Hello Everyone!
My name is Maria Ines Gonzalez and am Christian...Glory to God!
I came to Christ in 1996, I been chaging in many aspect of my life,
like how to taclk to others, how to walk and more...
Is been 10 years serving the Lord and Preaching the word of God in
many places, but, when I go to do my prayers, something happend
to me, I start to think about to many people who are living with Deadly
Illness and also Christians, thinking in the questions that many of them
ask me every time I go to a different Church to Preach.
They love or like to come to me, asking me for questions that maybe
the Spirit of the Lord give me the answer to those questions, (maybe they
think that) not me, by that time.
But Now...Now It's Different!
Now I want to Help them..You see,
I have AIDS, and I been thru enough
already, but I want to Help others who right now, having a lot of dificult
times dealing with a Deadly Illness like me.
I have an Ask Campaing right Now:
What, Who, How or Where...it's how you can start a question, but,
What is your question?In what situation your been thru or what question you have in your mind that never you ask to anyone?
So Now... You have the chance, rigth now....Ask Maria: If you want to ask me more private, I have a website with this campaing. Just go to:
www.WhyMe.weebly.comI have a website for my Ministry with my
Testimony in viideo and audio and more...but is in Spanish, we are working in it to translate the complete website in English, thats why I need Your Help in this
Ask CampaingMaybe is not You, but you Know someone who is pasing for this situations.
Just Ask Maria Spanish: www.Jesusrompiomiscadenas.blogspot.comJust Ask Maria English: SOON for Now go to:
www.whyme.weebly.comYou dont have to be sick to participate in this Ask Campaing, we need people that have some problems as a Christian,
ANY QUESTIONS, whe need those,
for me to help you.
We have a Gift for those who help me in this Ask Campaing. MY COMPLETE TESTIMONY in Audio or Video or DVD in ENGLISH for $20.00 FREE, just for help me.Talk to others ministers in your church and sen them to my Ask Campaing or
if you dont mine, Ask Maria in this Forum!
God Bless Everyone!
I will be cheking every Day...
Here is my Tel. (585) 529-5355
"for any question you may have"