
Forum: Quote of the Day

Description: This forum is dedicated to your mental health and to inspire you each day.
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Bogdan Fiedur


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Quote of the Day

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Quote of the Day
Best Forum Award
Thread Last Post Posts Views
Man is born to live...
Page: 1, 2
5/31/2006 5:26:43 AM
9 343
God gives talent...
Page: 1, 2
5/29/2006 11:49:09 PM
6 252
Life is a promise...
Page: 1, 2, 3
5/29/2006 4:38:44 PM
By .
12 420
Always remember that striving and struggle...
Page: 1, 2
5/29/2006 4:32:21 PM
By .
9 444
directly success is proportional to....
5/29/2006 8:33:29 AM
2 175
When you play, play hard;...
Page: 1, 2
5/28/2006 7:21:18 AM
8 375
Free Gift to Develop Your Mind
5/27/2006 9:00:20 AM
1 128
What does Love mean?
Page: 1, 2, 3
5/23/2006 4:34:13 PM
15 495
No amount of business school training....
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5/22/2006 6:22:34 PM
6 233
As the births of living creatures at first are ill-shapen
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5/22/2006 9:27:06 AM
7 320
Believe one who has tried it.
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5/20/2006 1:32:56 AM
9 433
Most human beings have an almost ...
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5/19/2006 6:44:15 AM
9 394
How we spend our days is, of course, .....
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5/16/2006 11:01:03 PM
12 498
Just as iron rusts from disuse...
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5/16/2006 10:51:27 PM
10 327
In a time of drastic change...
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5/15/2006 6:35:30 AM
10 352