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Judy Smith

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Re: Living the Christian Life
9/3/2008 8:16:51 PM

Hi Jim,

I am back.  I had to let Roger know how much his post resonated with me.  Roger, I think we all go through impasses and periods when none of what we read, or pray or hear make sense when it comes to the Bible and Christianity - I have, and I probably will continue to run into them from time to time.  I actually brought this up in one of my Women's Bible Studies  - you have to understand my trepidation as the newbee - and learned from 5 of my sisters who have studied the Bible their entire lives and who can quote a deal of it - that it happens to them too.   Their advice was just to keep doing it and praying about it.  So I did and the enthusiasm  and the faith and joy returned.  it will happen again and I will do it all over again!

I will pray for you, Roger, and I hope you will do the same for me.  The walk we walk and the role models we are for the youth around us will keep us on track  When we are not contemplating and studying the Word, we can live it to the best of our ability!

Hugs and blessings!


Carla Carey

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Re: Living the Christian Life
9/3/2008 8:18:25 PM


That is very true!! God is good ! Thanks for the post!

Carla :)

Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
James Wright

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Re: Living the Christian Life
9/3/2008 8:21:59 PM

Judy, I don't know about you, but I have to make a conscious effort to spend time with the Word. It is so easy to let the day slip by without doing it, and that is just what the devil wants. That way he can torment us, and make us do the things we would prefer not to do, and then he just scoffs at us.

We have a small pamphlet that is published once a quarter called  the Sabbath School Quarterly. It is a free publication that you receive if you attend church when they are handed out. You may also purchase them through the local Adventist Book Center, or order one online.

Inside this pamphlet is a daily study quide to prepare you for the lesson study which takes place in church every Saturday (Sabbath School) before the Church service at eleven. Most other churches have a similar program, but it is designed for children and is called Sunday School. This is designed for Adults, (they also have other pamphlets for children) but this one is a guide to help you learn more about the bible and the events that took place therein.  If you take the time to study this guide, they say that you would have the equivalent of a college degree in religion, in about the same time frame that it takes to actually get a degree, and it's free.

Just some food for thought!

James Wright

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Re: Living the Christian Life
9/3/2008 8:23:56 PM

Ricky, thank you for stopping by. I have sent you an invitation to be my friend. I hope and pray that you will take the time to discover those hidden truths under the ocean and in the sand!!

James Wright

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Re: Living the Christian Life
9/3/2008 8:29:04 PM

Forrest, thank you for stopping by. I have sent you an invitation to join my list of friends. Sara thank you for pointing Forrest here. There is nothing quite as powerful as prayer, and if we take advantage of it, the Lord has promised that where two or three are gathered together in His Name, He will hear and answer our prayers, and I know He does!
