Dear friends,
We the team of FOCUSBIZ have pleasure in presenting to you
our 7th edition with a difference.:-)
We have been bringing to you various opportunities . We've had as our first feature Jerky Direct, which is very successful, then we had TGAMM and that was another aspect of how to earn thru advt; via Radio etc; SITEWIZARD and MY EASY PROMOTER SEO, then the X20 energy drink and our 6th edition we featured GREENWIZ earning thru a hobby, today we bring to you a feature that teaches you to 'EARN WHILE YOU LEARN'...come meet....
![Me!]( CEO CO-Founder CMU7
CMU7 offers all the tools you need to be successful on the internet.
Our Training is geared for not only the newbie but seasoned marketers as well.
You will find real people that are waiting to assist you and helping you make your dreams a reality.
Join Free Today and Start your
Journey to Success!
1) How long have you been doing your biz; & very briefly tell us what motivates you to promote it? I
have been in business for 13 years. I started as a webhost reseller,
and in 1996 started running my own Servers and started my own reseller
program. In 2006 I CO-Founded Community Marketing University (CMU7). I am motivated by the desire to help others become successful. And to hopfully save them from the pitfalls of the internet.
2)Since when have you been able to earn from it? I have made 99% of my income from the interrnet since 1991.
Which at that time until 1996 I promoted an affilate (reseller
program). As mentioned above I broke out on my own in 1996 and now
offer others the opportunity to become their own web host provider.
Because I am a firm believer that anyone in business on the internet
must have their own website we offer Free Web Hosting through our Elite
upgrade at CMU7.
3] Are those who joined under you making money too? Yes,
but I must admit that not everyone is. Cmu7 is a Social Network that
also offers hands on Live Training. Those that take action on the
training we offer are making money.
We will Train you to be successful with any
business. We will show you Step-by-Step how to use the Tools.
And Get All This and More FREE! -
Community Forum
Conference Rooms
Short URL's
Virtual Office
Step by Step Instructions
Live Training
Live Interviews with The Experts.
Learn form experts as well as others just like you.
Much, Much, More!
Earn while you Learn...
JOIN FREE! Register
This is a quick rundown of how the matrix works.
Free members can receive up to 15% from the elite members 7 levels deep in your down-line.
Elite Members can receive up to 75% from the elite members 7 levels deep in your down-line.
This is a total payout of 90% we believe that we have the most generous pay plan in the industry.
FREE Members get paid from Elite members in their down-line in the 4X7 Matrix.
Elite members get paid a total of 75% from 7 levels deep from the elite members 7 levels deep in your down-line.
4)How many members have joined you so far? are they all from Adland ?
have 900+ members at this time and growing at a fast rate. They have
come from several social networks although we have a lot of Adlanders
there. 5) Should you want to add anything besides this please feel free.
If you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get what you have always got. Or, "If you want what you've never had, you must do what you've never done."
Always to your Success,
CEO CO-Founder
Community Marketing University Always to your Success,
![Community Marketing University](
Thank you Beef, we wish you well, it was wonderful to get to know
more about your business, and what you had to share with us.
So folks, if this has been useful for
you, especially our newbies, do come and give us your feed back here.
This feature is here to help us identifiy which businesses are paying
and is profitable for all. Surely a search for a needle in a
But perservere, we will, and with a will to succeed !!!!
Blessings all, and have a great weekend!
Yours truly
John Sanchez & Pauline Raina