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Re: Always have my Faith
7/18/2007 6:33:35 PM
Hello Trudy, Hope you had a restful day. Well if your son is far away there is two things you can do at this time. One is to Pray for him everyday without ceasing. Second is to get you well first,out of your stress. I am not sure if you are in a working environment. You need to keep yourself busy either way. Also the things I suggested for him, goes for all of us.Feeding the mind,body and soul. We need you to be well,so eventually when the time comes, you will be able to handle him. You need to concentrate, on yourself first. work or volunteer in a field you are comfortable with. If you do homebiz, it would be a good idea for you to be able to go out and not indulge in his life,and getting yourself down. When you have faith and petition for him, God will show you a way to deal with it. He will open up doors for you. He will heal your wounds,and guide you and guard you. You have to be strong and steadfast in your faith. May be you can start going to support group,in your area,where other people are going thru similar issues. believe me there are so many help groups around,for the taking. Ask your paster at the church he may know of a group close to you. I guess I said enough for the day. I will let you ponder with these things. Let us pray: Gracious and Powerful God,We rejoice in Thy might. There is nothing impossible for you.Therefore we come to you humbly and worship you. Father, We thank you for this wonderful opportunity to Praise you.We acknowledge that You ARE Lord God of us all, and there is none like you. Thank You for the priviledge of being a Christian,and the priviledge of knowing you.Thanks You,Lord,for helping us to go thru with these situations,and Procclaim You and that we depend on you every minute of the day, to accomplish things. Tonight we bring Sister Trudy at thy feet.Touch her and heal her of her pain. The yearning for her Son. Help her to deal with the situation,and accept things as they are.Help her to understand, that even though things are so painful and rough in her life, You are still beside her and that You ARE in Control of the situation, and if she completely surrenders herself to you, and have complete faith In You,That You will open up new avenues for her, A new path to walk,Open her eyes that she may see, Incline her ears to hear Thy Word,and open her heart that she may Love you with all her heart and able to see the other peoples Love and concern for her..Lord it is by faith we stand.2Chorinthians:24. I want to have so much faith that I am fully convinced that whatever You have promised to me, You will also be able to perform it in my life.Romans4:21. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 Bless all the friends in Adland,Give us a restful night. Help us to constantly Glorify You,thru our word,deed and our thoughts. In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen! Trudy,You may read many more prayers in my prayer forum,to help you. You can go to my Linkscout and click on the prayer forum and it will take you there.
Sam Sunday

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Re: Always have my Faith
7/19/2007 5:51:03 AM

Hello Nirmala,

I am compelled to join you in faith with Trudy in this prayer because of my conviction that God is about to do a NEW thing in Trudy's life. When Paul asked "is there anything impossible for God to do" He didn't mean to sound inquisitive but to assert the mightiness of God and the all-true fact that with HIM all things are possible.

I concor that the good Lord show His mightiness in Trudy's case so that His name will continue to be praised forever.

Many thanks to you all our friends who are lending hands of encoragement and help to Trudy.

Blessings always.

Rinna Rani

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Re: Always have my Faith
7/19/2007 6:17:16 AM
Dear Trudy,
Hello my new found friend.  Hope you are fine & whatever that has happen, its just wonderful to see you seek the Lord in your time of needs.  Yes, He will answer in His own way and own time.

I thank you for sharing your stories and your plight to us.  Prayers is the best answer and the Lord will show you His power, blessings and love my dear Trudy.  I pray that your son and you will have a better life.  Continue to seek in him my dear friend and all will be answered.

Thank you once again for giving us an insight on your life and may prayers all around be the guide for better things to come.   Again, I will like to thank Sami for his wonderful works and doings of leading us here and I would like to thank all friends for your undying and wonderful support.

