators, and community members from the attacks of radical activists – and naïve administrators buying into their misinformation – who want to squash freedom of religious expression in any public setting, including schools.

It is imperative that the “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools” be in the hands of anyone who is concerned about the direction our public schools are taking!

Right now we are preparing our next shipment to 10,000 public schools in New York, Tennessee, Colorado, Oregon, and Rhode Island for a cost of $1.50 per school.

Click here to help us reach 10,000 more schools before the start of the 2012-2013 school year with the “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools.”

++“The Six Commandments” – and revisionist history.

Just days ago, Liberty Counsel faced the ACLU in federal court over the inclusion of the Ten Commandments in a privately-sponsored display of a total of 29 documents impacting America’s law and government that was placed in a public high school.

I argued on behalf of our client, the Giles County, Virginia, School Board. You can read the full story a little further in my message.

Amazingly, the judge sent the parties into mediation with the suggestion that we should consider omitting the first four Commandments – the ones he felt most strongly referenced God – and thus come to settlement and avoid further litigation!

So, now we are going to teach our young people about the influence on our law of the “Six Commandments”? That is historic revisionism raised to the power of blasphemy!

That’s why I am even more committed to getting our “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools” into every public school in America – all 100,000 of them. Our case before the Circuit Court of Appeals in Minnesota has served to increase my sense of urgency to attain this goal!

Well over 40,000 of these invaluable Handbooks are already sponsored! We are almost half way toward reaching every public school in our nation with this powerful resource.

Can you sponsor 20 schools – or even 100 schools? Click here now to help:

By clicking here, you will learn more about sponsoring the delivery of this handbook to one or more of our public schools – or how to obtain copies for yourself, your church, or civic organization:

Jim, I am asking for a prayer covering while I litigate on behalf of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Minnesota against the unconstitutional assault by this misguided Minnesota School District.

We have almost reached our immediate goal to ship another 10,000 of the “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools.” I extend a heartfelt “thank you” to those of you who have so generously given to help us reach these schools with this important resource.

God bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. I will be in a federal appeals court on Wednesday defending Child Evangelism Fellowship of Minnesota. As is evidenced again, America’s public schools are in peril of becoming “religion free zones” if we don’t aggressively assert our constitutional rights. Americans don’t lose their First Amendment rights simply because they are in a public school!

Please click here to sponsor 20 or more schools to receive the “Patriot’s Handbook of Religious Freedom in Public Schools.” Your support will help put us half way toward meeting our goals before summer begins:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
5/15/2012 10:27:02 PM
If I wanted Obama to fail as president

CATEGORY: Current Events
By Dean Chambers

While also suggesting that it is unpatriotic, many liberals have accused conservatives of wanting Obama to fail as president. Conservatives, such as syndicated talk show host Rush Limbaugh and others, have predicted that Obama could or would fail based on the policies they believed he would pursue. Many of us believed that Obama would pursue hard-line, leftist economic policies as president. And we believe such policies, because of their very nature, do not work in improving the economy and creating jobs, and therefore those policies would fail. Full article here

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
5/16/2012 11:38:01 AM

Federal judge gets drop on Tombstone

Rejects plea for permission to fix disaster-damaged water system

Historic Tombstone, Ariz., long has been known as the “Town Too Tough To Die,” but that was before it encountered the Obama administration, which has refused permission for the town to repair the water system in the nearby Huachuca Mountains from which it has drawn H2O for more than a century.

That means the town is living on only a fraction of the water supplies to which it is accustomed, drawing only from several wells, some of which are poisoned by arsenic, town representatives say.

The mountain collection system was destroyed when a forest fire ravaged the hilltops last year and then monsoon rains washed mud and boulders across the collector channels and pipelines.

Now, a federal judge has affirmed the Obama administration’s position, and the Goldwater Institute, working to protect the town’s rights, says it already has filed an emergency appeal of the decision.

“Requiring Tombstone to seek federal permits to repair its municipal water supply is like demanding a federal permit before the city can make repairs to a fire truck,” said Nick Dranias, Goldwater Institute director of constitutional studies and lead attorney in the case.

“Under the Tenth Amendment, the federal government has no power during a state of emergency to stop a local government from repairing its own municipal property, which is essential to providing safe drinking water and adequate fire protection,” he said.

The institute is coordinating the fight with the federal bureaucracy over the property rights Tombstone holds to 25 mountain spring heads and all of the water rising and flowing in two canyons in the Huachuca Mountains.

Bundled with those rights are access roads and pipeline rights of way.

The institute said: “Until last year, the U.S. Forest Service recognized and respected those rights, which date back to the days of Wyatt Earp. Today, the federal government denies they exist and refuses to allow Tombstone to restore more than three of its spring water catchments.”

The decision came from U.S. District Court Judge Frank Zapata, who refused the town’s emergency request to restore its Huachuca Mountain municipal water supply.

The institute explained that despite “the burial of water reservoirs and water lines under boulders the size of Volkswagens and as much as 12 feet of mud, the court denied Tombstone’s request to allow it to use mechanized and motorized equipment to restore its water system.”

“In denying the request, the court ruled that the town did not exhaust efforts to obtain federal permits to use the equipment despite nine months of continuous efforts by the town to secure the U.S. Forest Service’s cooperation. The court was not moved by a state of emergency declared specifically for Tombstone by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer,” the institute said.

Christina Sandefur, Goldwater Institute attorney and litigation team member, said Tombstone “is making a stand for state sovereignty, property rights and public health and safety against federal overreach.”

