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Phillip Black

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9/6/2008 2:23:35 PM

Hello Team,

First of all, Thanks again for all of your hard work and tireless dedication to providing us with such a wonderful Forum and the opportunity Each Week to honor another Friend for their contributions to our Great Little Community.  You assumed a difficult task and not only did you hit the ground running, you do a Top-Notch Job each week providing a quality Forum of which to be proud.

I appreciate the honor of being selected as one of the Voters of the Week, although I really can't imagine not voting each week.  Congratulations Joyce, on being selected as the other Voter of the Week.  Stop and think how much that kind of exposure would cost us if we were paying by the Hit!  Thanks again my Friends.

As you can probably tell by how many times I mention Week exactly how I voted.  There are many reasons for choosing to remain Weekly, however many of my Friends have already listed most of them, and I agree.

As far as a drop in participation, I'm sure that some of it can be attributed to Server problems, Notification problems, or whatever has been happening here at ALP over the past month or so.  As Judy mentioned, it's Summer and Vacation, so participation always drops off.  Also, the folks down on the Gulf have been occupied with Gustav for the past few weeks, and now bless their hearts, they may be welcoming Ike before too much longer.  While most of you aren't addicts about it like I am, it's also Election time.  In fact, had it not been for Hanna cutting through NC this morning, I wouldn't be here now, but instead would have been in Raleigh, NC, for a Rally.  Long story short, it will get better.  This is without question, the Friendliest and in my opinion, the Best Community on the Web.  We are not about to let a Terrific Forum such as the POTW fall by the wayside without a fight.

Have A Blessed & Beautiful Weekend,



“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Peter Fogel

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9/6/2008 5:20:08 PM

Hi Phil,

Thanks for your participation in this thread and sharing your thoughts with us.

It's interesting that some of our friends that voted for the monthly poll had second thoughts and sent me PMs asking that I disregard their initial vote and they want the POTW to remain as is.

We'll have to wait and see what the final result will be but regardless the final decision will be based on the spirit of the many that posted here and it's obvious what the majority want.

Sorry you missed your "rally in Raleigh" and if I were in the States now I'd be very active too. BUT, have no fear you'll have many rallies to go to until the elections. :)



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jo Anne Green

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9/6/2008 8:05:31 PM

Sunny Greetings from California to Everyone!

Thank you, Peter, Jim, and Ana-Maria, for your dedication to Adland community and this special forum. Your hard work is always greatly appreciated.

I voted for POTW. I would like to make the case why it is essential to keep POTW.

I have been a member of AdLand for almost nine and a half months. POTW forum was the very first forum on Adland that allowed me to be active, to participate, to be noticed in a very warm and friendly environment, and to be recognized and rewarded for my merits. And these significant characteristics of the POTW forum have made AdLand community the best social and business network site to me.

I have regularly participated in the POTW forum.

I feel that those AdLanders who choose not to participate in the POTW forum are really missing the boat big time. It takes no more than 5 minutes to vote and post every week, and each participating Adlander will have his or her photo and signature line displayed for as long as 5 days a week on the POTW forum. By participating, every AdLander has a chance to be selected to be Voter of The Week. His or her photo will be displayed for a whole week on this forum. Best of all, every participant may be nominated for the POTW Award. The photo of the POTW winner will be displayed on AdLand front page for a whole week so that this POTW winner will be seen by the other 85,000 AdLanders when they log in.

If any AdLanders do not see the mentioned benefits a big enough incentive to participate in the POTW forum, I think that they have made up their mind to treat AdLand as a place to put ads, nothing more than that. For those Adlanders, community spirit, making friends, and genuine networking are not existing in their mind. I am afraid that only cash awards may move some of them.

I participate in the POTW forum because I like casting votes and enjoy showing my appreciation to the winner of the POTW Award with congratulations.

I do not think low participation in the POTW forum is unique in the AdLand community. I have noticed that practically all organizations, both online and off line, suffer the same malaise. It seems that always the same handful of members do all the work to keep the club alive.

I would like to suggest that when each of us have new members on our friends list we keep reminding the new members the benefits of participating in the POTW forum and giving them the link to the POTW forum. I remember one time Peter posted a button, "Have You Voted?" on one of the threads of my forum along with his comment related to that thread. I think that such a friendly reminder is effective.

In any case, I will be supportive of your decision.
If I can be of any assistance to you in any way, please feel free to let me know.

Congratulations to
Joyce Parker-Hyde &
Phil Black!!!

Have an Awesome Weekend!

JoAnne Green, 150th POTW
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Steven Suchar

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9/6/2008 11:45:02 PM
Hi Peter, Jim & Anamaria!

First off, ^5 and kudo's to each of you for your continued dedication in keeping the POTW award flying steadily since John's departure.  Pauline deserves an honorary mention here as well. :)

I, personally, keep the winning of POTW (#106) very close to me.  Every week, I post who the new King or Queen is for that particular's one of the ways I recognize and promote for my friends here.  Plus, I like to keep my thread active so it doesn't get lost in the pages.  7700+ views to boot and counting!!

You know, I recall when the ballot had a steady 5 to 7 faces every week like clockwork.  But, the 84,000+ member total includes ALL of Adland, not only the Adland community.  A person joins, never enters our community, and only places classified ads...they are included in the total member count.  So, that number is a bit misleading.  A better perspective would be a total community count, based on anyone who has posted in a forum at least 1 time, or something similar, so it could be tracked.

WOW, I hope that I"m not putting anyone to sleep here...zzzzzzzzzzz. :)

You know, new people aren't joining our friendly community in droves, so eventually potential POTW nominee's will dry up.  Just a thought here, we may have to launch a POTW2 election in the near future.  It sure would stimulate a lot of excitement and invigorate all active members...I am sure.

WHOA, before this turns into a novelette, I'm going to end it right here!!  Done!!

Have a pleasant day...your OREO brother Steven.


Peter Fogel

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9/7/2008 1:55:49 AM

Hey Steven,

You can be as loquacious as you wish here. That's what we're interested in finding out in addition to the physical vote what our friends think about the poll, POTW and what direction it should take in the future.

As I said in a few previous posts the vote on its own will not be the deciding factor but the spirit of the posts are as important if not more important.

We appreciate your support and the links yo the 2 POTWs in your forum. Kudos on the 7700 (and running)views very impressive!!! :)

You are not the first to raise the issue of POTW2 or something in that order. There are problems with that but we'll consider that option too. You will be surprised that there are many Adlanders that are active in the community (not only ad posters) that many of us are not aware of. As there are some very good forums that we are not all members of. We are interested in attracting them to the POTW and other worthy forums in order to get to know them better.

In any case I appreciate your sharing with us and the truth is I expected no less from you. You are definitely one of our great friends.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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