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Thomas Richmond

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 1:27:36 PM
Ahhh my faithful friend Nick, i see what you are doing now, what a compliment thank you, many kinds of religions out there taking place, but in having to try to live like my Rabbi Jesus did is a Christian lifestyle all its own, the point here brother is that if you have the kind of Faith that God (Jesus) has in you, to appretiate and to acknoledge what He has done, consider being baptized into his Holy Spirit as i have, but to ones calling i guess? Popularity dear spammer Jim, does not mean you have what it takes to lead someone to Christ, the elderly and the handicapped , the ones who are unable to go to services are the ones who watch Insprerational wisdom t.v, thats what it was made for! Reading is not enough Jim, you have to live it. Its called having a doctrine, i am offended by you telling me i do not know the word, theres no such word in the bible (Trinity). I did not want to post again but i was inquisitive Nick. Thank you for allowing me to post. God_bless you all. Thomas
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Jim Allen

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 3:50:10 PM
Hello Thomas,

You still have not answered my question!

You sir are like the pot calling the kettle black. 

I demand an apology from you for the inference that I am a spammer.  I have never spammed this community.  I have used the tools provided to advertise myself and businesses here in ADLANDPro.
  People living in glass houses should never throw stones.

Unlike many others we know that feel posting a cute picture is same as posting and is not construed as spam in itself as it generally has little to do with the topic of discussion. 

Remember my friend you have been called down on the carpet for this transgression before.
  Remember posting in dead threads that were not your own?

Thomas your self righteousness and flat out manufacture of fact will get you nowhere. 

You wanna play come one I'll play.

In case you forgot the question

Thomas, I have asked this before and it has gone unanswered.  Where did you study Theology and receive your priesthood or ordainment from?  Or are you another self appointed authority?

Is this your answer?  "
the ones who are unable to go to services are the ones who watch Inspirational wisdom t.v, thats what it was made for!"  You are a self proclaimed TV Minister?

My Statement was that the movie I referred to was shown on the CHRISTIAN TV channel Trinity.

i am offended by you telling me i do not know the word, theres no such word in the bible" 

Thomas, I never said what you just stated.  You have never heard of the Holy Trinity? 

The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost?  What?  hmm...

By the way is your spell checker broke?


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Thomas Richmond

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 4:16:07 PM
Sorry Jim, you didnt spam that time partner, i for one did not say you spammed this forum, i just merely suggested that you are one. When not promoting a business, picture or otherwise in a subject line forum of ones forum title it isnt called spam its just an encouragement greeting. As i said inspirational t.v. Name? Trinity you say? or any other channel is for those who cant attend services, its nice to listen to but if you dont have a doctrine to follow then your not in the Faith. Again dear friend the word Trinity is not a word in the bible nor i hardly think you know the true meaning behind those three distinctive personallitys. Again i did not read of Nick mentioning a movie or t.v. Get a clue. Its also a good idea to look over an offence Jim, my spell checker works just fine. Sorry for the reply to Jims post Nick. Have a great weekend everyone! God_bless you
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Jim Allen

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 4:32:29 PM
Thomas perhaps your words mean nothing then.   QUOTE: Popularity dear spammer Jim,"

I call that a statement!

I never said that Nick, said a thing about a show on T.V.  Please reread my initial post and perhaps your immaculate brain will be able to comprehend. 

A sig line or a PS: is not spam Thomas, it is a form of advertisement, normally acceptable to all but the small minded ones.

Nick, I still appreciate your original post.  Thanks


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Thomas Richmond

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 4:49:53 PM
Jim Jim Jim, what will we do? You brought up these movies and t.v. shows. Now stick to the original post Nick posted will you. Yes signature lines are precieved to be spam but its not intentionally so  what you had said means nothing! That "quote" was after the fact Jim of me writing to you. Thank you Jim for another turn around on no progress at all. Perhaps moderating these forums , a possibility Nick? This cant continue so this is it for me. God_bless you both. :)
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