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RE: Secret Service Hunts Down Sarcastic Tweets
6/7/2014 12:42:38 AM

Latest moves show the inner President Obama has been unleashed

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Whether it’s recognizing a Palestinian government that includes Hamas, negotiating with the Taliban, releasing five Guantanamo Bay detainees or imposing new regulations on carbon emissions, one thing is constant: The inner President Obama is being unleashed.

During his 2008 campaign, there was a lot of debate over whether Obama was more likely to govern from the left, or more moderately. He spoke a lot about breaking with Washington consensus – the type of thinking that led to the Iraq War, made the U.S. government reflexively pro-Israel, shied away from diplomacy, and failed to address the issue of global warming.

When he came into office in 2009, Obama immediately pursued an $830 billion economic stimulus bill that financed a litany of liberal causes and then he spent another year pushing through sweeping health care legislation. But many of his other ambitions were stymied by a combination of logistics, congressional opposition, and his political ambitions.

Like the end of his first term, in his second term, Obama has not been able to move any of his major legislative priorities through the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. But now, he’s no longer facing re-election, so he’s been more willing to assert himself in areas where the president typically has more influence – foreign affairs and regulatory policy.

In his first term, Obama fought against Iran sanctions until Congress overwhelmingly passed them and he was forced into changing course.

But in his second term, Obama has engaged in a aggressive diplomatic effort with Iran that has already allowed the radical Islamic regime to pocket significant concessions (such as U.S. acknowledging the Iranian right to enrich uranium), without reducing the likelihood that Iran will be able to reach nuclear capability.

At the start of his presidency, Obama tried to pursue a policy of creating “daylight” between the United States and Israel, but this often clashed with his attempt, in the run up to his re-election, to portray himself as supporting the American ally.

With such political considerations aside, Obama has become more comfortable displaying his true attitude toward Israel.

Obama appointed Chuck Hagel, who infamously lambasted the “Jewish Lobby,” as his Secretary of Defense and John Kerry as Secretary of State -- who went on to describe Israel as an “apartheid” state in the making.

Administration officials publicly and repeatedly blamed Israel for the failure of peace talks that were doomed at the start, even though the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas refused to accept the key tenets of the administration's peace framework.

During the 2008 campaign, Obama repeatedly and emphatically denied he would deal with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas if elected. "I've been adamant about not negotiating with Hamas," he said at one campaign rally. In an interview with the Atlantic in May 2008, he declared, “I mean what I say: since they are a terrorist organization, we should not be dealing with them until they recognize Israel, renounce terrorism, and abide by previous agreements.”

Yet Hamas has now joined with Abbas in creating a Palestinian unity government, which Obama's State Department has said it would deal with. According to the Washington Post, the administration worked with Palestinians to help them structure the government in a way that would get around U.S. law against funding a government that includes Hamas.

On Wednesday, BuzzFeed reported that Obama administration officials "have been holding secret back-channel talks with Hamas over the last six months."

During Obama’s first term, his pledge to close Guantanamo Bay prison ran into a series of practical problems about what to do with detainees. But by releasing five dangerous Taliban commanders from the prison, Obama has now taken a bold step toward shutting it down.

On the domestic front, Obama wasn't able to get cap and trade legislation passed during his first term, but held off on more aggressive regulatory action through the Environmental Protection Agency. Now, however, the EPA has released a proposed rule that would regulate the carbon emissions from existing coal plants.

Ultimately Obama is acting increasingly like the type of president that liberals hoped for in 2008, and conservatives had deeply feared.

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Jim Allen III
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RE: Secret Service Hunts Down Sarcastic Tweets
6/8/2014 1:18:56 PM

White House plots VA-scandal distractions: Column

In the wake of the VA scandal, President Obama mounts a series of PR moves.

An air of hubris — a sort of we-know-it-all quality — has permeated the Obama White House from the beginning. It worked as a public relations strategy for the better part of five years. But it seems to be breaking down now.

The sophisticated swagger and savoir faireprojected by the President and his strategists — audacity with cool, if you will — captivated a major segment of the 2008 voting public, many of whom were tired of George W. Bush and believed Barack Obama could bring real change to Washington.

This somewhat-arrogant-and-sometimes-intimidating PR approach to governing had success. It helped him pass a $787 billion economic stimulus bill and browbeat fellow Democrats to enact a highly partisan health care plan that Republicans wanted no part of. It got him through a bruising re-election campaign despite a less-than-stellar record on the economy and still-lingering questions about his handling of the terroristattack in Benghazi, Libya.

But over the past 12 months, the vaunted Obama PR limousine, used to smoothing out bumps with ease, has been blowing tires as it tries to roll over a minefield of crises and scandals.

Troubles began with allegations that the IRS targeted conservative groups for special scrutiny during an election year.

