Some days, reading the news produces much frustration, anger and resentment that it is best to leave it lie as the head-shaking, fist-pounding and feet-stamping cause my poor little companion, who is now suffering congestive heart failure, to rise from her sleep, running throughout the house barking incessantly. Not only that, it does my blood pressure no good either and I have excellent blood pressure. What I have concluded from watchingthis administration and Congress through all their shenanigans is every person in Congress, the Obama administration and the alphabet agency department heads all have a mental disorder. The mental disorders vary, but it is evident in their very actions these people epitomize the phrase, “the patients are running the asylum.”
The main mental disorder coming from the piece of straw occupying the Oval Office is none other than mythomania or psuedological fanstastica. Those are fancy names for habitual pathological liars. According to much of the literature, this disorder, also known as Pathological Lying Disorder, is not included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). However, many psychiatrists and psychologists consider this problem a distinct mental disorder. While mythomania can be a symptom of other mental illnesses, the defining characteristic of mythomania as a separate mental illness is the person cannot help lying even when the lie causes harm. This type of lying is more than a habit, as in compulsive lying, or a “white lie” told to spare someone’s feelings. It is a regular type of lying, without compunction, to achieve a desired goal or outcome.
Take a look at these characteristics of Mythomania and compare them to the innumerable lies told by Obama.
- the lies often have some element of truth and are not entirely improbable, a manifestation of delusion or psychosis; and if confronted, the individual can, even unwillingly, admit truth;
- the tendency is long-lasting, unprovoked by social pressure or an immediate situation as it is an innate personality trait;
- there is a definite internal motive, not external, for the behavior;
- the fabrications tend to project the liar in a favorable light.
This disorder is more than the covering your backside type that has been witnessed by some in Washington.
Mythomaniacs or pathological liars, lie to get their own way, frequently change their stories and get defensive when asked. These types of individuals care not for the truth as they do not value truth. Of course pathological lying is also a symptom of antisocial personality disorder (psychopath) and narcissistic personality disorder.
If there is any question, I believe Obama is a mythomaniac along with a psychopath,narcissist and a sociopath. Follow the links, take a look at the diagnostic criteria used and come to your own conclusion. Obama has been called a narcissist and a liar, which is true. His personality trait disorders go further than the superficial meaning given to being a narcissist (self-absorbed) and a liar (telling falsehoods). I know. I’m preaching to the choir.
As the old saying goes, “birds of a feather flock together,” so it would make sense that Obama would surround himself with those most like him and those most like him would flock to support him. Ergo, there are plenty of member of Congress who are backing Obama to the hilt and exhibiting the same sort of traits – think Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, along with almost every Democrat in the Senate. It seems the rule of law has gone out the window in Washington. As in antisocial personality disorder, the violations of law by Obama and members of Congress are a typical symptom.
Let’s face facts here. There is a man in the White House who does not need to be leading this country due to his numerous mental disorders. By the same token, there are members of Congress who do not need to be in Congress because of the same mental disorders.
Basically, we have a modern day Hitler in the White House. No psychiatrist or psychologist would dare step up to the plate and call out Hitler as the mentally ill individual he was. It would mean their lives. And I’m sure just as there would have been 10 psychiatrists who would declare Hitler mentally ill, there would have been 10 who thought the man sane. Unfortunately, this is what the United States is facing. And, the excuse of “we were just following what we were told” will be the mantra of those engaged in perpetrating this ruse, just as those on trial in Nuremberg claimed.
What about those in military service? Do you follow someone who is mentally ill because they hold a title superior to yours when evidence is blatant that person suffers from mental illness? As a junior officer can remove a commanding officer for mental compromise or incapacity, should not the same be true of those individuals sitting in Congress or the Presidential office?
When John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960, many had reservations because Kennedy suffered from Addison’s Disease. Kennedy’s doctors denied it, hushed it up and the issue was dropped, but history now divulges the fact that Kennedy suffered from Addison’s disease. The concern stemmed from the moodiness, irritability and depression that is part of the symptoms of Addison’s along with the amount of steroid medication Kennedy was administered daily. Kennedy’s opponents were rightly concerned as any president should be as physically, mentally and emotionally fit and stable as possible due to the nature of the job. One would not want a “hot head” in a position to “push the button” on an nuclear arsenal because the head of a country irked him nor would one want a president who suffered a physical ailment with a symptom of “mental impairment” that would jeopardize decision-making capability or affect mental capacity.
Yes, this man occupying the Oval Office is using the Alinksy playbook along with many other tactics with the “ends justifying the means;” however, disregarding that and looking at the diagnostic criteria of the previously listed mental disorders, one could conclude it takes a person with these mental disorders to increase the exponential rate at which the playbook is implemented to achieve a totalitarian government. The American public should be able to see this; however, the majority of the masses have been bribed with governmentmoney, the “special group” they identify with being given elevated status, they refuse to see it or they themselves support totalitarianism.
Many individuals have been denied positions or removed from positions because of being “unfit.” In fact, many mothers have lost their children because someone, rightly or wrongly, declared them “unfit.”
There can be no support for Section 4 of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment even though it is clear Obama is incapable of performing his duties as President based on the evidence of mental defect as those in Congress and official positions suffer the same disorders.
Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the Christian community in her area to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government, invasion by totalitarian political systems masquerading as religion and get back to the basics of education.
Courtesy of Freedom Outpost.