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Re: Recipe of the Week - Bean and Cheese Quesadilla
7/22/2008 5:17:58 PM

Hi Luella,

You sound a lot like me.  As I said, I'm an Almost Vegetarian.  I still eat most types of Seafood, as I can't live without my Gumbo.  I also eat Chicken-Free Chicken, mainly because Chicken goes with almost anything.

Myna, let me know how you like those Grits.  I've never tried coconut Milk with Grits, sounds delicious.

Since we're talking about Grits and since I thought you might want a chuckle for the road, here's one I hoped you might enjoy...

Three young men were sitting around discussing how they had given their new wives their chores.  The first man, who married a girl from Colorado, related as to how he had told his wife that she was to do all of the dishes and housecleaning.  On the first day, he didn't see any results. By the second day, he saw a few changes.  Finally, on the third day, he came home to a clean house with all of the dishes washed.

The second man was married to a young girl from Nebraska and he had told her that she was to do the dishes & housecleaning, as well as all of the cooking.  Once again, on the first day he saw no results, but by the second day, he saw that it was better.  By the third day, he happily saw that all the dishes were done, the house was clean, and there was a delicious looking hot meal on the table. 

The third fellow had married a young lady from Mississippi.  He told his wife that in addition to all of the cooking, housecleaning, and dishes, she should also wash all of the laundry and mow the lawn.  He said that on the first day, he couldn't see any results, and even on the second day he couldn't see any results either.  But, he said that fortunately, by the third day, enough of the swelling had gone down in his left eye that he could see well enough to fix himself a bite to eat, and load the dishwasher.

And The Moral Is -


That's Girls Raised In The South.

Have Safe and Successful trip, and Hurry Back, 'cause we miss you already! 

Bless You,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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Re: Recipe of the Week - Bean and Cheese Quesadilla
7/22/2008 11:04:34 PM
Myrna!  That recipe with coconut oil sounds delicious!  Step into my kitchen!  I think we need to have a kitchen party!

And I had a much needed laugh.  "when it gets cold it gets too hard."  LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    I could just see you! 

Anyway........  about this business trip, it may possibly be delayed again and I won't know until I suppose tomorrow.  Aaaaaargh.  So.......  if you truly do not hear from me it means I am gone.  I am headed for south Texas and I believe we have a hurricane headed that way too, so maybe it's for the best.  We will see.

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Re: Recipe of the Week - Bean and Cheese Quesadilla
7/22/2008 11:11:17 PM
Phil!  I love that joke!  LOL LOL LOL!

And yes, you are right, chicken goes with everything.  I love to marinate it different ways and refrigerate it overnight.  yum!

Thank you for you kind wishes, yet as I told Myrna, I don't know exactly if I am to leave tomorrow.  Everything has been so up in the air and with this new move I need some semblance of security.  LOL!  Also, I am waiting until I get back to look for a job, as I don't want to commit to something until I know my schedule for sure and with this hemming and hawing it makes it a bit difficult.

Anyway my friends, you are wonderful!  And I will miss you when I do leave.

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Re: Recipe of the Week - Bean and Cheese Quesadilla
7/22/2008 11:12:23 PM
Kitchen Party, sounds like fun to me.  We could invite Phil too. 

Lets see what happens tomorrow, then we will decide when to have this Kitchen party.

My kitchen is all white, but this one is yummy.  Look at that lighting, whew, wonderful

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Re: Recipe of the Week - Bean and Cheese Quesadilla
7/23/2008 8:57:02 PM

Hi Luella!

Yum to the recipes - all of them

Phil your chicken salad was a big hit.  I mad the marinade this morning and popped the chicken into it before I left for work this morning.  We coked it on the grill while I made the salad.  It was yummy!!

The grits are next.  I personally am not a grit fan, but they are one of my husbands favorites - so I will be trying them both on him.

Phil, Douglassville isn't too far from the Amish areas of PA.  My son and his wife and 2.9 children (#3 is due in a day or so) live in Ephrata, PA which is in Lancaster County.  A few weeks ago, I picked up my grandchildren at their school and I got pretty lost getting them home.  PA is all beautiful, but there is nothing like driving through the Amish farms, and the horses and buggies.  A lot of the restaurants are "family style" with the PA Dutch cooking - which is really yummy, but not very healthy, if I have to be honest here.

My husband and I both stay pretty far away from all red meats and will eat poultry and fish - i probably have 90000 chicken recipes and rarely make one twice.

I will be making yours again and again though, Phil.  And, if I get to the grits in the near future I will report in on how he liked them!

Hugs and blessings.



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