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Nick Sym

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 1:55:00 AM
Hello Dear Beverly !

All I am trying to do is follow in my brother Thomas's footsteps in trying to make sure that if you are going to spread the word that it is important to have the answers to those who would ask questions !

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Nick Sym

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 1:57:03 AM
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Jim Allen

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 9:53:41 AM
Hello Nick and Thomas,

I sincerely hope you are not trying to say that YOUR interpretation or how the words speak to you is the only way to define them.  Nick I was giving you kudos for your original post and they are still offered. 

However your rush to protect Thomas, has really ticked me off.

Thomas, I have asked this before and it has gone unanswered.  Where did you study Theology and receive your priesthood or ordainment from?  Or are you another self appointed authority? 

As for myself, I am an avid reader and speak from my own interpretations and life experience.  I have met many hypocrites in my life and your actions sure appear hypocritical to me.  By trying to appear more authoritative than you truly are.

The correlation I was making regarding the movie, whatever the name may be was simply the fact that the movie pointed out that after the "resurrection" Jesus actually became mortal, had his own guardian angel and lived the rest of his days on earth in happiness, raising a family.  Then one day one of the apostles was in the town preaching and sharing the story of his life and crucifixion and ascension to heaven.  Jesus spoke up and said the apostle was spreading lies.  That he was Jesus, the man in the story and he did not ascend to heaven and his father's arms.  Then the apostle told him he did not recognize him as the Jesus he knew, and even if he was he was not the same.  Because when the apostle shared the word and the word made people happy and feel safe.  The word gave people something to believe in and that made them happy and it pleased God.

At the point Jesus realized he was just a man and not the messiah.  At that realization he also realized since the time he was nailed to the cross saved from the suffering by the angel sent to him by God, that he had been truly happy and lived the rest of days on earth with that realization.

As death was knocking on the door he realized he was truly happy to lay in wait till resurrection day.  God sent the apostles to Jesus at that point, and I missed the end of the movie.

Is this not what the bible tells us that "Heaven Will Be On Earth"? and that we were All Created In God's image? 
Does it not also say that at that point and time that we will truly see our world as God sees it?

I am not sure why you need to feel so self important, Thomas, but it appears more self reflection and understanding is needed here on all our parts. 


The day of judgment will come, but before that day we will all be given a chance to make amends, no matter when we walked in the living world as we knew it.

"after Christ’s thousand-year reign on the earth during the Millennium—a magnificent event will occur, when all who have ever lived and died without understanding God’s purpose and the real Truth will be resurrected and given a genuine opportunity to surrender their lives to Christ, and so be qualified to become full sons of God and members of His eternal Kingdom."

Respectfully Sincere,


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 10:25:58 AM
PS:  The movie I spoke f seeing was on the Trinity Channel.   Hmmm.... Food for thought ain't it?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Beverly Kersey

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Re: What Do You Believe
7/25/2008 11:04:29 AM

Dear Brother Nick:

I totally agree with you. That we should be prepared to give our interpretation and opinion. It doesn't matter to me if Jesus wed, had children and most importantly lived a peaceful life on earth. God our Father can make anything happen he wants to.

All I know is that last year my husband had 90 days to live with in operable lung cancer and today because of the Lord giving these doctors and nurses the gift of medicine and healing and the power of prayer from our church, friends, neighbor, our small town and literally people from all over our wonderful earth, my husband is in complete remission.

So therefore we all must have faith in whatever we call our God!

I will end this with this message:

If you practice kindness in all you do, The Lord will wrap His kindness Around your heart and you.

Today please be a source of encouragement!

He who pursues righteousness and kindness will find life and honor.

Proverbs 21:21

Beverly Kersey

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