
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Just as iron rusts from disuse...
5/16/2006 1:55:15 PM
Hi Bogdan, Da Vinci was so ahead of his time. Now there is medical evidence to back this up. Thank you. Your Friend Deborah
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Re: Just as iron rusts from disuse...
5/16/2006 2:48:42 PM
Our mind like our body grows old when we don't use it. Vince
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Nick Sym

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Re: Just as iron rusts from disuse...
5/16/2006 10:21:31 PM
More words of wisdom Bogdan! He was a great man in his time and people of this day still study his drawings.
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Re: Just as iron rusts from disuse...
5/16/2006 10:51:27 PM
Hello Bogdan! Leonardo was a genius, imagine what he could have accomplished in our time. He definitely used his mind more than most people. Thanks for the great quote, sorry I haven't been here in a while. It seems like I never have enough time to do all I want to do. I do enjoy your quotes and I hope you will keep them coming. Take care! John Sanchez My Blogs Goodwill Ambassador If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!
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