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Jim Allen

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 4:58:15 PM

Please ask someone to read these posts to you slowly my dimwitted friend.  Perhaps the words are too big for you to comprehend.

Oh Please - sig lines Spam?  anyone care to comment?

Take Care,

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 7:07:22 PM

Hi Nick,

I don't think God sends anyone to Hell.  If we truly are created in His image, He understands us, just like I understand my son is a good person with a heart of gold even though he has some very annoying quirks, some of which come from me, some of which are probably hereditary quirkiness, such as anxiety issues and refusal to try new things.  Some people think he's anti-social, but he's good and kind to animals and to his little brother, sometimes we need to really look for peoples' positive qualities because their outward personality can overwhelm us and cloud who they really are.

I believe there is goodness in everyone, even if we can't see it, I believe at some time in every person's life, they were truly good, kind, and caring, and somewhere along the way in life, some people do horrible things and end up in jail.  If God is truly our Father, he knows our hearts and the hearts of every person, and He has seen the goodness in everyone, even if it was only in their childhoods.  If God looks at the lifetime of everyone, there are probably many gracious moments in every person's life. 


...and in closing...there are more dead people under the ground than there are live people above the ground....and there always will be.

Beverly Kersey

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 7:27:04 PM

Kathleen Dear Friend:  I totally agree with you. I for one no this deep in my heart and soul. My brother died two days before his 35 birthday from AIDS. He loved God so much, but as you can well imagine he was scrutinized and punished his short life. I know that God loved him.

We should all remember this passage: Judge not that thee might be Judged!

I love everyone no matter what ethinticity, color or creed. I believe we are all children of a higher power, I for one call him God.

Your Sister and Friend

Bev Kersey

PS: Sorry about the signature line but it cannot be changed everytime I reply in one of the many forums I belong to.

 Best Friends 1 

Beverly Kersey
Jim Allen

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 9:49:27 PM

In case you forgot the question

Thomas, I have asked this before and it has gone unanswered.  Where did you study Theology and receive your priesthood or ordainment from?  Or are you another self appointed authority?



When you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

PPS:  Since when are sig lines spam.  People are confused.  See Bev's last post.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Thomas Richmond

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 11:28:34 PM
Hi Jim, sorry for posting again Nick, but it seems to be a good question that i have missed, it was through baptism Jim that i recieved His Holy Spirit to become a Disciple of His Jim was this not clear when you first knew me?? 9 years now i have been His and in those 9 years of my priesthood i have tought classes and i have tought the fellowship within our small gathering here in North Coast where i am, its the northern part of San Diego county, 350 fellow worshipers and there childrem reside here and are growing by the month as we teach as we have been tought by my Rabbi Jesus in His book (Bible) to go and make Disciples, we are also known as fishers of men, questioned answered? good! Good day Jim. God_bless you
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