Hello My Meshugeneh Friends,
Vladimir, thanks for your oh so sincere comments. The "aliens" are amongst us as you'll shortly see.
Amongst the pictures I received (posted a few of them yesterday) i also received the following picture.

At first I was puzzled and couldn't understand why this pic was sent to me. I then realized that it was sent as a warning that there are 2 faced people in the world and some of them behave in a way that is quite alien to us. Fortunately we don't have any of those in our meshugeneh family (one was here for a short period and quickly left [TG]).
So consequently we have to be aware and beware that we aren't infiltrated and subjugated by those "aliens".
We are going to have many of those cats that my secret weapon sent to see what's up with our doc to see if all is well with her. We were worried about her well being. Notice her eyes though and you'll understand what an affective guardian weapon this is. These cats and other forms of protection will be on guard around this forum 24/7/365. So rest easy my meshugeneh friends all is under control.
T - Rex
P.S. Where is "still 18" or better known as "still under 21"??? He is missed!!! Tell him to leave those girls for a while and come visit with us. :)