They were followed by startling revelations about NSA domestic spying and the leaking of secrets by Edward Snowden.

Obama ran into criticism for waffling on chemical weapons in Syria, appearing to go soft on Iran's nuclear program and not standing up to Russian President Vladimir Putin over Crimea.

Then there was the disastrous rollout of Obamacare and the re-emergence of Benghazi through email revelations that the White House might have been involved in a cover-up, triggering a new set of hearings scheduled for summer.

Through it all, the Obama PR machine tried to spin all troubles away by staging feel-good events in schools and colleges and showcasing the president on the side of immigrants, poor kids and the little guy trying to earn a living. Despite all those efforts, Obama's job-approval rating in the Gallup Poll has been below 50% for nearly a year.

Then a new crisis emerged — revelations that veterans seeking health care through the Veterans Administration were waiting months to be seen and that records were falsified to hide the facts.

Sensing correctly, if not a bit late, that this scandal could not only be seriously damaging to the president, but also to congressional Democrats running in the 2014 elections, the White House rolled out the PR limo. But after five-plus years of high mileage, it is running more like a rickety fire truck manned by the Keystone Kops.

First, Obama's chief of staff went on TV to say the president was "madder than hell" about the scandal and would get to the bottom of it.

Critics continued to howl.

Five days later, on the Friday before the Memorial Day weekend, and attention on veterans saturating the news media, Obama held a news conference and vowed, "Anybody found to have manipulated or falsified records at VA facilities has to be held accountable."

The next day, a Saturday, in an apparent effort to shift attention to something more positive with regard to veterans, Obama stepped into the Rose Garden to announcethat the U.S. combat role in Afghanistan would end this year. Such announcements are rarely made on Saturdays, signaling White House worry about the VA scandal.

So the PR blitz continued. On Sunday, Obama made a surprise visit to Afghanistan where he was photographed surrounded by cheering American troops.

The next day, Memorial Day, the president used his traditional speech at Arlington Cemetery to reiterate that the war in Afghanistan is coming to an end. More photos in the midst of veterans and their families.

A day later, he was off to West Point. And again, surrounded by uniformed military, Obama delivered a commencement speech that outlined his revised foreign policy. It was widely panned for being rambling and incoherent.

Even with those frantic efforts, the VA scandal was not going away. Obama had to do something more. He fired VA Secretary Eric Shinseki.

He followed that up last Saturday with what the PR gurus must have thought was a stroke of genius. Obama announced, again in the Rose Garden, that he secured the freedom of the only U.S. soldier held by the Taliban in exchange for five high-level Taliban terrorists held at Guantanamo.

With the soldier's parents beside him, it made good first-day headlines and pictures. But questions were quickly raised about whether the soldier released was a deserterrather than a prisoner of war, and worries that the terrorists let go might plot once again to kill Americans. Moreover, members of Congress are angry about not being told in advance of the swap, prompting a White House apology.

So the VA problems continue. And the White House is learning the hard way that sometimes it takes more than smart guys and gals and slick PR to run a country. It takes governing.

Richard Benedetto is a retired USA Today White House correspondent and columnist. He now teaches at American University and in The Fund for American Studies program at George Mason University.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: Secret Service Hunts Down Sarcastic Tweets
6/8/2014 2:18:49 PM

Top intelligence official claims: Obama admin. funded terror network ‘for the next ten years’


** FILE ** A Pakistani Taliban militant holds a rocket-propelled grenade in the tribal region of Waziristan, Pakistan, a stronghold of the Haqqani network. (Associated Press)

Reported details of the high-profile prisoner swap that freed Bowe Bergdahl over the weekend are not telling the full story, according to a high-level intelligence official involved in efforts to find and rescue the Army sergeant.

The Haqqani Network, a terrorist group operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan, freed Bergdahl on Saturday after holding him captive for five years in exchange for the release of five Guantanamo Bay prison inmates.

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A senior intelligence official with intimate knowledge of the years-long effort to locate and rescue Bergdahl told the Washington Free Beacon that the details of that exchange do not add up.

The official, who requested anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the press, speculated that a cash ransom was paid to the Haqqani Network to get the group to free the prisoner.

The Obama administration reportedly considered offering cash for his release as late as December 2013. The State Department has repeatedly refused to say whether the deal that released Bergdahl involved any cash payment.

The ransom plan was reportedly abandoned, but the intelligence official insisted that there is reason to believe that cash changed hands as part of the deal.

“The Haqqanis could give a rat’s ass about prisoners,” the official said, referring to the Haqqani Network, a designated terrorist group in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the five Guantanamo Bay prisoners who were freed in exchange for Bergdahl’s release.

“The people that are holding Bergdahl want[ed] cash and someone paid it to them,” he said.

