Hello Mary,
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and experience within adland with us.
I realize and took into consideration that our friends come back for multiple visits as I mentioned in my previous post.
I am also aware that there are those that are "score keepers" with an agenda of their own and believe it or not we know who some of them are. They might have an agenda of their own but in the long run it won't help them all that much. We are made of "sterner"stuff then that and they are to be pitied more then any thing else. ):
Adland does attract visitors from outside the community and that is good for all of us since many of them join and become active members of this community.
Now you said: "You are correct in saying that it is a large number visiting versus the number of votes". I would say that that's a bit of an understatement. Wouldn't you?
In that regard here's an update of the past 24 hours.
889 views, 63 posts, 46 votes. Yesterday the stats were 785, 59, 43. Interesting isn't it?? I'll leave the math to you it's not very difficult.
Let me make one thing perfectly clear. The POTW will continue honoring those that participate and contribute to the community. We're confident that our MANY FRIENDS will continue to support the POTW and expect all past POTW winners that are still active in Adland to assist us in this worthwhile endeavor.
Thanks for your support.