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Jill Bachman

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Re: John McCain Is Losing the Religious Right
6/10/2008 5:00:42 AM

Hi Geketa,
What a wonderful forum!  There is such a POSITIVE energy prevailing around a very delicate subject.....out of respect for YOU because your energy is leading the way.  Give yourself a big hug!
After just seems these statements reached out and grabbed me:
Sam Sunday...........but a successful and peaceful America can infect the rest of us positively. This is why we are all praying for its stability and success both politically and economically.

Geketa:  It seems Mc Cain would like to distance himself for men that tell the truth .
Geketa:  If you want to know a little about the Muslim faith I suggest you go do your own homework . I know I have.

I think we are all uniting through one HEART language which is leading us to the concept that "the TRUTH will set us free."  And, granted at this time......everyone has their own truths, which must also be respected.

I am very in tune with what is happening on and off planet, and my heart tells me that this election is a "wake up call for change."  Wake Up America!  And.........many are waking up!  (Of course, the gas crisis is helping a bit too)!

There is a Reformation Act that is behind the scenes ready to come will bring back our Constitution, and call for peace on earth.

It requires the resignation of our current regime (which I applaud).  On MONDAY, June 9, 
Dennis Kucinich took to the floor of the House and began reading 35 Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush.  Watch Video Part 1   and  Watch Video Part 2

Congress will vote this week.  (Articles for Cheney have already been introduced).

When this happens, we will have temporary leadership.......Nancy Pelosi?

Then, according to the Reformation Act.......a Constitutional Election will be held in November, but NO ONE who has previously held an office can run for President.

So, now..........who???

I feel like I am attending the best broadway play (drama) of my life  :-)

All I can say is, I love Sami's quote and this is what we USA'ers need to keep formost in our hearts:

Sam Sunday...........but a successful and peaceful America can infect the rest of us positively. This is why we are all praying for its stability and success both politically and economically.

Bless you,  Jill

PS - Watch tomorrow for multiple ways to contact our congress people.....we can surely be part of the SOLUTION.

Geketa Holman

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Re: John McCain Is Losing the Religious Right
6/10/2008 8:52:13 AM
Hi Carla,

You also know where I stand and I have also taken the co -chair interim for the Kentucky Alan Keyes campaign to get him on the ballot. It truly saddens me that the Republicans have gone so far away from where we started. I don't even believe that many of our voters here in the US even realise they have other choices.

It makes me wonder why they even go pull the lever on voting day without doing due diligence on the past voting records of the folks that are running.

Yes Marvin is going to do some shaking up on his programs watch and see or I should say listen and learn lol

Thanks for your input.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Geketa Holman

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Re: John McCain Is Losing the Religious Right
6/10/2008 9:15:03 AM
Hi John ,

First thank you for stopping in I do appreciate your comments. I love you folks from Down Under you are our brothers and family .

This election we are facing in the US at this point in time will in MY opinion set the stage for whether we stand or fall as a nation .

With each new election we are loosing more and more of our precious rights as individuals and if not put in check we'll soon loose our current freedom as a democracy and no one will know what happened. One the one hand the democrats would like us to think we need more social programs and that the government should take care of the people which is not a democracy at all but a form of communism. On the other hand many of the republicans are moving more and more in that same direction.

Bush started out well and look at him now ... . I refrain from stating anything about Obama due to the fact nothing I would say would be fit for this forum. :) Mc Cain is more of a democrat on many of his issues than a true Republican .

There is never anything bland about our elections here in the States. Although they  sometimes do leave a bad tatse in our mouthes!



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Geketa Holman

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Re: John McCain Is Losing the Religious Right
6/10/2008 9:51:31 AM
Hi Jill,

As always you are a breath of fresh air in your thinking and in your understanding. I applaud you.

The old verbiage "united we stand, divided we fall" is very much where we are as a Nation . I have not heard nor seen the  Dennis Kucinich
articles nor those videos, I will have to do that later .. I am on dial up and it takes forever to load them.

 Speaking of our
Constitution there is not much of it left at this point. Thankfully, there is enough left to keep our country intact if we as Americans come together and say what we have now is not good enough.

 I want change too. I want to change back to the nation we started out as." We the people " Not we with the most money or we the special interest group running the show.

 It reminds me of a verse in the bible where Paul says,, "you did run well, who did hinder you "?  We have been hindered by allowing a government too much power and control over even the education of our children, what we eat and how we live.

I agree with Sami as well and love his quote.

Thanks again for  your input !



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Carla Carey

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Re: John McCain Is Losing the Religious Right
6/11/2008 12:49:07 PM

HI Geketa,
Here you go... perfect for the day!

There is  a new wind of revival both political and spiritual sweeping over the land...I hope people will join int. ( I'll have to write a poem about that). Have a blessed day !

((youtube id="9LWU3V5JTLM"))((/youtube))

Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey

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