Take care with love,
Re: Always have my Faith
7/19/2007 7:43:24 PM
Hello Sam, Thank You for joining hand with The Prayer. May Our prayers and especially The Love of Jesus encircle her.So she can feel His Love around her and feel Safe in His arms. God has already have begun His work in her. She wrote that she is a Born again Christian, in her post. We just have to help her to grow in faith. Sometimes,everyday life can be hard when trials and tribulations come our way. But we all know that there is Victory in Jesus. She has to realize, not thru us but only thru Jesus,the help will come.And whatever is His Will, that is what we are asking for.As God uses us we will just say"Here I am Lord,Use me" Let us say a Prayer: We worship You,Almighty God,and give You all the glory that is due Your name. We praise You, Lord of heaven and earth,and thank You that with You all things are possible. The things that are impossible with men are possible with you.Thank You that You give faith as a gift to those who ask. because of You,We dont have to live in doubt. We ask you to increase our faith to believe for bigger and greater things. Help us to always ask in faith with no doubting.May we never be like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind because we have doubt.James1:6-8. We Thank You that Your power is infinite.Your judgements and Your will are perfect,and we trust them.Be with Trudy and her son this moment,help them to conquer the issue at hand. We especially put her son at Thy feet.Lord, only You can change his heart, only You can fight the battle for him. So we ask You to show mercy upon him,we are pleading for recovery in his life,stir up his heart so that he would want to stop, and that he would want to call for help.Lord, show us a way to help him. In Jesus Name We PRAY. Amen!
Re: Always have my Faith
7/21/2007 5:41:04 AM
Good Morning Trudy, May The Peace of The Lord Be with You This beautiful Saturday Morning. I am glad that you called the place,and I am sure they said that he must initiate,the call-that is why it is important to keep praying for him,so that the Holy Spirit will intercess for him. As with any program they have to want to get clean and they must go willingly,then only it works. Just to give heads up about the place:The place itself is a beautiful place and Christ oriented,and Full of Christian Love.It is a work therapy,and counseling and Hopefully you may not have to pay anything,with proper refferences.If he gets in, our Adlanders can make donations,on your behalf.(optional).Although he does not have both legs,he can still do jobs like folding laundry,processing pamplet ect.They will find something approriate for him. They have programs from Three months to two years. Then they place him with a local church of his choice,which ministers to his needs for another 8months and longer if he wants to.So you see there is hope and help after all. So We want you Thanks God and Cheer up and enjoy your weekend! Never allow a Truth of God that is brought here to your Soul to pass without acting on it,not necessarily physically but in Will. O Lord we come to You this morning with a humble Spirit,and worship you as Immanuel,our God who is with us.We long for more of You.We seek after you and thirst for you like water in dry land.We want to stand under the gentle waterfall of Your Spirit and feel the soothing mist of Your Love showering over us. We want to be immersed in the center of the flow of the Spirit.We want to be close enough to you to feel Your heartbeat. You are the only answer to the emptiness We feel when we are not with You.The fullness of Your being is what we long for. This morning we bring Keith at Thy feet,As he wakes up today,stir up his heart mind and soul,with a restlessness,and make him aware of his situation and lead him out of his darkness and bondage of drugs,put a dislike in his mind for that poisonous substance,May he have a repulsion to the substance,that he will want to stay away from it. we know it is a disease and he is strugling with it.Keep him away from all incidences that leads him to it. lead him out of his darkness and into Thy tender mercies,Thy love and Thy Grace.Help him so that he may transact business with You and not the drug dealers.Stir up his heart to know the love of others,the intercessary prayers and Send thy holy Spirit to intercess for him to act on opening his heart mind and soul,We know the minute he acts ,that Thou wilt emancipate him,and reveal Thy Truth,To see The Light and Your Supernatural rush of the life of You will invade in him.Bring to a knowledge and realization that no matter what situation and how deeply he is in,it is possible with you to Restore him.That you are always near and you have said"Come unto me"and you will take him with open arms.So we ask you to send Thy holy Spirit to intervene-to accept you,and the dominating power of the world,the fles and the devil is paralysed and he will be linked with Thee and with Your redemptive Power. Lord We also thank you for bringing adland friends to their aide,especially for stiring up brother Sam and others with their kind gifts,and intercessary prayers and support."Great is the Lord and Worthy to be Praised" Be with Trudy as she faces this matter head on.Thank You for granting us the priviledge to serve you and Glorify You thru these circumstances.We have every confident that this matter will come to fruition in Thine own time. "All things work together for good to them that Love God" romans 8:28 In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen