My Personal Opinion comes from 51 years of life and 33 years as a registered voter and as a US Citizen.
I believe that BHO/Biden have met their match. The little bounce they are seeing from the convention is getting duller and shorter. Both have overlooked their own personal morals for personal gain. Anyone that can support a partial birth abortion as a "right" and support laws that allow this to happen, cannot be trusted. Simple fact.
No amount of reasoning can make this act reasonable or supportable. Both these guys support it and have arguments as to why that reasoning is palatable. This is just one reason this redneck will not vote for that duo.
On the other hand McCain has out maneuvered BHO and chose a 44 year old woman, mother of 5 and the latest one born in April and suffers from downs syndrome. At first glance I pshawed and thought this was a poor choice.
But after doing some research and weighing the pros and cons I have decided to support the McCain/Palin ticket. Palin represents my middle class. They represent my core values far better than the democrats have offered us.
Jim Allen III