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The Drummerboy

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Re: OK, then... Let's just break all the rules!
5/10/2007 11:01:18 AM
Hi Dave!  :-)

Such passion in your rant here!  Great post!  And though I do agree with you on folowing the rules.......rules are made for very good reasons.....I concur with Joe B. on the pic issue.


Because it's not fair for Bogdan to dictate how someone wishes to represent themselves.

  • It's THEIR business
  • If they choose to use a photo of a pile of lama dung.....and that is what they want.....whether or not it brings them any business...........
That's thier choice.

Bogdan definitley has the right to impose rules as he sees this is his business......but even his beloved "conflict resolution committee" uses a logo?

Why do they get to bend the rules?

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Nick Sym

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Re: OK, then... Let's just break all the rules!
5/10/2007 12:23:09 PM

Hi Dave!

OK Fine! Unlike some people, I am not afraid to show my real picture. You don't like it then I'll shave the mustache - lol

P.S. Good post and good points, thanks

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Jason Lamure

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Re: OK, then... Let's just break all the rules!
5/10/2007 12:55:57 PM

Hi Nick,

I'm a Dad and love kids, but that baby pic is the most ugly baby pic ever!

Even his mom must get the shivers looking at the little creep.

Good photo shop job!





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Dave Cottrell

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Re: OK, then... Let's just break all the rules!
5/10/2007 1:30:16 PM
Hi Arthur, I was going to post another one, but I see it's been fixed... everytime I would get part way through replying to someone, the buddy system would pop up over my post and erase it all as soon as I responded. Anyway, that seems to have been fixed! lol! While I enjoy posting a rant to draw attention to something I think needs airing, I've also learned to shrug over the years. Having been in the retail industry for many years, I've gotten to the point where it's pretty hard to insult me! I could say, as an old insurance salesman once said, that I've been yelled at, sworn at, threatened, knocked down, slandered, reported, etc., but can't remember ever being insulted.... Some people really need to grow thicker skins. The flack I've received for one innocuous post has been rather interesting, to say the least. It seems that some are LOOKING for an attack on their person, intended or not. While I will point out the truth about a scam or a person's less than stellar business track record, I don't go around attacking anyone. Perhaps I need to post a disclaimer, too. Disclaimer: This is not to be accepted by blind belief. It is only the opinion of the writer that the person(s) or business(es) mentioned in this post are ignorant, small-minded weanies who shouldn't be allowed out of the house (or near a computer). Perhaps if I add that to every post I write, people will not take offense! God bless, Dave
Jenny SJ

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Re: OK, then... Let's just break all the rules!
5/10/2007 1:46:00 PM
Hi Dave

Your rants are like wine, they get better with age!

These couple of comments of yours really drew my attention.

"Why is it that people join something because they think it's so great, then do all they can to ruin and change it?"

"and they're all too quick to jump all over members who think the rules SHOULD be followed! "

"Next, if we don't like someone, we should be able to proudly post that fact in a public forum and go around pasting copies of our post on everyone else's forum, too. That way, everyone will be able to hate that person just as much as we do! Eventually, everyone will hate everyone equally, and we'll all get along just fine...
Hey Dave you forgot to mention the IMs and PMs get work overtime on this one!! lol

So what is left

People taking stands on issues that they dont know the background of from all sides.  People using "friends" to support their egos at the cost of the sharing of information and healthy networking that could and has been a consistant part of this community.

We have recently had an issue over plagiarism.  Result? The victim has been the subject of ridicule by the perpetrator and indifference by the rest of the community  Anyone who supports the owners rights to their  literary property received threats to their reputation on the world wide web!  And to make matters worse - the original provider of the information received no credit for his hard work over many years.(although as you rightly say Joe you got a lot of publicity for the radio out of it!)  And the perpetrator takes a bow

Jason has pointed out
"Many people do not realize if they post damaging personal information online about an individual, they can be taken to court."

But lets be realistic:
Whilst  the law may stand available, Some offenders dont believe it will happen to them and most couldnt care anyway (a conscience is not a prerequesitite for breaking the TOS)- They rely on the fact that impecuniosity or simply not having a fighting temperament prevents many victims from taking action very far.

The prevailing rule at the Community now seems to  be - dont criticise someone who breaks the rules - or you will be in trouble!

Keep 'em coming Dave.


p.s. Joe I am sorry , but the logo issue is an old one and I believe that, as this community is mainly for private not corporate memberships, it is fair to expect us ALL to comply with a very simple rule   A real photo of the member concerned. Always. 

(as a case in point - I recently joined a spanish business networking community - and my logo was returned by the Adminstration within 4 days after I joined asking for a real photo - no special cases,  no forum, no members having to spy, no conflicts commitee..  Just part of the system on joining.  We all know where we are.  No problem)

And I have borrowed your disclaimer

Disclaimer: This is not to be accepted by blind belief. It is only the opinion of the writer that the person(s) or business(es) mentioned in this post are ignorant, small-minded weanies who shouldn't be allowed out of the house (or near a computer). @ D.Cottrell May 2007

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