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Beverly Kersey

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Re: Living the Christian Life
9/3/2008 10:12:45 PM

HI Jim,

Wow how perfect this forum is. You truly were inspired to write these perfect words of wisdom. Have you read The Purpose Drive Life? We used this book a couple of years ago in our Bible study. I think it was written by Rick Warren, but I am not sure. I will check and see if you are interested.

God Bless You Brother Jim

Your Sister Bev.

Beverly Kersey
James Wright

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Re: Living the Christian Life
9/3/2008 10:25:20 PM

Hi Bev, I thank God I've had the privilege of sharing this information with my friends here. I just hope that maybe I've helped someone in the process. If I have, it was only the Holy Spirit working through me.

Bev did you mean The Purpose Driven Life? I have not heard of him until now. I will look through his website. Looks like he's got some good information.

Thank you so much for stopping by, and please feel free to browse through my forum threads and make a comment anywhere should you so desire.

James Wright

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Re: Living the Christian Life
9/3/2008 10:27:10 PM

Carla, thank you so much for stopping by my friend. Blessings on you!

Beverly Kersey

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Re: Living the Christian Life
9/3/2008 10:42:36 PM

I stand corrected, yes I did mean the Purpose Driven Life. It is awesome. I learned so much through studying this book.

Mr. Warren speaks about the reason we are all here. He hits home regarding the fact that we are not an accident that even before the universe was created, God had you in mind and planned you for his purpose. That these purposes will extend far beyond the few years you will spend on earth. You were made to last forever. The book will help you understand why you are alive and God's amazing plan for you--both here and now and for eternity. It is a 0 day spiritual journey. Mr. Warren states that knowing God's purpose will reduce your stress, focus your energy, simplify your decisions, give meaning to your life and most importantly, prepare you for eternity.

It really was an awesome study for me.

Your Sister and Friend


Beverly Kersey
Beverly Kersey

1239 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Living the Christian Life
9/3/2008 10:44:14 PM
Hi Jim Sorry for the typo, it is a 40 day spiritual journey!
Beverly Kersey