“We all have a stake in stopping the Forest Service from killing the ‘Town Too Tough To Die,’” she said.

Dranias said that if the federal government can deny Tombstone’s water rights, “then nobody can rely on their water rights.”

“Because water is the lifeblood of Western states, the federal government is threatening jobs and economic growth across the West, not just the lives and properties of Tombstone residents,” he said.

The organization recently explained that Tombstone is just one of many cases in which the federal government is trying to take over water rights. The institute said it’s part of a trend in Washington to remove public land and resources from the reach of the public.

“The Goldwater Institute is asking the court to recognize that state and local governments have sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to freely respond to natural disasters without being forced to cut through federal red tape, and also to enforce property rights enjoyed by both citizens and local governments on federal lands,” the organization’s report said.

The institute earlier documented the developing attack on Western states in a letter that contradicts longstanding federal practice by asserting a claim to water in arid Western states, such as Utah, Montana, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona that supersedes all other authorities, including decisions by state water courts.

“Federal water rights are entitled to a form of protection that is broader than what may be provided to similarly situated state law rights holders,” stated a letter from Julie Decker, the deputy state director in the U.S. Department of the Interior to the Arizona Department of Water Resources.

The letter was objecting to state plans to do a routine “Designation of Adequate Water Supply,” which reviews water resources, rights and uses when changes are proposed.

Decker’s letter said water is not “legally” available for some users who may want to develop property in the area, because “the expressed federal reserved water right created by Congress is senior to all junior water users who initiate uses after the date of the establishment of the reservation.”

Dranias, who holds the Clarence J. and Katherine P. Duncan Chair for Constitutional Government and is director of the Joseph and Dorothy Donnelly Moller Center for Constitutional Government at the Goldwater Institute, called it an “existential threat to the Western states.”

“Water is the lifeblood of the arid Western states. Development would not exist without pretty intensive development of scarce water. That is only possible with the incentives created by ownership,” he said.

Without assurances that water is available, there is no possibility that economic development can occur, he said. In fact, some states have provisions, such as in Colorado, saying a homeowner cannot occupy a building unless a water right is documented for the structure.

He said it was only a few decades back that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a New Mexico case that the federal government deferred to states on water rights. Now, however, the policy is being repudiated, threatening virtually every water user west of the Mississippi River.

Tombstone, which can document through federal letters its ownership of the rights back 130 years, is in a far superior position to most water users in the West. Dranias told of Arizona ranchers who own specific spring-fed water rights but only leased rights-of-way for pipelines.

The federal government is demanding as a condition for renewing the pipeline permits that ranchers cede to the federal government all water ownership and rights, he said.

The radical “green,” or ecological, element appears to be playing a role, Dranias noted.

As part of the litigation over Tombstone’s water, he said, emails to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from various activists cheered the fires and floods that destroyed Tombstone’s water supply system.

“Hooray, the water’s running free again,” he said the emails expressed.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
5/17/2012 6:35:34 PM

This Kind of makes you say hmm.... does it not? Also Briebart was never a birther but when the evidence keeps piling up at least they investigate..
Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

The booklet, which is thirty-six pages long, is printed in blue ink (and, on the cover, silver/grey ink), using offset lithography. It purports to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Acton & Dystel, which was founded in 1976.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: The Case Against Barack Hussein Obama
5/17/2012 7:13:25 PM
Hello Again Friends and Viewers,

This one goes right along with the above post as it is time for action and vetting. The Gunny has a lot to say. But first, I want to say I thank the Gunnery Sergeant for his service and his continued service to us all for lighting the fire.


Dear General Vallely,

I’ve been in contact with you a number of times in the past four years, being similarly concerned about our Nation and the illegal alien who has been installed in office and what we must do about this.

I found it interesting you opening your column with the story of another criminal liberal needing to be a criminal in order to accomplish her goal, and to hell with laws, common courtesy, principle, all the founding stones of a civil society. That we can now identify a substantial part of our domestic enemy merely by the fraud committed in names and life history is in essence, the working expansion of the Islamic principle of ”taqiy’ya” the principle lying and every associated principle is legitimate if it is to deceive nonmuslims, and it shows an ever increasing proportion of Americans are not so much approving of it, but simply getting accustomed to it, and the more we do so, the closer we get to failing to even note blatant lies and fabrications.

Marine Corps - Gunnery Sergeant Collar Chevrons

As a retired Marine, with a tour of recruiting duty from 91 to 94, I’ve been very active against this illegal alien, and having lived from 67 to 76 right on the edge of Chicago, and having actually “community organized” under Dr. Leonard Pellegrino, a compatriot of Alinsky, about ten or twelve blocks north, and about the same distance west of where Obama/Soetoro/Davis did some eight or so years later, I’ve been knowledgeable about his background, that of the Ayer’s, Dorn, Davis, having been in high school while the SDS was active, and being personally active in the group, mostly children of veterans, who fought against the war protesters, and did our best to make them fall and fail in their attacks, with O’Hare Airport where we were active mostly.

To cut to the chase, all who have knowledge of the fact this man is illegal, have been blown off by every part of the government with the singular exception of Sheriff Arpaio. What he has assembled is legally defined as “substantial probable cause” sufficient in detail and fact to demand an indictment at any other time, for any other person, and with this, we, who are ardent in our quest to restore this Nation should have the capacity to cause this case to be taken up.

This is a long post so read it all here

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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