SEE RELATED: Obama defends deal with Taliban to free only American POW in Afghanistan

The theory relies in large measure on a distinction that has been lost in much of the press coverage of the Berdahl deal. A number of news reports on the circumstances surrounding the prisoner exchange have used “Haqqani” and “Taliban” interchangeably.

Experts say that obscures very real differences between the two groups that are key to understanding the deal that freed Bergdahl.

The Taliban is an ideologically committed group, they say, while the Haqqani Network is better understood as a tribal crime syndicate using unrest in the region not to advance an Islamist agenda but to further own financial and political interests.

“When Westerners talk [about the] Taliban, we tend to use it as a generic term,” said American Enterprise Institute scholar Michael Rubin, a former Middle East advisor to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. “Afghans are more likely to talk about the Haqqani Network versus the Quetta Shura [also known as the Afghan Taliban] versus the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.”

Four of the five prisoners released from Guantanamo were top Taliban commanders. One western diplomat said their release was “like moving the whole Quetta Shura to Qatar.”

Only one of the freed terrorists, Nabi Omari, was part of the Haqqani Network. But the presence of other more senior Haqqani prisoners at Guantanamo has observers wondering whether the network’s goal in the exchange was actually the release of Gitmo prisoners.

“One of these things doesn’t belong,” the intelligence official said. “If you were to put one of these [freed Taliban prisoners] with Haqqani in a room together, they’d beat the **** out of each other.”

He compared the relationship between the two groups to two sports teams. “You’ve got two teams that both do the same thing but their players are different in how they function,” he explained. “Why would the Redskins pay for a draft pick that goes to the Miami Dolphins? They wouldn’t.”

The official cited his work over the course of a decade dealing with hostage situations in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Haqqani, he said, “benefits zero from the prisoner exchange. … Based on 10 years of working with those guys, the only thing that would make them move Bergdahl is money.”

The official is not the first to suggest that a ransom was likely paid. Oliver North, who was involved in the Iran-Contra scandal that freed American hostages in Tehran in exchange for the sale of American weapons to Iran, insisted on Wednesday that cash changed hands.

“Whether the Qataris paid it, or some big oil sheik, or somebody used our petrodollars, there was a ransom paid in cash for each one of them, my guess somewhere in the round numbers of $5 or 6 million to get Bergdahl freed,” North told Newsmax.

Rubin agreed with the assessment, again citing the distinction between the Taliban and the Haqqani Network.

“The groups do have links, but if Bergdahl was held by Haqqani and we released Quetta Shura, it seems Bergdahl’s captors were seeking something other than the Taliban prisoners, got paid off, and Obama simply used the trade as an excuse to release master terrorists from Gitmo,” Rubin said.

The theory has not been confirmed—though State has yet to deny it either—but the senior intelligence official expressed concern that the United States may have “enriched a terrorist network.”

“We just funded them for the next 10 years is my guess,” he said.

• Lachlan Markay is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. His Twitter handle is @lachlan. His email address is

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Jim Allen III
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RE: Secret Service Hunts Down Sarcastic Tweets
6/8/2014 5:47:33 PM

Hey Obama…when even the Afghans are angry you know you’re in trouble


“It won’t help the peace process in any way, because we don’t believe in the peace process.” - Zabihullah Mujahid, Taliban spokesman

The Bowe Bergdahl saga continues on as now even the Afghans are furious about Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s trade of five Taliban terrorists for one American traitor.

And why shouldn’t they be as these terrorists will now put a bulls eye on any and all Afghans who they even suspect of aiding the Americans, treating them as if they were Americans themselves. Gives new meaning to Obama’s infamous line about standing with the muslims if political winds shift in an ugly direction…now doesn’t it.

In fact, these five…the five highest-ranking members of the Afghan Taliban…were classified as being “high-risk” and “likely to pose a threat” by the Pentagon, so Afghan President Hamid Karzai being beyond angry at his being kept in the dark about this trade, more than justifies his public declaration accusing Obama of NOT only failing to back a peace plan for his country but of actually throwing a wrench into it. And now he’s even more distrustful of U.S. intentions than he was before, and rightly so, for Karzai knows firsthand what the Taliban are capable of, and he is more than a bit fearful of their return to the battlefield to feed into and egg-on the insurgency just as we are preparing to leave the country…and they know the date for that as our traitor-in-chief announced said date for the enemy to hear and to prepare for.

And in a statement he issued, Karzai went so far as to say that this trade violated international law and had possible regional repercussions… especially for Pakistan and India. And he also criticized the deal as a violation of international law. “No government can transfer citizens of a country to a third country as prisoners” Karzai said, and he’s right as five of its citizens have now been handed over to a third country as prisoners.

But more important than either international law violations or regional fallout is the fact that this trade also violated our U.S. laws in the very nature of its handover of said Taliban to a third country …especially to a country we have NO transfer agreements with.

According to our own Justice Department, NO prisoner should be traded if said prisoner“has criminal ties to the receiving country, as transferring him could well be more likely to facilitate reintegration into his criminal milieu than to facilitate rehabilitation into civil society.” And of course these five have criminal ties in Qatar as the main Taliban office is located in Qatar…an office that is directly connected to the Taliban military command back in Afghanistan.

Also, according to our Justice Department’s ‘Guidelines for the Evaluation of Transfer Applications of Federal Prisoners,’ the United States can only transfer a prisoner to a country with which it…the U.S…has a prisoner transfer treaty agreement and of which the prisoner is a citizen. Now remember, the terrorists were NOT freed per se, but were ‘transferred’ to the custody of the Qataris but they are NOT citizens of Qatar…they are Afghan citizens being transferred to a third country…that being Qatar…so the transfer was ILLEGALLY done and done by knowingly breaking our laws by Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

And this next little bit of information is a biggie folks as the U.S. does NOT…I repeat NOT…have a prisoner exchange agreement, a bilateral transfer agreement, or any such transfer agreement NOT only NOT with Qatar, in fact, we have NO such agreements in place with Afghanistan or Pakistan either…all countries involved to one degree or another with Berghdal and his captivity. And you can see the list of those countries we do have transfer agreements with right on the Justice Department web site itself by clicking on this link:…

So here we have proof positive that Barack HUSSEIN Obama knowingly, willfully, and with malice …as he knew what this transfer ultimately means for the Afghans… broke the laws of the United States of America…and this sitting Congress still does NOTHING but talk the talk instead of walking the walk.

And besides this being a form of ‘aiding and abetting the enemy’ during a time of war…a treasonable offense in and of itself…this prisoner exchange is a move done by this president…besides to appease his islamic brethren…for NOTHING but political expediency as it disengages us from the Afghan war theater by a date sure to influence votes in the November mid-term elections, especially the votes of those Americans tired of this long drawn out war…a war gone on too long simply because America’s ‘supposed’ Commander-in-Chief has our soldiers NOT being allowed to fight to win, but who are being forced to fight solely to ‘win the hearts and minds’ of the enemy…something this White House knew from the start would never happen.

Also Obama violates…while NOT law per se…the U.S. policy of NOT negotiating with terrorists as the deal reached…a deal hailed as a victory by Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar…gives added incentive for the Taliban to take U.S.soldiers, diplomats, and citizens hostage, and to use them as a bargaining tool for any and all manner of demands made by both the enemy and rogue terrorist groups.

And Obama will surely bow down to his brethren and acquiesce again to any and all demands they make.

And with Bergdahl NOT being a hostage…as hostages usually have as demands for their release cash and lots of it…but with his being a deserter at best and a traitor at worst…and as the five Taliban claim they are NOT terrorists but enemy combatants captured in war…Obama just keeps on saying over and over that this was NOT a ‘terrorists-for-hostages’ exchange but an exchange of prisoners of war. But with neither Bergdahl nor the 5 Taliban being POWs, we all know Obama’s words are pure unadulterated…to put it mildly…crap. Remember, according to those who were there, Bowe Bergdahl willingly walked away and into the hands of the Taliban…therefore he was NO POW…and the Taliban were NOT enemy combatants but were and still are terrorist operatives of the highest degree.

So on all accounts Obama most assuredly violated quite a few of our laws (see yesterday’s op-ed about sedition) NOT the least of which is the fact that he circumnavigated a law which is part of NDAA that requires the White House to notify Congress 30 days in advance of any transfer of GITMO prisoners. Saying that he needed to seize the opportunity to go in and get Bergdahl now because of his concerns about Bergdahl’s health deteriorating if the transfer was delayed…Obama once again bold-faced LIED to the American people as in NO way do the pictures and videos ofBowe Bergdahl that have been released show a man in ill-heath.

So now the ball is in the hands of Congress to do what has long been overdue… impeachand then arrest, try, and convict Barack HUSSEIN Obama on the grounds of treason in that this release of the 5 Taliban directly ‘aids and abets’ the enemy…and then have the sentence for that conviction carried out…period.

Diane Sori is the Editor of The Patriot Factor.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Jim Allen

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RE: Secret Service Hunts Down Sarcastic Tweets
6/12/2014 12:03:20 AM

Judge Jeanine Pirro: Bowe Bergdahl Fiasco Cries Out for Obama's Impeachment June 7, 2014
Judge Jeanine Pirro again calls for Obama's impeachment -- this time for the astonishing exchange of one (alleged) US deserter for 5 top Taliban leaders held at Guantanamo Bay. Judge Jeanine warns that the future atrocities these five perpetrate will be attributable to Barack Obama. Obama didn't "release" these murderers, he"unleashed" them says Judge Jeanine.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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